Continue to main contentThe Harrison College of Business and Computing is housed in Dempster Hall, a modern facility that offers students multiple laboratories, classrooms, and auditorium space available with exclusive access to students enrolled in courses offered by the Department of Computer Science.
Stamp Cyber Command Center
The Stamp Cyber Command Center, developed in collaboration with IBM is the first cyber command center west of the Mississippi. It offers hands-on training and immersive simulations that replicate real-world cyber threats, equipping students with the skills and expertise needed to respond to the evolving cybercrime landscape.
SEMO Cyber Range
The Cyber Range is an interactive, remote-accessible computational platform of virtualized digital resources which can be weaved together to aid and solve experimental, research, educational, and operational challenges of cyber-enabled systems. The Cyber Range offers educational content delivery and collaboration, a virtual platform to experiment with complex cyber-enabled systems, and a competition framework for security and computing competitions. The Cyber Range utilizes HP Enterprise multi-socket servers deployed using OpenStack. There are over 850 cores available with a total of 2.2 TB of RAM, and more than 30TB of RAID storage.
Simulation Lab
The Simulation Lab provides workspace for research, robotics, and preparation for cyber defense and cyber penetration competitions. The Lab is designed for classes. The Lab is set up with a big screen monitor that allows for virtual consultations and webinars.
Internet of Things (IoT) Lab

The IoT (Internet of Things) Lab provides students and faculty the opportunity to test networking with small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects. The Lab is designed for collaboration amongst the students and faculty, as well as allowing for a suitable space for research.
Research Cluster
The Department of Computer Science also maintains a separate OpenStack deployment dedicated for faculty and graduate student research. It presently offers 200 cores with a total of 300GB of RAM, and 12TB of storage. Current projects include deep learning, wireless security, robotics, image processing, and development of a big data testbed.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701