Continue to main contentSoutheast Missouri State University is now partnering with Handshake, your new career management platform, to help you discover new career paths and find on-campus jobs in addition to off-campus jobs, internships, and full-time positions.

We understand students can be busy, so we've pre-populated some basic information on your profile for you. You do not need to sign up. Log in and let's get started!
If you are within one year of graduation, use your Southeast Key to log in. If you graduated more than one year ago, log in using a non-Southeast email address.
Connect with SEMO students and alumni when recruiting for on-campus, part-time, and full-time employment opportunities, as well as internships. Recruit Redhawks today!
- Search & apply for on-campus jobs, internships, part-time and full-time jobs
- Sign up for on-campus interviews
- Register for Career Services events
I understand that I must comply with the Handshake Terms of Service.
- FREE Alumni account in SEMO Handshake
- Share your resume and profile with employers
- Create customizable searches for jobs
I understand that I must comply with the Handshake Terms of Service.
- FREE to register for SEMO Handshake
- Post jobs and internships
- Schedule on-campus interviews
- Register for recruiting events at SEMO
I understand that I must comply with the Handshake Terms of Service.