Music Education: Instrumental
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Music Education - Instrumental Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree.
Outcomes & Careers
High School Teacher
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for a high school teacher is $65,220.
Music Professor
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a music professor is $84,380.
Music Director
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for a music director is $62,590.
The instrumental music education curriculum includes core coursework to prepare you for a career teaching music. You’ll complete a minimum of 120 credit hours to complete this degree, including the general education requirements and at least 39 senior division hours.
Professional Education Requirements: 40 Hours
- EF400 Seminar in Educational Issues for Student Teachers (1)
- EX390 Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (3)
- ME222 Principles of Teaching Music (3)
- ME270 Field Experience Block II (1)
- ME370 Field Experience Block III (1)
- ME371 Techniques of Teaching General Music: Elementary and Secondary (3)
- ME465 Student Teaching (12)
- PY222 Development of the Adolescent (3)
- SE307 Content Literacy Methods (3)
- SE350 Pedagogy I: Principles of Effective Teaching in Middle and Secondary Schools (3)
- SE365 Pedagogy II: Secondary School (4)
- SE385 Pedagogy III: Advanced Methods of Middle and Secondary Teaching (3)
Required Courses - 62 Credit Hours:
- ME001 Senior Recital (0)
- ME255 Brass Techniques (1)
- ME260 String Techniques (1)
- ME261 Percussion Techniques (1)
- ME265 Woodwind Techniques (1)
- ME372 Instrumental Techniques: Elementary and Secondary (3)
- ME400 Marching Band Techniques (2)
- ME450 Synthesis of Music Education Methods (2)
- MH181 The World of Music (3)
- MH251 History & Literature of Music to 1800 (3)
- MH252 Evolution of Musical Style Since 1800 (3)
- MM001 Aural Skills Entry Level Proficiency (0)
- MM002 Aural Skills Exit Level Proficiency (0)
- MM100 Music Fundamentals (3)
- MM102 Intermediate Harmony & Melody (3)
- MM105 Aural Skills I (1)
- MM106 Aural Skills II (1)
- MM203 Advanced Harmony, Melody & Form (3)
- MM204 Music Theory through Composition, Arranging, & Orchestration (3)
- MM207 Aural Skills III (1)
- MM208 Aural Skills IV (1)
- MP1xx Applied Music (1+1)
- MP2xx Applied Music (1+1)
- MP3xx Applied Music (2+2)
- MP4xx Applied Music (1)
- MU001 Piano Proficiency (0)
- MU002 Sophomore Review (0)
- MU110 Recitals & Concerts (seven semesters) (0)
- MU151 Functional Piano I (1)
- MU152 Functional Piano II (1)
MU220 Vocal Techniques (2) - MU253 Functional Piano III (1)
- MU254 Functional Piano IV (1)
- MU341 Basic Conducting (2)
- MU344 Instrumental Conducting & Literature (2)
MU3xx Instrumental Ensemble (7)*
*Refer to Student Handbook for ensemble options
“Critical Courses” are italicized and bold. Data shows that students who have completed this course in the first two years and have earned the noted grade are most likely to complete this program of study.
Some requirements may be fulfilled by coursework in major program.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences – 6 hours
- Constitution Requirement – 3 hours
- Written Communication – 6 hours
- Oral Communication – 3 hours
- Natural Sciences – 7 hours (from two disciplines, one to include a lab)
- Mathematics – 3 hours
- Humanities & Fine Arts – 9 hours (from at least two disciplines)
- Additional requirements – 5 hours (to include UI100 for native students)
- Civics examination
Freshman Year
Fall Semester (17-18 Hours)
- UI100 (1)
- EN100 (3)
- MH181 (3)
- MM001 (0)
- MM100 (3)
- MM105 (1)
- MP1xx (1)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- MU110 (0)
- MU151 (or proficiency) (1)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (18-19 Hours)
- ME222 (3)
- MM102 (3)
- MM106 (1)
- MP1xx (1)
- MU110 (0)
- MU152 (or proficiency) (1)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- PY222 (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Milestone: Maintain 2.75 cumulative GPA, Complete MEP
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester (18-19 Hours)
- MH251 (3)
- MM203 (3)
- MM207 (1)
- MP2xx (1)
- MU110 (0)
- MU253 (or proficiency) (1)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (18-19 Hours)
- MH252 (3)
- MM002 (0)
- MM204 (3)
- MM208 (1)
- MP2xx (1)
- MU001 (0)
- MU002 (0)
- MU110 (0)
- MU254 (or proficiency) (1)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Milestone: Maintain 2.75 cumulative GPA, Passing score MoGEA
Summer Courses are encouraged to avoid 18-hour semesters.
Junior Year
Fall Semester (15 Hours)
- EX390 (3)
- ME255 (1)
- ME260 (1)
- MP3xx (2)
- MU110 (0)
- MU220 (2)
- MU341(2)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- SE350 (3)
Spring Semester (18 Hours)
- ME270 (1)
- ME261 (1)
- ME265 (1)
- ME371 (3)
- MP3xx (2)
- MU110 (0)
- MU344 (2)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- SE307 (3)
- SE365 (4)
Senior Year
Fall Semester (12 Hours)
- ME001 (0)
- ME370 (1)
- ME372 (3)
- ME400 (1)
- ME450 (2)
- MP4xx (1)
- MU110 (0)
- MU3xx (large ensemble) (1)
- SE385 (3)
Spring Semester (13 Hours)
- EF400 (1)
- ME465 (12)
Milestone: Prior to last semester: Passing score Mo Content Exams, passing score on MEES, 3.0 GPA in Education and content courses.
A “Milestone” signifies a significant stage for a student in the completion of a degree.
“Critical Courses” are italicized and bold. Data shows that students who have completed this course in the first two years and have earned the noted grade are most likely to complete this program of study.
Teacher Preparation Program Admission Requirements
This program requires specific courses and a certain number of completed hours for admission.
Upon completion of Southeast’s Teacher Preparation Program an individual is eligible to berecommended for a Missouri Teaching Certificate in K-12 instrumental music if the student has the following:
- A final 3.0 GPA in both pedagogy and content coursework;
- A passing score on the appropriate licensure exam(s) as required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education;
- A passing score on the Teacher Candidate Instrument of the Missouri Educator Evaluation System;
- MSHP/FBI background clearance from no earlier than one year prior to the date of the application for certification
What will it cost?
Explore our Music Education Degree
Opportunities in Music at SEMO
Music Scholarships
We know that paying for an education isn’t easy, but it is worth it. That is why The Department of Music has scholarships available just for its’ students. See all of the scholarships available to Department of Music students.
Performance Venues
You know at a school with an entire campus dedicated to the arts, you will get to perform in some beautiful space. Explore our performance venues now.
Ready to find your next performance group or take your next step towards a degree? Learn more about the audition process at SEMO. -
No matter what instrument you play. We have a performance group for you to gain the experience necessary to make your passion, your career.
Become a Redhawk.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Get Funding for Your Education
Missouri’s opened the door to a more educated workforce. We want to help you walk through it. If you’re an adult learner and a Missouri resident returning to college, learn about the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant. It’s a statewide financial aid program that can be used to pursue a certificate, degree or industry-recognized credential in a high need area in Missouri. This major is eligible for the Fast Track grant.
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