The Student Government Association of Southeast assists with financial needs for student conferences, projects, and on campus events.

The Association oversees three main funding accounts generated by a percentage of student tuition dollars that make up the Student Government operating budget. The three accounts are: Discretionary, Student Organizations, and Conferences.

These accounts exist to benefit the student body and are available for undergraduate students and organizations to receive partial funding for endeavors. This money is often contracted to students upon submission of a funding application to the Funding Board and can be applied to projects, initiatives, activities, programs, conferences, competitions, events, and showcases to name a few.

Discretionary Account

The Discretionary Account holds an estimated $18,000 for each academic year. The funds within the Discretionary Account are overseen by the Student Government Funding Board and are used to fund special campus projects deemed appropriate and/or necessary. There are no funding guidelines that govern the justification for spending in this account other than the discretion of the Funding Board. Should a funding request come through the Discretionary Account and receive approval for funding by the Student Government Funding Board, the request then goes to Senate for final approval.

  • Complete funding application
  • Await an email from the SGA Treasurer regarding the time and date to attend an SGA Funding Board meeting.
  • Attend an SGA Funding Board meeting, present the reason for your Discretionary request, and highlight funds needed from SGA via an itemized budget.
  • Await the Funding Board vote on your allocation.
  • Upon Funding Board approval, the allocation and suggested funding amount will go to the Senate for discussion and vote.
  • You or a member of your group will be invited to the Senate to present the reason for your request.
  • Upon Senate approval of the request, you must arrange to meet with Michele Irby to discuss purchasing items on allocation. She can be reached at or 573-651-5120. 
  • Host or attend funded events/activities.

  • Miscellaneous student, club, or campus needs.
  • Examples: Equipment, national competitions, supplies, etc.
  • The average amount funded per request last year was $856.17.

Student Organizations Account

The Student Organizations Account holds an estimated $22,000 for each academic year. The Student Government Association Funding Board oversees the funds within the Campus Life Business Analyst to fund registered student organizations recognized by the Student Government Association. Organizations requesting funding from this account must attend a meeting hosted by Campus Life to be a registered student organization and adhere to a set of funding guidelines to be considered for funding. Should a funding request come through the Student Organizations Account and receive approval for funding by the Student Government Association Funding Board, the request then goes to the Senate for final approval.

Requests must be made at least 21 days before the funding allocation is needed, or the request is subject to reimbursement.

  • Learn about the funding procedure with the Student Government Association Treasurer
  • Review funding guidelines to ensure organization eligibility for funding.
  • If eligible, complete the funding application marking ‘Student Organizations Fund’ as the account.
  • You will receive an email from the SGA Treasurer regarding when to meet with the funding board. Meetings will occur on Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the UC Heritage Room. A representative from your organization will need to present. 
    • Be prepared to highlight details about your request and go over an itemized budget.  
  • Upon SGA Funding Board approval, the allocation and suggested funding amount will go to the Senate for discussion and vote.
  • You or a member of your organization will be invited to the Senate to present the reason for your request. This will happen on Monday nights at 8 p.m. in the UC Ballroom A. 
  • Upon Senate approval of the request, you must arrange to meet with Michele Irby to discuss the purchasing of items on allocation.
  • Advertise your event with the SGA logo on the promotional material. 
  • Host or attend funded events/activities.

  • Campus events that are free and open to all Southeast students.
  • Examples: Guest speakers, entertainers, festivals, programs, social projects, educational activities, etc.
  • The average amount funded per request last year was $1,142.30.

Conference Account 

The Conference Account holds an estimated $24,000 for each academic year. This account funds students to attend conferences to help them to build knowledge about their organization or their major. This account is overseen by the Student Government Association Funding Board. Students can request funding out of this account by submitting the funding application and then attending the Funding Board meeting. Once an amount has been recommended to the Senate it will be voted on for final approval.

  • Attend a funding informational meeting. 
    • This is part of the meeting a representative must be at to register your student organization. 
  • Once your student organization is registered, complete the funding application
  • You will receive an email from the SGA Treasurer regarding when to meet with the Funding Board. 
    • Attend your assigned Funding Board meeting. 
    • These occur on Mondays at 4 p.m. in the UC Board of Governors Room. 
  • Be ready to present the reason for your funding request with an itemized budget. Review the applicable things that can be funded through the Student Conference Account to ensure your request fits the guidelines. 
  • The Funding Board decision will be emailed to you directly following your meeting. 
  • Upon Funding Board approval, the allocation and suggested funding amount will be heard by the Senate for discussion and vote. 
    • You or a member of your organization will be invited to the Senate to present the reason for your request. 
    • These meetings occur Monday nights at 8 p.m. in the UC Ballroom A. 
  • Be prepared to present your budget and answer questions from the senators. 
  • Upon Senate approval of the request, you must arrange to meet with Michele Irby to discuss purchasing items on allocation. 

Student Government By-Laws

Student Government funding is to supplement an organization's budget to assist with programs, events, activities, social projects, and educational activities.

University Center 414
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 1800
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701