Financing Your Education
Continue to main contentAt Southeast, we want to offer a home for veterans and their families to advance their education affordably.
Help Finance Your Education
Our wide variety of scholarships and financial aid offered to students as well as our assistance using your GI Bill® presents an opportunity for veterans to find an affordable way to obtain a higher education.
GI Bill®
The GI Bill® was passed with intent to provide a wide range of benefits to veterans returning from service. Veterans, their spouses, and their children may be eligible for education entitlements that assist with covering tuition, enrollment-related fees, and housing costs.
Veterans’ Options
In support of our veterans, Missouri implemented the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act effective fall 2008. This Act provides for discounted tuition for eligible veterans attending a Missouri public post-secondary institution.
Veterans who meet the following criteria, and complete the Application for Reduced Tuition, will be considered for the discounted tuition rate established by the Act:
- Served in armed combat after September 11, 2011
- Registered voter in Missouri, eligible to vote in Missouri, or a current Missouri resident
- Honorably discharged
- Pursuing a certificate, associate, bachelor’s, graduate, and specialist degree programs
The Office of Student Financial Services will determine if you meet the criteria to be considered for discounted tuition and the amount that your tuition will be reduced, if applicable.
How to Apply
To apply, please submit a copy of your most recent DD-214 (long form), MO state ID card (i.e., driver's license) or MO voter's ID card, and the Missouri Returning Heroes Act Application for Reduced Tuition to Student Financial Services, Academic Hall Room 019.
Continued eligibility will require that the veteran achieve a 2.5 cumulative GPA by the end of the first semester (and all subsequent periods) of eligibility when the institution checks satisfactory progress in order to meet renewal criteria.
*Note: There should be no grade point requirement for a veteran the first time they receive the tuition reduction even if they have previously attended an institution of higher education.
Students who do meet renewal criteria may regain eligibility of the discounted tuition rate once their cumulative GPA has increased to the minimum requirement (2.5), or better. In this case, a new Application for Reduced Tuition must be submitted to Student Financial Services for reinstatement.
For more information, please visit the Department of Higher Education or contact the Missouri Veterans Commission for information on documentation relating to a veteran's military service at (866) VET-INFO (838-4636).
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) is provided for voluntary off-duty education programs, in support of a Service Member’s professional and personal self-development goals. Prior to enrolling in classes, Service Members utilizing FTA must consult with their Education Services Officer (ESO). To apply for FTA, students must already be enrolled in classes at their institution, access the appropriate branch's portal within the application window (depending on service branch, either 45-60 days prior to and no less than 7 days before the start date of classes), upload any necessary documentation (i.e., copy of student's Degree Works), and submit the TA Request for review and approval. Should you need additional assistance applying for FTA, please feel free to reach out to the OMVS.
- Army
- The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 16 semester hours a fiscal year, not to exceed:
- $250 per semester credit hour, or
- $166 per quarter credit hour, and
- $4,500 maximum per fiscal year.
- The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 16 semester hours a fiscal year, not to exceed:
- Air Force
- Navy
- Coast Guard
- Marines
Southeast military students who are actively participating in either the Air Force ROTC or the Missouri Army National Guard Show-Me GOLD program are eligible to receive up to $3,000 off the cost of on-campus housing. For more information, please visit the following links.
MO Army National Guard Show-Me GOLD Housing Scholarship
For more scholarship-specific information, please contact Student Financial Services at (573) 651-2253.
State Tuition Assistance (TA) was established in 1998 by the Missouri House to assist any Missouri in-state school. Before enrolling in classes, Service Members utilizing Tuition Assistance should consult with their Education Services Officer (ESO). Should you need assistance with finding contact information, please feel free to reach out to the OMVS.
State Tuition Assistance:
- It may be used after all Federal TA assistance has been exhausted.
- Pays up to 100% of tuition up to the University of Missouri - Columbia credit hour rate.
Apply for benefits or to get more information relating to the State TA program.
Wartime Veteran's Survivors Grants are available to children and spouses of Veterans whose deaths or injuries occurred since September 11, 2011 and one of the following:
- were a result of combat action
- were attributed to an illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or
- resulted in 80% disability as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action.
The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when first entering military services or at the time of death or injury. The Missouri Veteran's Commission determines whether the veteran meets the program's requirements.
SEMO offers a generous scholarship program with 70% of our student eligible. In addition, we have a strong endowed scholarship program made possible through the generosity of our donors. Research our selection of scholarships to understand which ones you may be most eligible for.
Student Financial Services
Student Financial Services offers assistance for students throughout the financial aid process from completing your FASFA to understanding the tuition and fees associated with your degree path. Take advantage of their expertise to help you with what can sometimes be a complex process!
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701