We believe sexual violence prevention is imperative to our University. We want students to know they can get help and find resources for educating themselves.

Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Reporting Form

All members of the Southeast Missouri State University community are encouraged to report any sexual and gender-based misconduct to the university, police, or both. In this section you will be able to find out how to report to the university and /or to law enforcement, and how SEMO handles the reports it receives. All of the confidential resources listed on our site for students, faculty, and staff are available to you whether or not you decide to make an official report.

At Southeast we are a community committed to the prevention of sexual violence. We empower our campus through bystander intervention strategies and shared responsibility to promote the safety and well-being of all members of our community. Although we strive to foster a safe, secure learning environment, our community is not immune from sexual violence. According to data from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in five women and one in seventy-one men is raped in their lifetime. When sexual violence occurs, we want you to know you are not alone, we believe you, and we are here to help.

There are many resources available to promote the prevention of sexual violence and support members of our campus community who experience this type of violence. Please visit our Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance resource tab to ensure you have access to crisis intervention and counseling, reporting options, legal support, and Title IX information at Southeast.

Trae Mitten
Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator
(573) 651-2823

Randy Carter
Title IX Investigator
(573) 651-2823

Title IX Training

Academic Hall 010 - 011
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 3375
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701