Master's in Technology Management Online
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Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree
Technology Management by the Numbers
Industrial Production Manager
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for an industrial production manager is $120,900.
Engineering Managers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for an engineering manager is $163,310.
Occupational Health and Safety Technician
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for an occupational health and safety technician is $81,690.
What You'll Study
There are two degree tracks for graduate studies in technology management. Students can either choose the Plan A option (thesis option) or Plan B option (non-thesis option). The Plan A option culminates with the defense of the findings of an independent research project and a thesis describing the pertinent literature, methodology, and results of the research project. Students often publish aspects of their theses in peer-reviewed journals and present their findings at national and international conferences. The Plan B option culminates with a written critical evaluation on a specific area of study in technology management and a written examination.
Curriculum (33-36 Hours)
Required Courses:
FM504 Facilities Management (3) IM600 Managing Technology Innovation (3) IM602 Advanced Quality Concepts (3) IM603 Technology Supervision in a Diverse Workplace (3) IM605 Innovation for a Lean Enterprise (3 ) IM606 Knowledge Management (3) IM691 Understanding Graduate Research (3)
Choose One Track:
Class Track:
IM692 Modeling and Simulation (3) GR698 Master's Final Comp Exam (0) 12 hours from list below
Project Track:
IM693 Applied Research Project (3) GR698 or GR699 Master's Final Comprehensive or Oral Examination (0) 9 hours from one option
Thesis Track:
IM694 Thesis (3) GR698 or GR699 Master's Final Comprehensive or Oral Examination (0) 9 hours from one option
Choose 9 - 12 Hours (based on track chosen above)
Any course with a CM, EG, ET, FM, IM, MN, TN prefix at the graduate level (500 or higher). A limited number of courses outside of these prefixes may be allowed with departmental approval. Possible elective courses include:
- CM510 Building Information Modeling (3)
- EG506 Operations Research (3)
- ET568 Industrial Controls (3)
- ET570 Energy Management (3)
- EV551 Hazardous Material Assessment (3)
- EV653 Occupational Health (3)
- EV654 Risk Assessment Applications (3)
- EV655 Industrial Hygiene (3)
- EV660 Introduction to Toxicology (3)
- EV661 Business Strategies for Corporate Environmental Management (3)
- IM506 Projects in Industrial & Engineering Technology (3)
- IM515 Advanced Technical Communication (3)
- IM516 Documenting & Presenting Technical Instructions and Proposals (3)
- IM517 Software in Technical Documents (3)
- IM518 Advanced Technical Document Design, Organization and Graphics (3)
- IM520 Technical Training & Development (3)
- IM521 Technical Change & Human Resource Development (3)
- IM522 Technical Leadership in Training & Development (3)
- IM523 Training & Development of Technical Teams (3)
- IM555 Sustainable & Green Manufacturing (3)
- IM585 Independent Study in Industrial Management (3)
- IM617 Manufacturing Resource Analysis (3)
- MN512 Advanced Manufacturing Systems (3)
- TN562 Networking I (3)
- TN563 LAN Switching (3)
- TN564 Telecommunications & Networking II (3)
- TN565 Network Management (3)
- TN566 IP Telephony (3)
- TN625 Wireless Communications & Mobile Data Networks (3)
- TN635 Network Security (3)
In addition to the criteria established for general admission to graduate studies, applicants must have the following:
- A bachelor’s degree in engineering, technology or closely related field
- An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and few repeated courses.
Probationary Admission
Applicants not meeting the above requirements must have an undergraduate GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and submit official GRE scores (verbal > 140, quantitative > 153) to receive probational admission. While under probation, students may enroll in nine credit hours of course work in their program area. The nine hours must be completed with 3.0 GPA or higher.
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
This program is housed within the College of STEM. The College prepares students to find creative solutions to problems. Curiosity and analysis merge, creating students ready to figure things out and then use that knowledge to make things better.
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Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Where Technology Meets Leadership
Online Learning at Southeast
When it comes to your success, we do whatever it takes. Online learning at Southeast takes the same reputable college courses taught by Southeast faculty and makes them available anytime, anywhere.
Getting the Job
Your education is just one piece to launching an extraordinary career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to find the job you want, make the right connections, sell your knowledge and experience—and if all this is giving you anxiety, don’t panic. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need, so you’re landing your dream job in no time.
Additional Resources
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701