The Show-Me Guard Officer Leadership Development Program (GOLD) allows students to earn a degree while preparing to serve as future officers in the Missouri National Guard.

Participation in the Show-Me GOLD program provides students with professional development and leadership training that will become a valuable tool for students throughout their college career, in their civilian careers, and in their future careers as officers in the Missouri National Guard.

The Missouri National Guard recognizes the importance of education and established policy to ensure that students participating in the program are non-deployable. All students must remain in good standing with both the Show-Me GOLD Program and the University.

Students enroll in one of the many academic majors offered by Southeast Missouri State University and in the officer-training program. Officer training consists of credit-bearing classroom instruction (military science classes), leadership laboratories, field training exercises, and physical fitness training.

Participants in the program must satisfy admissions standards of both Southeast Missouri State University and the Missouri Army National Guard. Those who qualify for any of the academic scholarships awarded through the college of their attendance will be eligible to apply those benefits to books, fees, and room/board expenses.

Military Science Minor

The Military Science minor at Southeast is for students interested in military science, war leaderships, and duty assignment for military service.

Show-Me Guard Officer Leadership Development Program (GOLD)


  1. To develop leadership skills in selected personnel to be Second Lieutenants in the Missouri Army National Guard and to prepare them for Officer Candidate School.
  2. To produce adaptive officer candidates with increased maturity, confidence, and competence that are prepared to undertake leadership roles at Officer Candidate School. The Show-ME GOLD program seeks to develop in Candidates the 21st Century Soldier Competencies and Attributes described in The Army Learning Model: Character and Accountability, Professional Competence, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Adaptability and Initiative, Teamwork and Collaboration, Culture, Communication and Engagement (oral, written, negotiation), Lifelong Learner (includes digital literacy), and Comprehensive Fitness.


Introduction to Army Doctrine focusing on Leadership, Ethics, Squad, and Platoon level tactics. The context and organization of the light Infantry Squad and Platoon provide the framework for learning how to integrate individual and collective tasks to accomplish assigned missions.

The training culminates with Field Training Exercises (FTX) utilizing squad and platoon sized elements to allow for further leadership development and training.

Course Outcomes for the Show-Me GOLD Program

  • Values and Ethics. Future leaders who know, understand, and demonstrate the Army Values (Loyalty, duty, responsibility, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage).
  • Leadership. Officer Candidates who demonstrate knowledge of core leadership attributes and competencies who are able to apply the fundamentals of leadership with peers in small units.
  • Army Profession. Candidates who understand and embrace the concept of being a member of the Profession of Arms and the requirements of the Army Profession as well as the oath of commissioned officers.
  • Personal Development. Thos who understand responsibilities of an officer for self-development (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional) outside the institutional and organizational domains.
  • Technical Competence. Possesses fundamental knowledge and understanding of basic military skills.
  • Tactical Competence. Possesses basic military skills and demonstrates knowledge of the orders process and troop leading procedures while executing small unit tactics. Experiences an introduction to Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBD).
Officer in Charge
(573) 528-1139
Innovation Center 301
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7980
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701