Associate of Applied Science in Applied Technology
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Applied Technology (AAS) Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree.
Outcomes & Careers
Network Specialist
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a computer network support specialist is $76,060.
Network System Administrator
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a network and computer system administrator is $90,520.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a public safety telecommunicator is $46,900.
In the applied technology degree, you’ll gain career-ready practical experience in a technology-based curriculum that can easily transition to a Bachelor of Science after completion of your AAS.
- EN100 English Composition I (3)
- IM300 Technical Communications (3)
- IM301 Industrial Safety Supervision (3)
- IM311 Statistical Process Control (3)
- MN220 Engineering Economic Analysis (3)
- PS103 U.S. Political Systems (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- SC105 Fundamentals of Oral Communications (3)
- SC107 Online Oral Presentations (3)
Choose 3-5 hours:
- MA115 Precalculus A with Integrated Review (5)
- MA116 Precalculus A (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- CM260 Computer Methods of Const Managers (3)
- CS101 Computer Science (3)
- MN260 Technical Computer Programming (3)
Physical Science- Choose 8-10 hours of the following: **
- CH180 Chemistry in our World (3)
- CH181 Basic Principles of Chemistry (5)
- PH106 Physical Concepts (3)
- PH120 Introductory Physics I 5)
- PH121 Introductory Physics II (5)
- PH230 General Physics I (5)
- PH231 General Physics II (5)
** Many programs require the 5-hour lab classes. Please work with an advisor to determine which are appropriate for you
- Technical Elective Courses as Approved by the Advisor and Department (24)
- CM126 Computer-Aided Architectural Drafting (3)
- CM143 Construction Methods & Materials I (3)
- CM226 Residential Architectural Drafting & Design (3)
- CM243 Construction Methods and Materials II (3)
- CM260 Computer Methods of Construction Managers (3)
- CM310 Construction Building Codes (3)
- CM320 Construction Cost Estimating (3)
- CM330 Construction Planning and Scheduling (3)
Electrical Controls:
- ET160 Basic Electrical Circuits (3)
- ET164 AC Principles & Circuits (3)
- ET245 Logic Circuits (3)
- ET304 Programmable Logic Controllers (3)
- MA117 Precalculus B (3)
- MA140 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (5)
- TN255 Microcomputer Maintenance (3)
Industrial Supervision:
- IM309 Science,Technology, and Society (3)
- IM313 Facilities Planning (3)
- IM411 Total Quality Assurance (3)
- IM417 Manufacturing Resource Analysis (3)
- IM419 Industrial Supervision (3)
- MN120 Fundamentals of Engineering Design Processes (3)
- MN170 Industrial Materials & Testing (3)
- MN203 Industrial Materials & Process I (3)
Machining and Manufacturing:
- ET160 Basic Electrical Circuits (3)
- MA117 Precalculus B (3)
- MA140 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (5)
- MN120 Fundamentals of Engineering Design Processes (3)
- MN170 Industrial Materials & Testing (3)
- MN203 Industrial Materials & Processes I (3)
- MN221 Solid Modeling & Rapid Prototyping (3)
- ET160 Basic Electrical Circuits (3)
- ET245 Logic Circuits (3)
- TN255 Microcomputer Maintenance & Troubleshooting (3)
- TN275 Introduction to Networks (3)
- TN295 Firewall Management (3)
- TN375 Routing and Switching Essentials (3)
- TN395 Server Maintenance & Troubleshooting (3)
- TN435 Network Security (3)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems:
- ET160 Basic Electrical Circuits (3)
- ET245 Digital Systems (3)
- ET380 Vision & Sensor Systems (3)
- ET381 Fundamentals of Aviation in UAS (3)
- ET382 UAS Fundamentals (3)
- ET385 UAS Mission Planning & Applications (3)
- MN120 Fundamentals of Engineering Design Processes (3)
- TN255 Microcomputer Maintenance & Troubleshooting (3)
First Year
Fall Semester (14-16 hours)
- EN100 (3)
- MA115/116 (3-5)
- Physical Science Lab (5)
- Track Course 1 (3)
Spring Semester (15-17 hours)
- CM260/CS101/MN260 (3)
- IM301 (3)
- Physical Science (3-5)
- Track Course 2 (3)
- Track Course 3 (3)
Second Year
Fall Semester (15 hours)
- IM311 (3)
- MN220 (3)
- Track Course 4 (3)
- Track Course 5 (3)
- Track Course 6 (3)
Spring Semester (15 hours)
- IM300 (3)
- PS103 (3)
- SC105/SC107 (3)
- Track Course 7 (3)
- Track Course 8 (3)
Refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin or Degree Works for additional graduation requirements (i.e., minimum GPA and course work) for your program of study.
*Many major courses are on a set rotation and dependent on when prerequisites are completed. The actual semester a course is taken may vary based on the rotation.
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Get Funding for Your Education
Missouri’s opened the door to a more educated workforce. We want to help you walk through it. If you’re an adult learner and a Missouri resident returning to college, learn about the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant. It’s a statewide financial aid program that can be used to pursue a certificate, degree or industry-recognized credential in a high need area in Missouri. This major is eligible for the Fast Track grant.
Engineering and Technology in Action
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701