Do you want to shape the young lives of our future? You’ll do that here.

At Southeast, the Department of Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education offers undergraduate initial teaching certification for middle, junior, and senior high school teachers, as well as some K-12 programs. We also offer master's, specialist, and doctoral degrees in higher education and educational leadership.  

Our mission is to prepare, support, and sustain effective teachers and educational leaders. We strive to provide student-centered, future-thinking educational programs that instill a passion for life-long learning and a thirst for knowledge that transforms students into leaders of diverse classrooms, school systems, and communities.  

Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Academic Programs

The Department of Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education offers an undergraduate program, graduate program, and post-graduate programs with several concentrations.

Department of Leadership, Middle & Secondary Education

  • Multi-level Diverse Field Experience

    At Southeast, we offer a multi-level diverse field experience that includes local student teaching, international student teaching, a triad seminar and experiences with new education technology. It is our mission to prepare you for your future career in education and to get you in the classroom as early as possible during your education. 

  • Integration Tech with Education - EDvolution®

    A major goal of the Teacher Preparation Program is to develop teacher candidates who will be leaders in the use of current and emergent technology through EDvolution®. As technology has become an essential element in the classroom, we have made it a goal to teach our education students how to best use these products in the classroom. This way, not only do your future students benefit, but you become a more competitive teaching candidate. 

  • Student Teaching

    The preparation of teachers is field based with a minimum of 225 hours of pre-student teaching experience in an area school classroom with a properly certificated and experienced teacher. When a teacher candidate completes the education program, they have had ample time and experiences to become competent professional educators.
  • International Student Teaching

    At Southeast, we offer student teaching abroad at Eagles College in Iquique, Chile. Teaching in a foreign country gives our students their own educational opportunity. Southeast students get to see firsthand how students in other countries learn, explore new methods, and gain real life teaching experience.  

Admissions for Education and Next Steps

The Department of Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education has requirements for the Teacher Preparation Program and field experiences you should be familiar with as you seek to enter the program.


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Office Location
Scully 238
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5675
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701