Fraternity and Sorority Reporting and Procedures
Continue to main contentBe a responsible Redhawk and report what you see: that’s what we do. Being part of the fraternity and sorority community comes with great responsibility. That includes following University policies and procedures.
How to Report Hazing
Southeast Missouri State University has a zero-tolerance policy on hazing. If you feel you or someone you know has been hazed, please report it to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at (573) 986-7301 or .
In the event of a hazing allegation, it is protocol for the University to place the accused organization on an interim suspension until an investigation is conducted. The National/Regional headquarters for the accused organization will also be notified of the allegations, so they may conduct their own investigation concurrently with the University.
Upon completion of the investigation, a decision will be made whether there is enough evidence to support that hazing has taken place. If it is decided evidence supports the allegation, the chapter will go through a student conduct hearing and face severe University sanctions.
Fraternity and Sorority Life Office Planning and Chapter Events Calendar
The Greek Life Office Planning and Chapter Events Calendar includes office, council, and other major campus events for students in fraternity and sorority chapters. The information in the calendar is provided by chapters and governing councils. Not all chapters submit their information for inclusion in this calendar and the accuracy of chapter events is the responsibility of the individual organizations.
How to Update Chapter Rosters
Each student with a fraternity or sorority activity code will automatically have their activity code from the previous semester applied to the current semester in which they are an enrolled student. By using this process chapters will not have to update active fraternity and sorority members each term.
During the second week of classes each semester, a chapter-specific roster will be sent to chapter presidents listing who the University has recognized as a member of their organization.
Should a chapter need to add a member or new member who is not on the roster they will need to complete the Chapter Roster Update form. The chapter President, or their designee, is responsible for filling out this form. Individual members cannot use this form to change their membership status with the University. Chapter Presidents should also ensure that any new members being added to their roster have filled out the Fraternity and Sorority Affiliation cards, often called the “white card", which can be found in the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office. If a member is no longer associated with the chapter, whether they have been removed by the chapter or resigned, the chapter President or designee should complete this form and not the member who is being removed.
Once the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office has both the affiliation card (only required for new members) and the Chapter Roster Update Form completed the changes in membership will be made to the University’s database of fraternity and sorority members for that specific semester.
Fraternity and Sorority Affiliation cards are required for every student who receives a bid from a Fraternity or Sorority. The student who has accepted a bid must sign the grade release section on the affiliation card in order to have their grade information released to the organization. Affiliation cards must be completed within 48 hours of a student accepting a bid. Affiliation cards are available in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, University Center 413.
Once a member is removed from the chapter's roster they lose their activity code in the university's database used to track membership. That member will not be included in anything for Greek Week, Homecoming, Intramurals, or Greek Connections. Should said member need to be added back to the roster they should work with the chapter President and be included on the Chapter Roster Update form.
Membership Status
The rosters used by the University serve two purposes -- to report chapter grades and for sharing with governing councils as part of their operations. There are three common membership statuses used on these reports: active, new, or inactive membership. In addition, there are other common membership status terms dues by the office and chapters. These different membership statuses are defined below:
- Active member: Defined as dues-paying members who are eligible to participate in chapter activities and are recognized by the national organization as an initiated member. These members’ grades are included in the overall chapter grade report.
- (Membership status no longer used by the University, effective May 17, 2021) Inactive member: previously defined as non-dues paying members. This status was previously needed to allow chapters to have members excluded from rosters provided by the Fraternity and Sorority Life office for events like educational programs, such as Greek Connections, or Greek Week events. As these programs/events now have their own excused attendance process, the inactive status is no longer tracked or used by the University. This membership previously included members on special or inactive status with the chapter and/or national organization or those who are inactive due to student teaching, study abroad, or other approved chapter inactive status.
- New member : Defined as prospective members who have accepted a bid or invitation to join a chapter. This new member period takes different forms and lasts for different lengths of time but generally is defined as the semester when an unaffiliated student expresses interest in joining a fraternity or sorority, is extended an invitation to join, and completes the new member education process for the organization they wish to join. These new member’s grades are included in the overall chapter grade report.
- Terminated/Resigned members : These are those members whose membership is ended by the chapter or the member. When a member is terminated or resigns, they are no longer affiliated with the local chapter in any way and are removed from the national organization's roster. This includes members who are expelled by the chapter and new members whose membership is terminated due to a failure to meet initiation/activation requirements. These former members' information is no longer included in any grade reports.
- Alumnus/Alumnae members : These are members who have either graduated from Southeast, have served the required number of semesters/years as an active member and have been granted alumnus/alumna status, or who have been given special alumnus/alumna status by the chapter and national organization.
Request Email and Affiliation Information
Chapters wishing to send out email messages from their organization should follow these steps:
- Contact the University’s Custodian of Records or Institutional Research Office to request the population of people you wish to email. Be sure to consider the demographic you wish to mail your information to. For example, do you want all students of a certain class year, part-time vs. full-time students? Do you want to send emails to students who are members or not members of IFC, NPC, or NPHC?
- You can request this information by following the instructions on the Sunshine Law website via the Institutional Research website.
- Once a request is received, the Custodian of Records will work with the Institutional Research Office, Registrar, or other pertinent office to produce an appropriate reply. Be sure to note the format you want the information in, for example in a Microsoft Excel document or other format.
Request Mailings
Chapters wishing to have mail sent out from the University should follow the following steps:
- Contact the University’s Custodian of Records or Institutional Research Office to request the population of people you wish to mail. Be sure to consider the demographic you wish to mail your information to. For example, do you want all students of a certain class year, part-time vs. full-time students? Do you want to send mail to students who are not enrolled for a specific semester or students who are within a certain age range? You can request this information by following the instructions on the Sunshine Law website via the Institutional Research website. Once a request is received, the Custodian of Records will work with the Institutional Research Office, Registrar, or other pertinent office to produce an appropriate reply. Be sure to ask for the name and whether you want their home (permanent) or on-campus mailing address.
- Develop whatever mailing you wish to have sent and arrange for the printing of these materials via a vendor of your choice. You may need to wait until you hear back from Institutional Research to confirm how much printing you need to have done.
- Verify your mailings. If being done as part of rush/recruitment efforts, requires approval by the relevant Governing Council. Approval of mailings by IFC/NPC/NPHC is the responsibility of the chapter and not the Greek Life office.
- Pre-stuff the envelopes with the materials you wish to have sent. You can seal the envelopes or they can be sealed for you via the University’s mail processing service.
- To allow room for the postage to be applied, a 3" wide by 1 1/2" tall space should be reserved with no tape or marks in this area on the upper right corner.
- The stuffed envelopes or postcards should be taken to University Receiving, 610 Washington Ave, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Charges for all postage will be applied to the appropriate account. For example, charges can be assessed to an individual student or to an organization, as long as the organization has an active account, via an S0 number with the University.
- Only mailings of 200 or more are eligible for bulk mail, all other mail is sent via standard USPS first-class rates.
- The address information from the Institutional Research Office should be forwarded to University Receiving, via email at All address information must be sent in Microsoft Excel format.
- Typically mailings under 200 pieces are sent within one business day. If you desire to send a mailing of more than 500 pieces please contact University Receiving ahead of time to confirm the schedule for your mailing.
University Receiving – Dan Cox
(573) 651-2998 or
610 Washington Ave.
One University Plaza, MS 4850
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Student Organization Conduct
Southeast Missouri State University strives to maintain a community that fosters the development of students who are ethical, civil, and responsible persons. High behavioral standards are expected and applied to all Redhawks, including the members of student organizations across campus.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701