Continue to main contentThe work students do in the Honors Program is dynamic. Honors classes involve discussion among the instructor and the Honors students about a variety of concepts. Faculty will challenge and inspire you to think critically.
For currently enrolled students, a list of Honors classes for the current semester can be found in your Student Portal.
FALL 2024 Honors Classes
Course, Section # | CRN | Course Title | Credits | Days and Time | Instructor | Seats |
FN 235-01H | 10550 | Nutrition For Health | 3 | MWF 11 am - 11:50 am | Francis Tayie | 30 |
HN 499-01H | 10067 | Honors Research | 0 | TBA | Scott Brandhorst | 50 |
MA 128-03H | 10609 | Numbers & Operations for Educators | 4 | MTWR 10 am - 10:50 am | Craig W. Roberts | 8 |
SC 105-01H | 10117 | Fundamentals of Oral Communication | 3 | TR 11 am - 12:15 pm | Kevin Lee Musgrave | 24 |
UI100-01H | 10264 | First Year Seminar | 1 | W 8 am - 8:50 am | TBA | 25 |
UI100-02H | 10265 | First Year Seminar | 1 | M 9 am - 9:50 am | Debra J. Holzhauer | 0 |
UI100-03H | 10266 | First Year Seminar | 1 | M 11 am - 11:50 am | Michelle Ann Kilburn | 25 |
UI100-04H | 10267 | First Year Seminar | 1 | R 2 pm - 2:50 pm | Tomoaki Nomi | 25 |
What is an Honors contract?
While enrolling in an Honors class is the preferred method of receiving Honors credit, an Honors contract may be completed to receive Honors credit for a non-Honors class taught by Honors faculty. To determine if your faculty member has Honors Faculty Status, view the list. (Page ID 1.8.7 Honors Faculty Directory) Some Honors students find it difficult to enroll in an Honors class during a particular semester because of scheduling conflicts, etc. However, they want to remain actively involved in and complete the Jane Stephens Honors Program. An Honors contract helps you progress toward completion of the Honors program.
What do I need to do to complete an Honors contract?
The process to complete an Honors contract and receive Honors credit for a non-Honors class is straightforward.
- Enroll in a class taught by a member of the Honors faculty.
- At the beginning of the semester, meet with your professor and ask if they are willing to sponsor your Honors contract.
- Plan your Honors assignments/activities/projects with your professor and begin working on them.
- In collaboration with your professor, complete the Online Honors Contract System.
- Finish your assignments/activities/projects by the date determined by your professor.
- Enjoy remaining actively involved in the Honors Program and receiving Honors credit hours.
- Online Honors Contract System
To submit an Honors contract, log in with your Southeast Key and password at the Online Honors Contract System. With this system, you or your Honors faculty member can create, edit, and approve an Honors contract. Once a contract has been approved by you and your Honors faculty member, the Director can then approve the contract. You can view the status of your contract at any time in this system. Once complete, your Honors faculty member can mark the contract as complete in the system.
If you have questions, please contact the Honors Program at or (573) 651-2513.
Honors Councils
Some of our Honors Students and Honors Faculty serve on our Honors Councils. This is an excellent leadership experience within the Honors Program.
- Kevin Dickson []– Harrison College of Business and Computing. Term ends 2027
- Bambi Robinson[] - College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Term ends 2026
- Monica Kearney [] – College of Education, Health and Human Studies. Term ends 2026
- Haohao Wang [] – College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Term ends 2025
- Michelle Brune[] – Holland College of Arts and Media. Term ends 2025
- Marikit Fain [] – Kent Library. Term Ends 2027
- Aakriti Poudel [] - Student and Faculty Liaison
- Scott Brandhorst [] – Director of Jane Stephens Honors Program
- Savannah Henderson– Chairperson –
- Sarah Hanlin– Secretary –
- Jenna Brouk– Historian –
- Mia Ogle– Publicity Chair –
- Amariss Mueller– Learning in Volunteerism Chair –
- Mekylla Bico– Program Coordinator–
- Madison Varner– Honors Learning Community Representative –
- Aakriti Poudel– Student Faculty Liaison -
Honors Program Requirements
To remain in the program after admission, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 and remain actively involved in the Honors Program. Falling below the required minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 in any semester will cause the student to be placed on Honors probation.
Calculate your cumulative GPA
If, at the end of the probationary semester, the student's cumulative GPA is 3.50 or higher, the student will be returned to regular Honors status. If the cumulative GPA is still lower than 3.50, but the semester GPA is 3.50 or higher, the student will remain on Honors probationary status. If the semester GPA for a probationary semester is lower than 3.50, Honors status may be discontinued. A student may apply for readmission to the program if the cumulative GPA is raised to 3.50 or higher. To maintain active involvement in the Jane Stephens Honors Program, a student must meet the following rate of progress toward accumulating the 24 hours of Honors credit needed to complete the program. Honors Hours – 3 Total Hours – 30 Honors Hours – 9 Total Hours – 60 Honors Hours – 18 Total Hours – 75 Honors Hours – 21 Total Hours – 90
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