Online M.S. in Agribusiness
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Online: Agribusiness M.S.
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree
The degree program is designed to be completed in two years. Students should contact an academic advisor each semester and use Degree Works to monitor their progress. Students may begin the degree during any semester.
Agribusiness by the Numbers
Job Placement
Projected job placement rate based on similar undergraduate degree programs
Two options: Thesis or Externship
Students can choose to graduate with a thesis or externship option.
You can finish the program in as little as two years.
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
This program is housed within the College of STEM. The College prepares students to find creative solutions to problems. Curiosity and analysis merge, creating students ready to figure things out and then use that knowledge to make things better.
Become a Redhawk
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Getting The Job
Your education is just one piece to advancing your career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to sell your knowledge and experience. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need to polish your resume and practice for the next interview.
What Can You Do with an M.S. in Agriculture?
One of the unique contradictions of agribusiness is how traditions create progress. In research, a control is used for comparison to show that something is different, that something better has been discovered. In agribusiness, traditions, i.e., the way we always do it, functions as that control. And each day’s discoveries provide incremental adjustments to the traditions thereby advancing or changing those control-traditions and forcing progress forward. Be a leader in creating progress with our MS in Agribusiness.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701