Continue to main contentA variety of tutoring services are offered to all SEMO students free of charge!
Please keep in mind, if the University-sanctioned tutoring is not sufficient for your needs, there are options that can be funded through the VA for all military family members.
Southeast Learning Assistance Programs
University Learning Assistance Programs are provided free of charge to students.
VA Tutoring
If Tutoring Services is unable to provide a tutor to meet your needs, you can hire a paid tutor and request reimbursement from the VA. Tutorial assistance helps the student pay for necessary tutoring and is a supplement to the student's regular education benefit.
- Tutorial assistance may be paid to students under Chapters 30, 33, 35, and 1606.
- The monthly rate may not exceed the cost of tutoring or $100.
- The maximum amount payable is $1200.
- There is no entitlement charge for the first $600 under Chapters 30 and 1606.
- There is no entitlement charge under Chapter 35.
All the following criteria must be met to be eligible for tutorial assistance:
- You must be in a post-secondary program on a half-time or more basis based on VA standards, not University standards. Contact one of the Universities VA Certifying Officials if you need to know if you are at least half under VA standards.
- You must have a deficiency in a course that is part of your approved program.
- You must be enrolled in a course during the same quarter in which tutoring is received for that course. Tutoring may not occur between semesters.
Applying for this Benefit
Follow these steps to apply for this benefit at Southeast:
- Have your instructor send a letter to the Registrar’s Office stating that you are deficient in the course and that individual tutoring is required to correct the deficiency.
- Locate a qualified tutor. You must show proof of the tutor’s qualification to provide tutoring for the specific course. If the tutor completed the same course or higher-level course at Southeast with a grade of A or B, you will not need to provide additional information, just the name of the tutor. If the tutor did not attend school at Southeast, documentation of the qualification must be provided. This includes but is not limited to a copy of their college or university transcript, teaching license, or certain professional licenses. Provide this information to Ryan Heslinga, Assistant Registrar, at (573) 651-2834 or email rheslinga@semo.edu for VA Form 22-1990t
- At the end of each month, complete VA Form 22-1990t and return to the Registrar’s Office. Tutoring reimbursement will be approved for up to $100 per month at a reasonable charge per hour.
- The Certifying Official will review, sign, and forward the form to the VA.
Contact Us
University Center 302
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 1150
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701