Professor — Leadership, Middle & Secondary Education
I am an education law professor with extensive leadership and teaching experience in law and education. I am a lawyer and my practice is limited to teaching education law or serving as a consultant or expert witness.
As an educator, I have served as a high school math teacher, building administrator, district superintendent, college administrator and professor of education law and leadership at respected school districts and universities in Illinois and Missouri. I have extensive leadership and oversight experience with development, alignment, assessment and the certification, licensure and credential process for national and state accreditation of professional preparation programs for teachers and educational leaders.
I currently teach law and leadership courses for graduate and specialist students who aspire to be teacher leaders, school principals or school district administrators, including as a superintendent. I also serve as the coordinator of the Masters in Teacher Leadership graduate program at Southeast.
I am active in professional organizations that serve the interests of the legal and educational community. I am licensed to practice law in Illinois and before the U.S. Supreme Court. I enjoy teaching law and leadership courses and working with candidates, school leaders and constituents to create a community of learners dedicated to providing quality educational experiences and equality of opportunity for all students.
“ My goal as an educator is to prepare educational leaders who are kind, visionary, knowledgeable, compassionate, caring, competent, collegial, collaborative, reflective, accountable, diligent, fiscally responsible, legally literate and ethical. ”