At Southeast Missouri State University, it is our mission to always have mental health-related services available for your student. We also want to give you as much information as possible in order to give you a better understanding of the services available for your student.


Counseling Services

The Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility offers short-term individual, couples, and group counseling for a variety of concerns. Students come in for counseling to help them deal with stress, depression, anxiety, academic motivation, and relationship problems.

Our counseling staff, licensed counselors, and social workers are experienced in responding to a variety of personal and social issues as well as crisis intervention. Referrals are made to appropriate psychiatric services or other specialists as needed.

A student's first contact with the center is through a triage screening appointment. This will help determine the severity of the situation, how to best address their concerns, and determine if an off-campus referral is appropriate.

The plan may include individual counseling at the Center, a referral to a practitioner in the community, group counseling, attending a workshop, consultation with a psychiatrist or Family Nurse Practitioner for medication, or referral to other campus academic support services.

Counselors can help with many of the questions or concerns you have about your student’s well-being. These questions may relate to your student’s needs or where the needed assistance can be obtained.

The counselors at the Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility are available to talk to you during the day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (573) 986-6191. Counselors can help with many of the questions or concerns you have about your student’s well-being. These questions may relate to your student’s needs or where the needed assistance can be obtained.

Tips on Helping Your Students Cope with Trauma

Coping with trauma is not easy and is different for everyone. Your student must learn to cope healthily. You can help with this by talking to your student often, encouraging your student to be honest about their emotions, reassuring your student, and always being there for support.

If your student needs to talk with a professional, suggest they make an appointment with the Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility in Dearmont Hall, Room B1, (573) 986-6191.

If parents are concerned about their student and want to consult with a professional, call the Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility at (573) 986-6191. For more information about services provided please reach out to the Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility.


As much as the counseling staff is eager to help you with your concerns or questions about your student, confidentiality is an essential aspect of the counseling relationship which limits the information they can share with you. Confidentiality in the counseling relationship is protected in the state of Missouri, and this prevents the counseling staff from discussing your student’s counseling in any way without written permission from your student. Counselors cannot confirm in any way if your student has been seen at the Center.

The clinician/therapist may consult with supervisors and Center colleagues to improve their skills and to provide your student with treatment continuity and the highest quality services possible. This will be done without the use of the student's name whenever possible. If the clinician/therapist is being supervised, the name of his or her supervisor will be provided. Sessions will never be taped without written consent. Statistics are compiled on Center activities, and from time to time the Center staff makes presentations and writes articles as part of their work in a university academic training and research setting. In these cases, we will omit or disguise specific identifying information and certain individual characteristics such as names.

My Student is Going to College! What Can I Do to Help?

Your student’s transition to college comes with a lot of excitement and changes. It’s understandable for you both to have a large range of emotions, from being excited to nervous to even sad. These feelings are completely normal, but there are many things you can do to make this process easier.

Take Care of Yourself

  • Your feelings about the separation may be different than your spouse or significant other's, but both of you are experiencing a major life change.
  • Share your feelings with other experienced parents, partners, friends…anyone who will listen. 
  • Take up a new hobby… take a vacation after your student leaves home…read a book… get physical… do something for you! 
  • Anticipate what separation from your student will be like before that day.

Take Care of Your Student

Change isn’t easy. Your student may experience psychological changes before arriving on campus such as an increase in anxiety and worry. These are often due to relationship changes like saying goodbyes to life-long friends, increased self-doubts or doubts about college, and concerns about leaving home.

  • Provide support by asking gentle questions about the transition
  • Be understanding if your student wants to spend time with friends
  • Encourage confidence
  • Make their first birthday (or holiday) away from home a great one

Stay Connected: For You and Your Student

  • Communicate: Discuss ahead of time how you will communicate regularly with your student (e-mail, phone, letters, etc.).
  • Find your best calling night and ask how often - call without an agenda sometimes.
  • Send family pictures, videos, audio, funny cards, or clippings from your hometown newspaper.
  • Send your student a special care package – they will truly appreciate it.
  • Don't be shy in communicating how much you miss your student.
  • Discuss good times for school visits.
After Hours DPS
(573) 651-2911
Crisp Hall 201-202
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 8220
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701