If you are struggling with substance use discorders or need education on how to assist others, be urgent and be responsible.

Substance Awareness Prevention and Education (SAPE) services are available to students, faculty, and staff. A variety of educational programs, individual counseling, and prevention activities can be provided upon request. A sampling of the services and related topics addressed through SAPE are how to help a friend, information for parents, alcohol resources, and violence prevention education.

About my Alcohol Use

Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO is a brief online questionnaire that provides private, personalized feedback regarding your use patterns and frequency. The program also compares your alcohol use to that of other students and provides weekly, monthly, and annual estimates spent on alcohol. The information is then presented in a way that encourages you to make choices that align with your personal aspirations and goals.

About my Cannabis Use

Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO is a brief online questionnaire that provides private, personalized feedback regarding your use patterns and frequency. The program also compares your cannabis use to that of other students and provides weekly, monthly, and annual estimates spent on cannabis. The information is then presented in a way that encourages you to make choices that align with your personal aspirations and goals.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation coaching sessions are offered for students who are interested in assistance with quitting smoking and other forms of tobacco use. Students meet with the SAPE staff member to create an individualized smoking cessation quit plan and are provided ongoing support through weekly to bi-weekly coaching sessions.


Substance Awareness Prevention and Education (SAPE) is available for classroom or student organization presentations to fit your group's needs:
  • alcohol or other drugs
  • substance abuse and addictions
  • stress, anxiety, and resilience
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 8200
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701