Understand your eligibility to receive GI Bill® benefits to help pay for tuition, fees, and monthly housing payments.

GI Bill® Information 

Eligibility varies based on many different factors including personal or parental military status, length of duty, and time frame of duty.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Determining Chapter Eligibility

The various types of GI Bill® benefits are listed below. Many students qualify for more than one benefit. Research each benefit to understand which ones you qualify for and what would work best for you.

Eligibility and Benefits: 

  • You may qualify for this benefit if you are a reservist or National Guard member in drilling status. 
  • It pays a monthly stipend for students who attend classes at least half-time.  
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  • If you have been active duty for other than training, you may also qualify for Chapter 30, Chapter 33, and/or the Missouri Returning Heroes program. 
  • If you qualify for both Chapter 1606 and another Chapter, you may qualify to receive additional benefits under another chapter.
  • With this Chapter, you are responsible for making payments to Southeast. You will not start receiving GI Bill® payments until the month after classes begin and only after verifying your enrollment with the VA. You will be responsible for making payment arrangements with Student Financial Services even though you may not have started receiving your payments for that semester. 
Processing of this benefit: 

Initially: When applying for this benefit, complete the application and submit a copy of your DD 214 along with your Army Kicker contract or Navy College Fund contract. Without this documentation, the VA cannot properly process your benefit, and you will experience an extreme delay in the payout of this benefit. 

If Found Eligible: Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) 

Monthly Attendance Verification: Each month that you use your benefit, you must verify your attendance through the GI Bill® WAVE system, either online or by telephone (1-888-442-4551). Failure to verify attendance will cause a loss of pay until verification has been completed.  

Each Semester: Each semester you wish to use this benefit, make sure that you submit a VA Certification Request via your Southeast Student Portal. Without a certification request, the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) cannot submit a request to the VA, and therefore, you will not receive payment. 

Required information for this benefit: 

Eligibility & Benefits: 

  • You may qualify for this entitlement if you served on Active Duty status.
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  1. If you qualify for the Missouri Returning Heroes program, this Chapter may be more beneficial than Chapter 33. 
  2. If you qualify for both Chapter 30 and another Chapter, you may qualify to receive additional benefits under another chapter. 
  3. With this Chapter, you are responsible for making payments to Southeast. You will not start receiving GI Bill® payments until the month after classes begin and only after verifying your enrollment with the VA. You will be responsible for making payment arrangements with Student Financial Services even though you may not have started receiving your payments for that semester. 
Processing of this benefit: 

Initially: When applying for this benefit, complete the application (you may need to submit a copy of your DD 214) and, if applicable, a copy of your Army Kicker contract or Navy College Fund contract (if you haven’t already submitted it). Without this documentation, the VA may not be able to properly process your benefit, and you may experience an extreme delay in the payout of this benefit. 

If Found Eligible: Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) 

Monthly Attendance Verification: Each month that you use your benefit, you must verify your attendance through the GI Bill® WAVE system, either online or by telephone (1-888-442-4551). Failure to verify attendance will cause a loss of pay until verification has been completed. 

Each Semester: Each semester you wish to use this benefit, make sure that you submit a VA Certification Request via your Southeast Student Portal. Without a certification request, the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) cannot submit a request to the VA, and therefore, you will not receive payment. 

Required information for this benefit: 

Eligibility and Benefits: 

  • You may qualify for this benefit if you served at least 90 days in a period of qualifying active-duty service on or after September 11, 2001. 
  • You are eligible if you are a dependent of a person who meets the requirements of Chapter 33 listed above, and that person has transferred benefits to you. 
  • It pays a monthly housing stipend if you are attending classes at least half-time (Active Duty and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) recipients are not qualified for housing stipend). 
  • This benefit also pays a book stipend per credit hour of attendance. 
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  • You may qualify for other entitlement chapters (i.e., Chapter 1606, 30, or 35), based on your other military service or dependent status.
  • The amount of the benefit will range from 50% to 100% and could increase if the veteran has additional active-duty service after you initially apply for benefits. Not all active-duty service counts toward determining your benefit level. 
  • The housing allowance is based on the physical location of where you attend class. Typically, Southeast’s campuses are in lower-cost-of-living areas, so the monthly housing stipend may not be as high as other parts of the country.
  • The benefit must be transferred to you by the veteran through milConnect 

Required information for this benefit: 

To defer tuition and enrollment-related fees, a copy of the Veteran’s or Dependent’s VA education Certificate of Eligibility (COE) must be on file. The amount of the tuition and fee deferral will be determined by the payment percentage level as listed on the student’s COE. Otherwise, without a COE, only 50% of tuition and enrollment-related fees may be deferred. To request an additional copy of your COE, you may request one using the “Ask a Question” tab. 

Eligibility & Benefits: 

  • You qualify for the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship if you are the child or surviving spouse of a service member who died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001.  
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  • For additional information for eligibility, coverage, and entitlement options, please visit the VA Fry Scholarship.
Processing of this benefit: 

Initially: When applying for this benefit, complete the application (you may need to submit a copy of your DD 214 for Veterans). Without this documentation, the VA may not be able to properly process your benefit, and you may experience an extreme delay in the payout of this benefit.  

If Found Eligible: Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO). With this benefit, all approved tuition and enrollment-related fees are paid directly to the school. However, without a COE on file that shows your payment tier, the school can only defer 50% of your tuition and fees until the time you submit your COE. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for any additional fees, including bookstore fees, parking fees, textbook rental fees, etc., that this benefit does not cover, and payment will be required before the start of classes for the term. 

Each Semester: Each semester you wish to use this benefit, make sure that you submit a VA Certification Request via your Southeast Student Portal. Without a certification request, the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) cannot submit a request to the VA, and therefore, you will not receive payment. 

Required information for this benefit: 

Eligibility and Benefits: 

  • You may qualify for this benefit if you have a service-connected disability rating of at least 10%. 
  • It pays a monthly living allowance, tuition & fees, various other fees, and an allowance for supplies. 
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  • You may also qualify for another benefit chapter, but you can only use one chapter at a time. 
  • Your VA Voc Rehab counselor will need to approve any major changes before courses for your new major can be certified. 
Processing of this benefit: 

Initially: For additional information and application, please visit the VA’s VR&E webpageAdditionally, after you’ve completed your application, you will be required to meet with the VA VR&E counselor before being eligible to use this benefit. 

Found Eligible: Submit a copy of your Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status (VA Form 28-1905) to the SCO (usually done by the VA VR&E Counselor, but just make sure SCO has a copy and that it is current). As this benefit pays the school directly, please keep in mind that you are responsible for any additional fees that this benefit does not cover, and payment will be required before the start of classes for the term. 

Annually: You will be required to meet with your assigned VA VR&E Counselor annually, at which time he/she will go over your transcripts and degree works and address any questions or pertinent issues. Your VA VR&E Counselor may require additional meetings throughout the year as well. 

Each Semester: Each semester you wish to use this benefit, make sure that you submit a VA Certification Request via your Southeast Student Portal. Without a certification request, the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) cannot submit a request to the VA, and therefore, you will not receive payment. 

Required information for this benefit: 

Eligibility and Benefits: 

  • You may qualify for this benefit if you are the son, daughter, or spouse of: 
    • A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. 
    • A veteran who died from any cause while such service-connected disability was in existence, a service member missing in action or captured in the line of duty by a hostile force, or a service member forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power. 
  • It pays a monthly stipend directly to students based on their enrollment.
Things to consider before choosing this benefit: 
  • You may also qualify for Chapter 33 benefits if a parent transfers Post 9/11 benefits to you or if you qualify for the Fry Scholarship. 
  • If you are currently serving in the National Guard or Reserves, you may qualify for Chapter 1606 or Chapter 33, but Chapter 35 may be the most beneficial. 
  • With this Chapter, you are responsible for making payments to Southeast. You will not start receiving DEA payments until the month after classes begin. You will be responsible for making payment arrangements with Student Financial Services even though you may not have started receiving your payments for that semester. 
Processing of this benefit: 

You can apply for this benefit via the VA website. As this is a dependent’s benefit, you may need to submit a copy of your sponsor’s DD 214 and necessary documentation showing a legal tie to the Veteran, but this documentation would be requested from the VA and is not required at the actual time of application. Initially, you may not have a VA File number, but you can check with the VA Education Hotline at (888) 442-4551 to see. Without the proper VA File Number, there will be a great delay in the processing of your benefits and payment. 

If Found Eligible: Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO). 

Each Semester: Each semester you wish to use this benefit, make sure that you submit a VA Certification Request via your Southeast Student Portal. Without a certification request, the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) cannot submit a request to the VA, and therefore, you will not receive payment. 

Required information for this benefit: 

How to Submit a VA Certification Request

Wanting to use your VA education benefits but not sure how? Follow the brief set of instructions below to submit your request to utilize your VA educational benefits today.

VA Request Form for LEA and CCC Students

Wanting to use your VA education entitlement for a semester you’ve already completed, at SEMO’s Law Enforcement Agency, or while attending the Cape College Center? Please ensure you complete the form in its entirety.

VA Certification Request Form

Contact Information 

  • Southeast VA Certifying Official: (573) 651-2263 

  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Education Phone: (888) 442-4551 

  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Information: (800) 827-1000 

  • WAVE Verification by Phone: (877) 823-2378 

University Center 302
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 1150
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701