Faculty Wellness
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Strategies for Self-Care
Brooke’s Notes on Burnout Study Abstract
The purpose of this sequential explanatory study was to determine if there was a relationship between faculty burnout, social support, institutional support, or salary, as well as establish if any college within a regional public university in the Midwest was less burned out than the others. Participants (n = 111) completed a survey that contained qualifying as well as demographic questions, Maslach’s Burnout Inventory, Cutrona & Russell’s Social Provisions Scale, and the institutional support section of Conklin & Desselle’s Multidimensional Work Satisfaction Scale. Social support in the form of guidance and reassurance of worth, as well as institutional support, were found to mitigate burnout. The College of Education, Health & Human Studies had a lower burnout score than other colleges. In semi-structured interviews with faculty, it was determined that personal accomplishment, as well as colleagues, department chairs, and deans who create a culture of support, can reduce burnout.
Resources for Battling Burnout
Breathe for Change. (2020) Resources. Breathe for Change.
Carr, J.M.(2019). E-mail obsessed: Professor establishes email guidelines during the summer. Faculty Focus.
Hannay, C. (2020). Self-care resources. Mindful Teachers.
Pope-Ruark, R. (2020). Beating pandemic burnout. Inside Higher Ed.
Resources for Self-Care
Tara Brach
Mindfulness and Meditation Resource
Palouse Mindfulness
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, free course materials
Eckhart Tolle
5-part video on understanding how we perceive adversity and finding peace amid turmoil
Retreat! The Results of a Faculty Burnout Study
Two of Southeast’s own faculty conducted a study on burnout, Brooke Hildebrand Clubbs and Missy Nieveen-Phegley. They have compiled two presentations, a long and a short, reviewing their study.
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