Maybe you'll test herbicides to improve agricultural productivity, demonstrate the impact of coral bleaching to protect marine life, or research the behavior of micororganisms to prevent dental cavities: students did that here.
At Southeast Missouri State University, we don’t just learn from research. We do it.
Students and faculty work side-by-side to conduct research aimed at answering some of the world’s toughest questions. It’s a community that values research and scholarly and creative activity to advance knowledge.
Research by the Number
Participants in the Student Research Conference
The annual Student Research Conference last year attracted 136 students who presented 92 research projects — a strong demonstration of the scholarly and creative activity found across colleges and departments at Southeast.
Research Grants from the NIH
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2019 awarded a $116,650 2-year federal research grant to Southeast faculty to study gene regulation in a gastrointestinal pathogen of humans.
Distinct Research Labs in Psychology and Counseling
The Department of Psychology and Counseling is among the most active researchers on campus, operating labs to conduct regular and systematic clinical, cognitive, counseling, industrial-organizational, school, and social research.
National Science Foundation Grant
Southeast Faculty and students have been working on a device to impact cancer cell treatment and better outcomes for pain medications. The device received patent approval and work continues on the Hybrid Photo-Magnetic Field Generator.
Student Research
Zainab Iqbal accompanied her diabetic mother to every doctor’s appointment as a child, and she was fascinated by the people in white coats and medical equipment. Southeast helped her become one. As a student, Iqbal sought opportunities to conduct research in the lab with Southeast faculty:
- During her junior year, she was an undergraduate researcher studying salamander reproductive tissues to document and outline their reproductive cycle.
- During her final year at Southeast, she contributed to an article with Dr. Shamik Bhattacharya on his research and co-presented it at the Biomedical Engineering Society’s 2018 Annual Conference.
She did that here and she’s not alone.
“[Student research] helped me gain an understanding of how things work in a lab, what to do, what not to do, how to troubleshoot problems, and how to work around mistakes.”
-Zainab Iqbal, Class of 2018
While the facilities at Southeast are designed to be teaching-first, the opportunities to engage in student research are all over. The Student Research Conference each year, attracts, promotes, and showcases research performed by both undergraduate and graduate students across all disciplines.
Class of 2020, chemistry and biomedical sciences
"Conducting research gave me a sense of which medical programs I am interested in applying to, as well as specialties I am considering after my training. I’ve worked in a wide range of labs on campus,which prepared me for the research I want to do in medical school."
Andrew Behrmann

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
That Office of Research and Sponsored Programs actively supports faculty and staff in the pursuit of external funding for research, creative, service, and other scholarly activity; that’s what we do. The office assists with proposal development and submission, compliance issues, and award activity.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Institutional Review Board oversees all issues when it comes to using human participants in research at Southeast. It reviews and recommends appropriate changes in institutional policies and procedures and ensures appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights of human participants.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
IACUC is responsible for the oversight of the care and use of all animals used for research at Southeast. The committee is responsible for inspecting all animal facilities, conducting ongoing reviews, and making recommendations to the University president regarding the use of animals in research.
Southeast Receives National Science Foundation Grant
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