Honors Faculty not only teach honors classes, they also attend honors events and oversees Honor Senior Projects.

Please check out our Honors Handbook.

How to Become an Honors Faculty Member

  1. A doctorate or the appropriate terminal degree. Any exceptions must be approved by the department chairperson, college dean, and the Faculty Honors Council.
  2. At least two years university-level teaching experience and a demonstrable record of excellence in teaching.
  3. An ongoing record of scholarship and/or professional development.
  4. Recommendations from the appropriate chairperson and dean

  1. A current curriculum vitae.
  2. Student evaluations of teaching for all courses taught during the past two academic years, at least. Please include a list of all courses taught over the two-year period (designated by semester).
  3. Letter of recommendation from your college dean.
  4. Letter of recommendation from your department chairperson.
  5. Provide a brief paragraph addressing how you would be a good asset to the students enrolled in the honors program.
  6. Optional: Personal statement addressing the following questions:
    1. Provide an explanation for any course evaluations not included in your application packet.
    2. Address how you have reached “excellence in teaching”.

Please email honors@semo.edu about your interest in applying to become honors faculty.

College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Faculty Email Department
Michael Aide maide@semo.edu Agriculture
Fidel Atuo fatuo@semo.edu Biology
Marcus Bond mbond@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics 
Indi Braden isbraden@semo.edu Agriculture
James Champine jchampine@semo.edu Biology
Philip Crawford pcrawford@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics
John Dudley jdudley@semo.edu Engineering and Technology
Santaneel Ghosh sgosh@semo.edu Engineering and Technology
Timothy Judd tjudd@semo.edu Biology
John Kraemer jkraemer@semo.edu Biology
James McGill jmcgill@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics
Rachel Morgan Theall rmtheall@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics
Peter Oman poman@semo.edu Mathematics
Michael Presho mpresho@semo.edu Mathematics
Tamela Randolph trandolph@semo.edu College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Craig Roberts croberts@semo.edu Mathematics
Andrew Schwartz aschwartz@semo.edu Mathematics
Sarah Shaner sshaner@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics
Dustin Siegel dsiegel@semo.edu Biology
Samantha Siemers slowman@semo.edu Agriculture
Sajan Silwal ssilwal@semo.edu Chemistry and Physics
Michael Taylor mtaylor@semo.edu Biology
Emmanuel Thompson ethompson@semo.edu Mathematics
Haohao Wang hwang@semo.edu Mathematics
Jerry Wojodylo jwojodylo@semo.edu Mathematics

College of Education, Health and Human Studies

Faculty Email Department
Candee Baker cebaker@semo.edu Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Jeremy Barnes jbarnes@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Raymond Bohannon rlbohannon@semo.edu Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Scott Brandhorst sbrandhorst@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling
William Bratberg wbratberg@semo.edu Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Moretta Burk mburk@semo.edu Nursing
Charlotte Cervantes ccervantes@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Linda Culbertson Garner lgarner@semo.edu Nursing
Corrie Dudley cdudley@semo.edu Nursing
Beverly Evans bevans@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Anthony Faber afaber@semo.edu Child and Family Studies
Susan Fulton sfulton@semo.edu Communication Disorders
Sara Garner sgarner@semo.edu Child and Family Studies
Shawn Guiling sguiling@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling
Jeremy Heider jheider@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling
Brandy Hepler bhepler@semo.edu Elementary, Early, and Special Education
Lisa Job ljob@semo.edu Nursing
Monica Kearney mlkearney@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Sarah Kuborn skuborn@semo.edu Child and Family Studies
Sarah Lillo Kang slillo@semo.edu Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Cassandra Loggins cloggins@semo.edu Nursing
Kelly McEnerney kmcenerney@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling
Paige Northern penorthern@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling
Thomas Pujol jpujol@semo.edu College of Education, Health and Human Studies
Kyle Schneider kschneider@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Robin Smith rlsmith@semo.edu Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education
Francis Tayie ftayie@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Misty Tilmon mtilmon@semo.edu Communication Disorders
David Tomchuk dtomchuk@semo.edu Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Julie Twidwell jetwidwell@semo.edu Nursing
Victor Wilburn vwilburn@semo.edu Child and Family Studies
Nicolas Wilkins nwilkins@semo.edu Psychology and Counseling

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty Email Department
Eric Bain-Selbo ebainselbo@semo.edu College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Christopher Baldwin cbaldwin@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Jennifer Bengston jbengtson@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Christopher Bradley cbradley@semo.edu Criminal Justice, Social Work, Sociology
Dana Branson dbranson@semo.edu Criminal Justice, Social Work, Sociology
James Brubaker jbrubaker@semo.edu English
David Cameron jdcameron@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Eric Clements eclements@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Kalyn Campaore kcompaore@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Sandra Cox scox@semo.edu English
Adam Criblez acriblez@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Daniel Crocker dccrocker@semo.edu English
Jenny Cropp jcropp@semo.edu English
Sarah Dietrich sdietrich@semo.edu English
Bruce Gentry bwgentry@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Laura Hatcher lhatcher@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Steven Hoffman shoffman@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Debra Holzhauer dholzhauer@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Yingkun Hou yhou@semo.edu History and Anthropology
 Susan Kendrick skendrick@semo.edu English
Michelle Kilburn mkilburn@semo.edu Criminal Justice, Social Work, Sociology
Courtney Kisat ckisat@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Slavica Kodish skodish@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Kimberly Louie klouie@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Kevin Musgrave kmusgrave@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
James Newman jnewman@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Missy Nieveen-Phegley mphegley@semo.edu English
Tomoaki Nomi tnomi@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Lesli Pace lkpace@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Pennie Pflueger ppflueger@semo.edu English
Monica Radu mradu@semo.edu Criminal Justice, Social Work, Sociology
Debrah Raschke draschke@semo.edu English
Joel Rhodes jrhodes@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Bambi Robinson brobinson@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
James Sentell esentell@semo.edu English
Kevin Sexton kpsexton@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Yiqun Shen yshen@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion
Joseph Snyder jmsnyder@semo.edu History and Anthropology
Andrew Tucker jatucker@semo.edu Communication Studies and Modern Languages
Irina Ustinova iustinova@semo.edu English
Jeremy Walling jwalling@semo.edu Political Science, Philosophy, Religion

Harrison College of Business and Computing

Faculty Email Department
Suhair Amer samer@semo.edu Computer Science
James Caldwell jcaldwell@semo.edu Management
HJ Cho hjcho@semo.edu Marketing
Christine Cunningham Ladwig cladwig@semo.edu Marketing
Kevin Dickson kdickson@semo.edu Management
Benjamin Dow bdow@semo.edu Accounting, Economics, Finance
Erin Fluegge erfluegge@semo.edu Management
Kenneth Heischmidt kheischmidt@semo.edu Marketing
Ziping Liu zliu@semo.edu Computer Science
Ismatilla Mardanov imardanov@semo.edu     Marketing
Leisa Marshall llmarshall@semo.edu Accounting, Economics, Finance
Heather McMillan hmcmillan@semo.edu Management
Lori Mueller lmueller@semo.edu Management
Quantella Noto qnoto@semo.edu Management
Carolyn Rainey crainey@semo.edu Accounting, Economics, Finance
Dana Schwieger dschwieger@semo.edu Management
Sandipan Sen ssen@semo.edu Marketing
Scott Thorne sthorne@semo.edu Marketing
Gangaraju Vanteddu gvanteddu@semo.edu Marketing
Asa Wilson abwilson@semo.edu Management
Chen Wu cwu@semo.edu Accounting, Economics, Finance
David Yaskewich dyaskewich@semo.edu Accounting, Economics, Finance
Alisha Youngblood Ortiz aortiz@semo.edu Marketing

Holland College of Arts and Media

Faculty Email Department
Alyssa Alger aalger@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Gabrielle Baffoni gbaffoni@semo.edu Music
Emily Booth ebooth@semo.edu Art and Design
Michelle Brune mbrune@semo.edu Art and Design
Amber Cook amcook@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Philip Edgecombe paedgecombe@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Robert Fruehwald rfruehwald@semo.edu Music
Sophia Han shan@semo.edu Music
Joni Hand jhand@semo.edu Art and Design
Benjamin Heu bheu@semo.edu Art and Design
Kitt Lavoie klavoie@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Jenna Moore jlmoore@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Joshua Newth jnewth@semo.edu Art and Design
Pamela Parry pparry@semo.edu Mass Media
Bradley Phillips bphillips@semo.edu Art and Design
Hannah Sanders hsanders@semo.edu Art and Design
Timothy Schmidt tschmidt@semo.edu Music
Kenneth Stilson kstilson@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Paul Thompson pthompson@semo.edu Music
Rhonda Weller-Stilson rstilson@semo.edu Holland College of Arts and Media
Roxanne Wellington rwellington@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Bartholomew Williams bpwilliams@semo.edu Theatre and Dance
Christopher Wubbena cwubbena@semo.edu Art and Design