Expand your education and your horizons; you'll do that here.

Our Field Experiences include the opportunity for teacher candidates to participate in student teaching at Eagles College in Iquique, Chile. Spend a semester in a new place while furthering your education and classroom skills! Plans are to resume this program for the spring semester of 2023.


With the rapid pace of globalization, it is necessary to educate by allowing students to study, interact, and communicate with people from around the world.


Educate our students on morals and responsibilities, respect for the human condition, and the rights and duties of character.

Discovering and developing the skills of our children in an atmosphere of family values with an educational environment and curriculum heavily focused on developing language skills in English and Spanish, according to current educational policies and the demands of the needs of contemporary society that requires people to understand that through quality education can access better opportunities in their future professional lives.


  • Students must complete 60 full days of student teaching in Missouri
  • Students will student teach in the spring semester only

Available Areas

  • Early Childhood
    • Preschool beginning at age 3 through third grade 
  • Elementary 
    • Grades 1 through 6 


  • There are only 4 available placements



  • Approximately $3,500 including trip insurance.  Please realize an additional flight is necessary to reach Iquique from Santiago. 

Meals and Daily Expenses

  • Faculty dine at school during the lunch break. Student teachers should budget to bring a meal from “home” daily. Host families will provide some meals. In addition, students should plan for sightseeing, surfing, and other “fun” expenses. A typical budget would be between $1,000 and $1,500.


  • Incurred at the expense of the student.  Obtaining a passport is a lengthy process.  Please plan to allow approximately 12 weeks to obtain a passport.

Housing Info

  • Students are sponsored by host families of children attending Eagles’ College at no cost

Apply Now!

Take advantage of the opportunity to expand your horizons and further your education through our Student Teaching Abroad program! Send your completed application to fieldexperiences@semo.edu.

Scully Building, 304A