Professor — Biology
Biomedical Sciences
Ph.D. Saint Louis University, 2011
I have extensive experience in research on the reproductive biology of amphibians and reptiles. Such research includes primarily the urogenital morphology of salamanders and squamates but also includes projects on sperm morphology/physiology, the morphology of secondary sexual characteristics, the evolution of reproductive cycles, and the odd morphological inquiry into fishes.
I was mentored by renowned herpetologists Robert D. Aldridge and David M. Sever during graduate school.
I am currently a Professor of Biology at Southeast Missouri State University in the Department of Biology.
In my free time, I enjoy fishing, kayaking, photography, playing softball, hiking, biking, working on Jeeps, playing with cats, and watching football and baseball.
*undergraduate student co-authors
Siegel DS, Long CL*, Herrboldt M*, Trauth SE. 2019. Comparative histomorphology of oviducts from metamorphic and paedommorphic Ambystoma talpoideum (Caudata: Ambystomatidae). Copeia 107:100-110.
Siegel DS, Taylor MS, Sever DM, Trauth SE. 2018. The lack of nasolacrimal ducts in plethodontid salamanders? Anat Rec 301:765-775.
Siegel DS, Al-Baghdadi YH*, Frangello M*, Herrboldt M*, Alvino S, Trauth SE, Sever DM. 2017. "Sexual tears" in a salamander? Zoomophol 136:225-232.
Siegel DS, Rabe B*. 2016. Genital and pelvic kidney renal corpuscles of the red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamandridae). Copeia 104:469-474.
Siegel DS, Nicholson AE, Rabe B*, Beran B*, Trauth SE. 2014. The evolution of the sperm transport complex in plethodontid salamanders (Amphibia, Urodela, Plethodontidae). Copeia 2014:489-502.
Conway KW, Britz R, Siegel DS. 2014. Different on the inside: extreme swimbladder sexual dimorphism in the South Asian torrent minnows. Biol Letters 10:20140348.
Siegel DS, Aldridge RD, Rheubert JL, Gribbins KM, Sever DM, Trauth SE. 2013. The testicular ducts and genital kidney of male Ambystoma maculatum (Amphibia, Urodela, Ambystomatidae). J Morphol 274:334-360.
“ When schools got you down, just go fishing. ”