Current Year Fee Schedules

Tuition and General Fees are required costs per credit hour and assessed for all courses to cover educational and other expenses not funded by the State of Missouri.  

Depending upon the specific course(s) or program enrolled, additional fees may apply as follows:  

  • Tuition – Assessed per credit hour for all courses to off-set instructional costs of the course 

Beginning in fall 2023, non-resident domestic undergraduate students will now pay a tuition rate that is the same as the “in-state” rate. Domestic students are American citizens, naturalized U.S. citizens, permanent residents, refugees, or asylees. The same rate is also charged for online students, military and veteran students, spouses, and dependents.

Note: The Redhawks Achievement Award, a scholarship that paid the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition, has been eliminated, as all domestic students will now pay the same rate.

  • General Fees – Assessed per credit hour to provide funding for student initiatives and services through Student Government. Services to students include, but are not limited to, access to open computer labs, the recreation center, sporting events, etc. 
  • Program Fees – Assessed per credit hour for all courses in select, high-cost programs to off-set additional instructional expenses incurred as a result of offering specific programs of study 
  • Special Course Fees – Assessed per course to cover additional costs or consumable materials required for instruction 
  • Electronic Course Access – Assessed per course for select courses that require the use of electronic course materials during instruction, which are automatically provided to the student 
  • Residence Hall Fees – These can include residence hall rooms, meal plans, and other required fees if residing on campus or enrolling in a meal plan 

2024-2025 Undergraduate Students

undergraduate Tuition General Fees Total per Credit Hour
Domestic Students $285.29 $44.80 $330.09
Online Students $285.29 $44.80 $330.09
Non-Domestic Students $526.79 $44.80 $571.59

Printable Fee Schedule

2024-2025 Domestic Students

(Cost for 30 credit hours)
Academic Year Estimate Regional Campus Undergraduate (Lower Level Courses (000-299)) Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Graduate (Master's)
Tuition and Fees $6,448.80 $9,902.70 $7,699.32 (18 hours)
Estimated Books and Supplies $365 $365 $850
Room Rate (Suite Style, Towers/Merick Doubles) $7,850
Meal Plan (Block 120 with $849 flex) $3,450
Total Estimate Cost (Fall and Spring) $6,813.80 $21,567.70 $8,549.32

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2024-2025 Regional Campus Undergraduate Students

regional campus Tuition Tech/maintenance fees Total per Credit Hour
South Campus/Sites (Sikeston, Kennett)  Lower Level Courses (000-299) $203.96 $11.00 $214.96

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2024-2025 International Students  

Total Estimated Cost (Fall and Spring) $31,165.84 $23,190.26
academic year estimate Undergraduate (Bachelor's and Pathway) Graduate (Master's)
Tuition and General Fees (Fall and Spring) $17,147.70  (30 hours per year) $13,237.02  (18 hours per year)
Estimated Books and Supplies $364.90 $850.00
Housing $7,850.00  (on-campus housing*) $4,500.00  (off-campus housing)
Meals $3,300.00 (180 meals. $408.50 flex dollars) $2,100.00 (off-campus food)
Estimated Personal Expenses (toiletries, local transportation, recreation) $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Health Insurance (mandatory; 12 months) $1,503.24 $1,503.24

Planning to bring a spouse or child with you? If so, estimate an additional:

  • $2,000.00 - one dependent
  • $3,000.00 - two dependents
  • $4,000.00 - three dependents

*On-campus housing rate based on Towers North/West Residence Hall for 2024-2025

iep cost estimate (non-pathway students) 8-week Session Semester (16 weeks) Academic Year (2 semesters)
Tuition $2,887.50 $5,775.00 $11,550.00
Estimated Books and Supplies $95.00 $190.00 $380.00
On-Campus Housing* $1,962.50 $3,925.00 $7,850.00
Meal Plan** $825.00 $1,650.00 $3,300.00
Estimated Personal Expenses (toiletries, local transportation, recreation) $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00
Health Insurance (Mandatory/12 months) $375.81 $751.62 $1,503.00
Total Estimated Cost $6,395.31 $12,791.62 $25,583.00

*On-campus housing rate based on Towers North/West Doubles Residence Halls for 2024-2025.

**Meal Plan rate based on 180 meals and 408.50 flex dollars per semester for 2024-2025.

Note: You may also encounter one-time charges, such as new student orientation or transportation from your home country.

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2024-2025 Graduate Students

graduate Tuition General Fees Total per Credit Hour
Domestic Students $382.94 $44.80 $427.74
Online Students $382.94 $44.80 $427.74
Non-Domestic Students $690.59 $44.80 $735.39

Printable Fee Schedule

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2024-2025 Early College Students

early college total per credit hour
Dual Credit/Early College Credit (High School) $95.00

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2024-2025 Special Tuition Rates

special rates total per credit hour
Faculty/Staff - Undergraduate (up to 6 hrs) $57.06
Faculty/Staff - Graduate (up to 6 hrs) $153.18
Faculty/Staff - Dependent Tuition Reimbursement 50% Reimbursement

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2024-2025 Program Fees

program fees total per credit hour
BSBA Core Courses $40.00
Communication Disorders Graduate (CD) $35.00
Communication Disorders Undergraduate (CD) $25.00
Computer Science Graduate (CS/IS/CY) $50.00
Computer Science Undergraduate (CS/IS/CY) $40.00
Graduate Program Fee (GR698/699/799) $100.00
Mass Media (MC) $25.00
MBA Core Courses $50.00
Music (MH/MM/MU) $25.00
Nursing Graduate $50.00
Nursing Undergraduate (NC/NS) $40.00
Theatre And Dance (DA/TH) $25.00

Additional Details for Program Fees

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2024-2025 Other Fees

other fees total
Textbook Rental ($35+applicable tax) $36.49 per course
Installment Payment Plan (IPP) $30.00
Returned Check / ACH (per item returned) $20.00
Enrollment Fee (New Student) $150.00
Enrollment Fee (Transfer Students) $100.00
Enrollment Fee (International Students) $200.00
Parking Permit* $180.00 per year
Late Payment Fee (Active Students) $40.00
Professional Pilot Fees Varies

*Additional parking permit options are available through Parking Services.

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2024-2025 Residence Hall Rates

Residence Hall Semester Rates Standard Room (Per semester) Private Room (Per semester)
Towers North/West Premium (Double w/ Private Bathroom) $4,425 $6,637.50
Dobbins RC Center (Suite Style - Special interest only) $4,125 N/A
LaFerla Hall (double occupancy - Special interest only) $4,000 $6,000
Towers North/West Doubles and Merick Doubles (Suite Style) $3,925 $5,887.50
Vandiver Hall (double occupancy - Special interest all but 3rd floor - Suite Style) $4,000 $6,000
Group/Greek Singles (Community Style) $3,925 N/A
Towers East Singles and South Singles (Community Style) $3,925 N/A
Towers East Doubles (Community Style) $3,100 $4,650

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2024-2025 Meal Plans

Meal Plans block meals per semester flex dollars per semester cost per semester
Meal Plan 275 275 217.50 $1,905
Meal Plan 180 180 408.50 $1,650
Meal Plan 120 120 849 $1,725
Meal Plan 75 75 1126 $1,850

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Cost Calculators

Calculate Your Cost & Scholarships

Our True Cost Calculator is your personalized tool to estimate potential financial aid based on info similar to the FAFSA. Though not your official aid offer, it's a sneak peek at what you might expect to receive and what your true cost will be.

Academic Hall 019
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 3740
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
/ Weekdays: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.