International Tax Information
Continue to main contentDid you know that all international students and scholars must complete tax forms in the U.S.?
Every international student and scholar (including F-2 and J-2 dependents) enrolled in school in the U.S. in 2024 is expected to submit tax forms - even if they do not earn U.S.-sourced wages. Failure to file the necessary forms typically does not affect an international student’s current SEVIS status, but it could result in financial penalties and may be considered a factor in future applications for work visas or permanent residence.
Filing instructions
If you did not earn wages or have scholarship income in 2024:
You are required to file Form 8843. There is no need for you to purchase a Sprintax license! Here is a resource you can use to help you file your 8843.
If you were enrolled in the U.S. in 2024 and earned wages (including employment wages, scholarships, gambling winnings, etc.):
You must file Form 8843 and a corresponding tax return if you received a W2 or 1042-S. (NOTE: If you had no taxable income due to a tax treaty between the U.S. and your home country and were not eligible to receive a W-2, please follow the instructions above for those without U.S. sourced income.)
- There are no free NRA tax preparation services. Unless you have not been enrolled continuously in the U.S. since 2019, you cannot use any free tax preparation services (like TurboTax, H&R Block, FreeTaxUSA, etc.).
- Sprintax is the only online service available to help you file non-resident tax returns. SEMO will offer discounted licenses for Sprintax to help you file your taxes. When the Sprintax codes are ready for purchase, the link to order will be posted here.
If 2024 was your sixth year in the U.S. enrolled as an international student on an F or J visa:
- After completing your fifth calendar year enrolled as an international student in the U.S., you are considered a "resident for tax purposes." Please note this distinction pertains to taxes, and it is the only realm in which you are considered a "resident." If you are considered a "resident for tax purposes," you can use online services like Turbo-Tax or in-person services like H&R Block.
- Also, "residents for tax purposes" may be able to claim the 1098-T form on their return.
Important Tax Information
If 2024 was your 6th year of continuous living and/or studying in the U.S., you are eligible to file as a “resident for tax purposes.” Please note the term “resident” only applies to your tax filing status and has nothing to do with your immigrant or non-immigrant visa status.
Residents may use free tax preparation services like TurboTax. Also, they can claim the 1098-T form on their taxes.
IES can sell discounted Sprintax licenses to students to help them file their necessary forms. To buy a license, please complete the Sprintax Tax Preparation Code form.
IES can answer basic questions about a student’s tax responsibilities. However, we are not tax professionals. We are happy to advise students on their situations but can assume no liability.
We will hold several tax help workshops to answer any questions you may have. The workshops will be held in the International Village Admin Building on the following days and times:
- Thursday, March 20, 1 – 4 p.m.
- Monday, April 7, 1:30 – 4 p.m.
- Friday, April 11, 9 a.m. – Noon
- Tuesday, April 15, 9 a.m. – Noon
- You need your passport and information on the exact dates you entered and departed the U.S. in the last 5 years.
- If you earned wages in the U.S. in 2024, the main document(s) you need is your W2 form. You will have a W2 from all places you earned income in 2024. Please make sure to contact your employer if you do not know where/how to access your W2 form. If you worked for SEMO, your W2 form is available on the “Employee SS” on the portal. NOTE: Chartwell's W2 forms are different than SEMO's. If you worked for both SEMO and Chartwells, you will have two separate W2 forms.
- If you are an international student athlete and had scholarship money that paid for non-educational expenses, you will receive a 1042-S from Human Resources.
- You cannot file your taxes until you have all these documents.
There are no free tax preparation software services for NRAs. If you are an international student filing as an NRA and use free online tax preparation, you are likely committing tax fraud. All free online tax services or widely promoted ones (e.g. TurboTax, H&R Block at Wal-Mart) assume you are a resident or citizen and will file as such. Further, they are staffed with professionals who know very little about NRA filing requirements. However, international students who are eligible to file as a “Resident for Tax Purposes” may use those services.
Sprintax is one of the few online services that prepare NRA tax returns. International Education and Services can sell you a Sprintax license for the discounted price of $10. Each code covers the cost of filing your basic federal form.
Sprintax can also help NRAs with other services, including state returns, ITIN applications, and amending previous year returns. Unfortunately, we do not have any discounted licenses for those services.
To buy a discounted Sprintax code, please go to the Sprintax Preparation Code Request. Once we verify that you have purchased the code, it will be emailed to you with further instructions. (Please note that the codes are not available until mid-March. Once they are available, they will be emailed to all who have made the purchase.)
We will also hold a number of tax help workshops to answer any questions you may have. The workshops will be held in the International Village Admin Building on the following days and times:
- Thursday, March 20, 1 – 4 p.m.
- Monday, April 7, 1:30 – 4 p.m.
- Friday, April 11, 9 a.m. – Noon
- Tuesday, April 15, 9 a.m. – Noon
SEMO’s international student merit-based scholarships (International Academic Excellence, International Academic Achievement, and International Student Award) are not considered income and do not have to be reported as income.
Scholarship money for international student athletes that covers room and board or other non-education expenses is considered income and needs to be included on your tax return. That information is included in your 1042-S.
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