Applied Technology (AAS Online Degree)
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Online: A.A.S. in Applied Technology
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree.
Applied Technology by the Numbers
Successful Outcomes Rate
From Dr. Deken: A large percentage of the students who complete our AAS program stay on to complete a BS program. By working with an advisor, you can choose classes in the AAS that seamlessly transition into one of our many BS programs. For students not going onto a 4-year degree, many are sought after in the workforce (I don’t have exact data on it though).
You can finish the program in as little as five semesters with Southeast Online’s year round-classes.
The degree program is designed to be completed in 2 years with 15 hours per semester. Students will work with an academic advisor each semester and use Degree Works to monitor their progress. Students may begin the degree during any semester.
- EN100 English Composition I (3)
- IM300 Technical Communications (3)
- IM301 Industrial Safety Supervision (3)
- IM311 Statistical Process Control (3)
- MN220 Engineering Economic Analysis (3)
- PS103 U.S. Political Systems (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- SC105 Fundamentals of Oral Communications (3)
- SC107 Online Oral Presentations (3)
Choose 3-5 hours:
- MA116 Precalculus A (3)
- MA115 Precalculus A with Integrated Review (5)
Choose 3 hours:
- CM260 Computer Methods of Const Managers (3)
- CS101 Computer Science (3)
- MN260 Mechanical Computer Programming (3)
Physical Science - Choose 8-10 hours:**
- CH180 Chemistry in our World (3)
- CH181 Basic Principles of Chemistry (5)
- PH106 Physical Concepts (3)
- PH120 Introductory Physics I (5)
- PH121 Introductory Physics II (5)
- PH230 General Physics I (5)
- PH231 General Physics II (5)
** Many programs require the 5-hour lab classes. Please work with an advisor to determine which are appropriate for you.
Technical Elective Courses as Approved by the Advisor and Department - a minimum of 25 hours
- CM226 Residential Architectural Drafting & Design (3)
- CM310 Construction Building Codes (3)
- CM322 Commercial Architectural Drafting and Design (3)
- IM313 Facilities Planning (3)
- IM317 Cooperative Industrial Internship (3)
- IM309 Science, Technology, and Society (3)
- IM411 Total Quality Assurance (3)
- IM417 Manufacturing Resource Analysis (3)
- IM419 Industrial Supervision (3)
- MA117 Precalculus B (3)
- MA140 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (5)
- TN255 Microcomputer Maintenance & Troubleshooting (3)
- TN275 Introduction to Networks (3)
- TN295 Firewall Management (3)
- TN395 Server Maintenance & Troubleshooting (3)
Fall Semester First Year (14-16 hours)
- EN100 (3)
- MA115/116 (3-5)
- Physical Science Lab (5)
- Track Course 1 (3)
Spring Semester First Year (15-17 hours)
- CM260/CS101/MN260 (3)
- IM300 (3)
- Physical Science (3-5)
- Track Course 2 (3)
- Track Course 3 (3)
Fall Semester Second Year (15 hours)
- IM311 (3)
- MN220 (3)
- Track Course 4 (3)
- Track Course 5 (3)
- Track Course 6 (3)
Spring Semester Second Year (15 hours)
- IM300 (3)
- PS103 (3)
- SC105/SC107 (3)
- Track Course 7 (3)
- Track Course 8 (3)
What will it cost?
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
This degree is housed within the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The college prepares students for lifelong careers. We boast programs that train students in problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, organization, organization, and adaptability. Skills employers’ value so we basically prepare you for any career field.
Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology
"The AAS Computer Technology program is designed to quickly get students into the in-demand technical workforce and focus on the courses that are most important to them. As a 2-year program based largely on technical electives, students can work with an advisor to really focus on courses that are most needed to help them meet their career goals."
Dr. Brad Deken

Get Funding for Your Education
Missouri’s opened the door to a more educated workforce. We want to help you walk through it. If you’re an adult learner and a Missouri resident returning to college, learn about the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant. It’s a statewide financial aid program that can be used to pursue a certificate, degree or industry-recognized credential in a high need area in Missouri. This major is eligible for the Fast Track grant.
Online Learning at Southeast
When it comes to your success, we do whatever it takes. Online learning at Southeast takes the same reputable college courses taught by Southeast faculty and makes them available anytime, anywhere.
Earn Your Degree on Your Schedule.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Getting the Job
Your education is just one piece to launching an extraordinary career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to find the job you want, make the right connections, sell your knowledge and experience—and if all this is giving you anxiety, don’t panic. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need, so you’re landing your dream job in no time.
Additional Resources
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701