Southeast’s Sikeston Regional Campus provides the opportunity to seek a college degree or take classes in the Sikeston community. The campus has its own admissions options, reduced cost for lower-level classes, and Southeast A+ Scholarship opportunities.
Your Degree Where You Are
Getting a college degree doesn't have to mean leaving your hometown. You’re determined. You have goals. But, you already have responsibilities. We have the resources to help you find success and the smaller class sizes that guarantee you will be supported along the way. College is challenging enough. The process of going shouldn't be difficult. We’re local. We’re helpful. And we have 13 complete degree programs right in your own backyard.
Academic Programs
The regional campuses offer a variety of college courses and bachelor’s degree programs all on location, meaning you can get a four-year degree without leaving home.
Cost & Affordability
Southeast’s regional campuses make an affordable option for college on several fronts. First, cost is lower than the main campus (and some community colleges). Southeast also offers the Southeast A+ Scholarship.
Become a Redhawk.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Advising & Registration
The Sikeston Regional Campus has onsite academic advisors to help you plan your course work. Assistance for advising and registration for Southeast classes is available during regular office hours. To schedule an advising appointment, call (573) 472-3210.
"I loved the regional campuses because they work well for students who are not ready to leave home and live on campus yet. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, but I ended up loving all of my professors and made some of the greatest friends. "
Megan Kneezle ’20

Let's Talk
Want to learn more about Southeast, the regional campuses, and the financial aid options available to you? You have your own Admission Counselor ready to answer all your questions and help you find the right path. If you want to learn more, we're always ready to talk to a future Redhawk!
Faculty & Staff
The regional campuses have onsite staff to assist students in advising and registration as well as faculty available both onsite and connected from the main campus.
Around Regionals
A pre-dental student, wearing protective gear, adjusted the overhead light on a patient.
Southeast Missouri State University - Sikeston is located at 2401 North Main or on Highway 61 North in Sikeston, Mo.
Directions Traveling North on Interstate 55
- Take exit 69
- Turn left (West) on state road HH.
- Travel West on HH for approximately four miles.
- Come to a stop light at Highway 61 North—turn right
- The Sikeston Campus will be on the left
Directions Traveling South on Interstate 55
- Take exit 69
- Turn right (West) on state road HH.
- Travel West on HH for approximately four miles.
- Come to stop light at Highway 61 North—turn right
- The Sikeston Campus will be on the left
Take the Next Step
Sikeston, MO 63801