Graduate Coordinators

Major  Graduate Coordinator  Email Address  Phone Number 
Agribusiness (MS) Samantha Siemers (573) 651-2228
Applied Behavior Analysis (MA)  Eric Billington    (573) 651-2132 
Applied Computer Science (MS)  Reshmi Mitra  (573) 651-2920 
Applied Nutrition (MS)  Joel Ramdial    (573) 986-2919 
Athletic Training (MS) Kyle Schneider  (573) 651-5193
Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate  Dixie McCollum  (573) 651-2122 
Biology (MS)  Dustin Siegel  (573) 651-2170
Cloud Computing Certificate  Reshmi Mitra  (573) 651-2920 
Communication Disorders (MA)  Susan Fulton  (573) 651-2499 
Counseling (Specialist)  Kirsten LaMantia (573) 651-2138
Criminal Justice (MS)  Brian Donavant  (573) 651-2628
Cybersecurity (MS)  Reshmi Mitra  (573) 651-2920 
Cybersecurity Certificate  Reshmi Mitra  (573) 651-2920 
Educational Administration (Specialist)  Sam Duncan  (573) 651-2137 
Educational Leadership (MA)  Lisa Bertrand    (573) 651-2137 
Educational Studies (MA)  Robin Smith    (573) 651-2137 
Educational Technology (MA)  Robin Smith    (573) 651-2137 
Elementary Education (MA)  Brandy Hepler 
(573) 651-2122
Emergency Management & Preparedness (MS) Nam Hwang  (573) 651-2927
English (MA)  James Brubaker  (573) 651-2136 
Environmental Science (MS)  John Kraemer  (573) 651-2355 
Exceptional Child (MA)  Dixie McCollum  (573) 651-2122 
Healthcare Management (MS)  Gillian Nicholls    (573) 651-2016 
Healthcare Management Certificates  Gillian Nicholls    (573) 651-2016 
Higher Education Administration (MA)  Brooke Clubbs    (573) 651-2521
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MA)  George Yancey  (620) 794-0738
Management (MS)  Gillian Nicholls    (573) 651-2016 
MBA  Gillian Nicholls    (573) 651-2016 
Mental Health Counseling (MA)  Andrew Siebert (573) 651-2132 
Middle or Secondary Teacher Certification (MAT)  Bill Bratberg (573) 651-2137 
Nursing (MSN)  Gina Koch    (573) 651-2956
Nutrition and Exercise Science (MS)  Francis Tayie  (573) 651-2890 
Public Administration (MPA)  Jeremy Walling  (573) 651-2691 
Public History (MA)  Joseph Synder (573) 651-2177
School Counseling (MA)  Jan Ward  (573) 651-2402
School Psychological Examiner Post-Graduate Certificate  Jan Ward  (573) 651-2402 
Special Reading K-12 Licensure Certificate  Dixie McCollum  (573) 651-2122
Teacher Leadership (MA)  Margaret Noe  (573) 651-2137 
Teacher Leadership (Specialist)  Sherry Copeland  (573) 651-2137 
Technology Management (MS)  Brad Deken    (573) 651-2104
TESOL (MA)  Irina Ustinova Sarah Dietrich 
(573) 986-6872
(573) 651-2629 
Trauma and Resiliency Studies Certificate Tony Faber (573) 986-6814

Graduate Faculty

Faculty Member Department
Frederick Adjei Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Michael Aide Agriculture
Cheryl Alberternst Nursing
Toni Alexander History and Anthropology
Suhair Amer Computer Science
Fidel Atuo Biology
Francis Tayie Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Jennifer Bengston History and Anthropology
Howard Benyon Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Lisa Bertrand Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Eric Billington Psychology and Counseling
Raymond Bohannon Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Marcus Bond Chemistry and Physics
Justin Boyles Biology
Indi Braden Agriculture
Scott Brandhorst Psychology and Counseling
Christopher Bradley Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Willam Bratberg Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
James Brubaker English
Michelle Brune Art and Design
Kevin Brunke Biology
Moretta Burk Nursing
James Caldwell Management
Randy Carter Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education 
Garrett Casey Chemistry and Physics
Charlotte Cervantes Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
James Champine Biology
Anthony Celaya English
Eu Gene Chin Psychology and Counseling
Hyeon Cho Marketing
Ethan Chou Computer Science
Shannon Clapsaddle Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Eric Clements History and Anthropology
Amber Cook Theatre and Dance
Martha Cook Communications Disorders
Sherry Copeland Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Bret Cormier UMC Educational Leadership EdD
Sandra Cox English
Philip Crawford Chemistry and Physics
Adam Criblez History and Anthropology
Daniel Crocker English
Jenny Cropp-MacKenzie English
Linda Culbertson Garner Nursing
David Cunningham Chemistry and Physics
Christine Cunningham Ladwig Marketing
Simin Cwick Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Wei Dai Computer Science
Robbie Davis Engineering and Technology
Bradley Deken Engineering and Technology
Emily Denlinger Art and Design
Deanna Dial Nursing
Kevin Dickson Management
Sarah Dietrich English
Chris Dittmer Marketing
Benjamin Dow Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Corrie Dudley Nursing
John Dudley Engineering and Technology
Jimmy Duncan Management
Andrew Ebert Psychology and Counseling
Anthony Faber Child and Family Studies
Erin Fluegge Management
Kelley A. Fritz Biology
Jessica Fulgoni Biology
Susan Fulton Communications Disorders
Mario Alberto Garcia Computer Science
Bruce Gentry Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Jana Gerard Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Pamela Gershuny Marketing
Santaneel Ghosh Engineering and Technology
Trudy Giasi Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Peter Gordon Marketing
Robert Greim Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Shawn Guiling Psychology and Counseling
Dena Hale Marketing
Joni Hand Art and Design
Christine Harr Missouri Early Literacy Program
Laura Hatcher Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Jeremy Heider Psychology and Counseling
Allie Helfrich Marketing
Brandy Helper Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Amy Herren Communications Disorders
Brooke Hildebrand Clubbs Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Hamner Hill Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Steven Hoffman History and Anthropology
Karie Hollerbach Mass Media
Seong Nam Hwang Biology
Andrew Johnson Psychology and Counseling
Federick Jones Mass Media
Timothy Judd Biology
Monica Kearney Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Susan Kendrick English
Jonathan Kessler Chemistry and Physics
Tahsin Khalid Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Michelle Kilburn Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Carl Kinnison Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Lucas Kirschman Biology
Courtney Kisat History and Anthropology
RaeAnne Kloss Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Katherine Knaup Psychology and Counseling
Doug Koch Vice Provost
Gina Koch Nursing
Slavica Kodish Communications Studies and Modern Languages
John Kraemer Biology
Lesly Krome Psychology and Counseling
Sarah Kuborn Child and Family Studies
Matthew Lacy Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Kirsten LaMantia Psychology and Counseling
Lea Anne Lambert Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Cathy Larino Management
Myungwoo Lee Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
ZhouZhou Li Computer Science
Sarah Lillo Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Xiaoming Liu Computer Science
Ziping Liu Computer Science
Cassandra Loggins Nursing
Rebecca Lohmann Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Kimberly Louie Communications Studies and Modern Languages
Hayley Love Child and Family Studies
Robert Lowe Computer Science
Philip MacKenzie English
Ismatilla Mardanov Management
Leisa Marshall Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Jane Maxwell Psychology and Counseling
Victoria McAlister History and Anthropology
Chuck McAllister Computer Science and Marketing
Richard McClard RPDC Program Income
Dixie McCollum Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Heather McMillan Management
Belinda McMurry Engineering and Technology
David Miller Engineering and Technology
Eduardo Millet Management
Reshmi Mitra Computer Science
Amy Moore Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Rachel Morgan Theall Chemistry and Physics
Lori Mueller Management
Kelly Murray Kent Library
Syed Ali Nabeel Computer Science
Shakirah Nakasagga Agriculture
James Newman Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Joshua Newth Art and Design
Gillian Nicholls Marketing
Missy Nieveen-Phegley English
Margaret Noe Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Quantella Noto Management
Emily Obergoenner Communications Disorders
Melissa Odegard Psychology and Counseling
Peter Oman Mathematics
Leslie Pace Communication Studies and Modern Language
Nancy Palmeri Art and Design
Pam Parry Mass Media
Donnatha Pelts Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Pennie Pflueger English
Bradley Phillips Art and Design
Justin Pobst Management
David Powell Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Amber Prasanphanich Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Michael Presho Mathematics
Madhu Sri Chowdary Puellela Computer Science
Monica Radu Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Christina Ragain Chemistry and Physics
Joel Ramdial Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Yvonne Randolph Management
Debreah Raschke English
Md Rasheduzzaman Engineering and Technology
Laura Randen Communication Disorders
Jayanti Ray Communication Disorders
Joel Rhodes History and Anthropology
Justin Rheubert Biology
Christopher Rieger English
Craig Roberts Mathematics
James Robins Biology
William Root Psychology and Counseling
Janice Ruesler Psychology and Counseling
Hannah Sanders Art and Design
Kevin Sargent Agriculture
Sarah Sargent Communication Disorders
Lily Santaro-Williams History and Anthropology
Linda Schaffner Elementary, Early, and Secondary education
Kyle Schneider Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Christopher Schroeder History and Anthropology
Andrew Schwartz Mathematics
Dana Schwieger Management
Karen Scott Missouri Early Literacy Program
Sophia Scott Engineering and Technology
Sandipan Sen Marketing
Connie Senseney Management
James Sentell English
Joshua Shadwick Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Sarah Shaner Chemistry and Physics
Songyon Shin Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Jason Sides Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Emily Sinnott Biology
Andrew Siebert Psychology and Counseling
Dustin Siegel Biology
Samantha Siemer Agriculture
Sajan Silwal Chemistry and Physics
Wee Wee Sim Computer Science
Pradeep Singh Mathematics
Bruce Skinner Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Morgan Slattery Management
Robin Smith Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Shonta Smith Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Terri Smith Computer Science
Travis Smith Psychology and Counseling
Joseph Snyder History and Anthropology
Kristen Sobba Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology
Seidu Sofo Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
David Stader Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Sara Starbuck Child and Family Studies
Angela Stiegemeyer Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Lorreen Stinnett Nursing
Steven Stovall Management
Mary Harriet Talbut Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
John Tucker Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Francis Tayie Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Michael Taylor Biology
Paul Taylor Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Emmanuel Thompson Mathematics
Scott Thorne Marketing
Misty Tilmon Communications Disorders
Julie Tipton Communications Disorders
David Thomchuk Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Mohammad Shahadat Ullah Computer Science
Irina Ustonova English
Gangaraju Vanteddu Marketing
Anthony Varnon Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Jason Wagganer Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Holly Wagner Psychology and Counseling
Jeremy Walling Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Haohao Wang Mathematics
Shaojun Wang Engineering and Technology
Janice Ward Psychology and Counseling
Samantha Washington Communication Disorders
Paul Watkins UMC Education Leadership EdD
Alison Whiteford Damerall Psychology and Counseling
Howard Whiteman Biology
Victor Wilburn Child and Family Studies
Nicolas Wilkins Psychology and Counseling
Nathan Wills Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
L Williams Communications Studies and Modern Languages
Asa Wilson Management
Jack Winstead Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Chris Wubbena Art and Design
George Yancey Psychology and Counseling
David Yaskewich Accounting, Economics, and Finance
James Youn Marketing
Alisha Youngblood Ortiz Marketing
Xuesong Zhang Computer Science
Yumin Zhang Engineering and Technology
Academic Hall 132
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 3400
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701