Agricultural Education
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Agriculture Education (BSED) Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree.
Outcomes & Careers
Career and Technical Education Teacher
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for a career and technical education teacher is $61,450.
Farm and Home Management Educator
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a farm and home management educator is $58,450.
As an Agricultural Education major, you will earn an education that creates opportunities in a multitude of areas including secondary (High School) education, corporate training, management, sales, public relations, and governmental representatives. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in both the area of content expertise and pedagogy courses. In addition, students must pass the MO Content Exam and the MO Educator Evaluation System for recommendation for licensure. Students must also complete the minimum of 120 credit hours, completion of the General Education program, and completion of 39 senior division hours (300-599) as required for all students.
Professional Education Courses – 47 Hours Required
A grade of ‘C’ or better is required in education courses, with the exception of ED280 which requires a grade of ‘B’ or better.
- ED280 Introduction to Education as a Profession (3)
- EF400 Student Teaching Seminar (1)
- EX390 Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child (3)
- PY222 Development of the Adolescent (3)
- SE307 Content Literacy Methods for Middle and High School (3)
- SE317 Techniques of Teaching Agriculture (3)
- SE350 Pedagogy 1: Principles of Effective Teaching (3)
- SE355 Field Experience II (3)
- SE365 Pedagogy 2: Interdisciplinary Methods for Middle School (4)
- SE380 Advanced Field Experience (3)
- SE385 Pedagogy 3: Advanced Methods of Middle and Secondary Teaching (3)
- SE390 Instructional Interventions for Middle and Secondary Students with Special
Literacy Needs (3) - SE465 Student Teaching (12)
Agricultural Education - 51-60 Hour Major - No Minor Required
Required Courses:
- AG140 Communicating in Agriculture (3)
- AG245 Agricultural Economics (3)
- AG250 Agribusiness Management (3)
- AG302 Agricultural Education Planning (3)
- AG303 Agricultural Mechanization (3)
- AG355 Agricultural Seminar (2)
- AG447 Marketing Agricultural Products (3)
- AO120 Plant Science (3)
- AO125 Plant Science Lab (1)
- AO215 Soils (3)
- AO260/060 Integrated Pest Management (3)
- AO401 Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (3)
- AY101 Animal Science (3)
- AY105 Animal Science Experiences (1)
- HO110 Introduction to Horticulture (3)
Choose 4 hours:
- HO320 Nursery Administration & Culture (3)
- AG111 Agribusiness Orientation (1)
- HO350 Advanced Greenhouse Management (4)
Choose 3-6 hours:*
- AG340 Agriculture Safety (3)
- AG440 Precision Agriculture (3)
- AG447 Agriculture Marketing (3)
- AO480 Crop Production (3)
- AY220 Animal Handling (1)
- AY333 Livestock Behavior & Management (3)
*6 hours needed if additional hours are required to reach a minimum of 120 hours for the degree.
Choose 4-5 hours:
- CH181 Basic Principles of Chemistry (5)
- CH184/185 General Chemistry I Lecture and Lab (4)
Choose one math course:
- MA116 Precalculus A (3)
- MA116 Precalculus A (3)
- MA155 Statistical Reasoning (3)
Some requirements may be fulfilled by coursework in major program.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences – 6 hours
- Constitution Requirement – 3 hours
- Written Communication – 6 hours
- Oral Communication – 3 hours
- Natural Sciences – 7 hours (from two disciplines, one to include a lab)
- Mathematics – 3 hours
- Humanities & Fine Arts – 9 hours (from at least two disciplines)
- Additional requirements – 5 hours (to include UI100 for native students)
- Civics examination
To be eligible for enrollment in the majority of courses offered by the Teacher Preparation Program
and required for a teaching degree (BSE, BSFCSE, BME), students must be admitted to the Teacher
Preparation Program (TPP). Students should apply for admission to the TPP upon having met the following entrance criteria:
- 42 hours of coursework completed;
- One of the following:
- Composite/Superscore of 20 or higher on the ACT exam
- Composite score of 1040 or higher on the SAT exam
- Score of 220 or higher on the paraprofessional exam
- Passing score on the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA)*
- Have a previous 4-year degree from an accredited college/university
- The following course requirements met:
- A minimum grade of 'C' in CF/PY120 The Child (Elementary, Early, and Exceptional) or PY222 Development of the Adolescent (Middle and Secondary)
- A minimum grade of 'B' in ED280 Introduction to Education as a Profession or ME222 Principles of Teaching Music.
- International Students must also meet the following requirements:
- C1 (CEFR) level
- IELTS minimum score of 7.0 or TOEFL minimum score of 95
- Note: This policy is for non-United States citizens who are not native English
speakers. Students from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand are exempt from English proficiency verification
*Students already admitted to the University should take the MoGEA instead of re-taking the
Freshman Year
Fall Semester (14-16 Hours)
- UI100 (1)
- EN100 (3)
- AG140 (3)
- AY101 (3)
- AY105 (1)
- MA115/MA116/MA155 (3-5)
Spring Semester (17 Hours)
- AG111# (1)
- AO120 (3)
- A0125 (1)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Milestone: Maintain 2.75 cumulative GPA
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester (16-17 Hours)
- AG260 (3)
- CH181 or 184/185 (4-5)
- HO110 (3)
- PY222 (3)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (18 Hours)
- AG245 (3)
- AO215 (3)
- AO401 (3)
- ED280 (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Milestone: Maintain 2.75 cumulative GPA, Passing score MoGEA, Complete MEP
Junior Year
Fall Semester (17 Hours)
- AG250 (3)
- AG302 (3)
- AG355 (3)
- EX390 (3)
- HO320 or HO 350 (3-4)
- SE350 (3)
Spring Semester (16 Hours)
- AG303 (3)
- SE307 (3)
- SE355 (3)
- SE365 (4)
- Agriculture Elective (3)
Senior Year
Fall Semester (15 Hours)
- AG447 (3)
- SE317 (3)
- SE380 (3)
- SE385 (3)
- SE390 (3)
Spring Semester (13 Hours)
- EF400 (1)
- SE465 (12)
Milestone: Passing score Mo Content Exam, MoPTA, 2.75 cumulative GPA, 3.0 GPA in Education and content courses.
#Required if HO320 is chosen in third year/fall semster.
A “Milestone” signifies a significant stage for a student in the completion of a degree.
What will it cost?
Get Funding for Your Education
Missouri’s opened the door to a more educated workforce. We want to help you walk through it. If you’re an adult learner and a Missouri resident returning to college, learn about the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant. It’s a statewide financial aid program that can be used to pursue a certificate, degree or industry-recognized credential in a high need area in Missouri. This major is eligible for the Fast Track grant.
Paying for College
Your hard work can pay off big because the Department of Agriculture offers about $650,000 in scholarships to students.
Become a Redhawk.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Hands-on Learning
There’s no better way to learn than by getting your hands dirty, and you’ll do just that at SEMO. From digging in the dirt at our greenhouse to working with animals at the Agriculture Research Center, you’ll get real-world experience from day one.
Explore Agriculture Education
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701