The table includes course syllabus, prerequisites, and tentative rotation schedule to assist you in planning your schedule.

Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Degrees 

Course Prerequisites Fall Winter Spring Summer
CS101 Introduction to computer programming (3) N/A X X X X
CS155 Computer Science I(4) CS101 with grade of C or better X X X
CS245 Discrete Structures I(3) CS101 with grade of C or better X X
CS265 Computer Science II(4) CS155 with grade of C or better X X
CS288 Computer System and Assembly Language (4) CS245 with grade of C or better X X
CS300 Computer Science III(3) CS265 with grade of C or better X
CS345 Discrete Structures II (3) CS245 with grade of C or better X
CS350 Analysis of Algorithms (3) CS300 ; CS345 all with grade of C or better X
CS351 C and the Posix Environment (4) CS155  with grade of C or better X X
CS373 Introduction to game programming (3)* CS265 with grade of C or better
CS380 Computer Operating System (3) CS288; CS351 all with grade of C or better X X
CS390 Programming Languages (3) CS300 with grade of C or better X
CS433 Introduction to Data Analytics (3) CS300 or CS500 with grade of C or better X
CS440 Database (3) CS265 or CS500 all with grade of C or better X
CS445 Software Engineering  (3) Senior standing X X
CS453 Machine learning (3) CS265 or CS500 with grade of C or better X
CS473 3D Game Programming (3)* CS373 with grade of C or better
CS480 Data Communications (3) CS351 with grade of C or better X
CS481-483 Problems in Computer Science(1-3)* Faculty approval
CS495 Senior Seminar (1) Co-req CS499 X X
CS499 Capstone Experience (3) CS445 with grade of C or better X X
CS503 Fundamentals of Computing (3) Permission of chair X X
CS505 Data Mining(3)* CS265 or CS500 with grade of C or better
CS506 Distributed Cloud Computing (3) (CS265;CS380;CS480) or (CS265;CS503) or (CS500;CS503) all with grade of C or better X
CS533 Mobile Computing (3) (CS265;CS380;CS480) or (CS265;CS503) or (CS500;CS503) all with grade of C or better X
CS560 Computer Architecture(3)* (CS300;CS380;CS480) or (CS300;CS503) or (CS500;CS503) all with grade of C or better
CS575 Advanced Web Development(3)* CS265 with grade of C or better
CS580 Advanced Robotics(3)* (CS300;CS380;CS480) or (CS300;CS503) or (CS500;CS503) all with grade of C or better
CS585 Formal System and Modeling(3)* CS265 with grade of C or better X
CS591 Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3) (CS300;CS380;CS480) or (CS300;CS503) or (CS500;CS503) all with grade of C or better X
CY201 Introduction to Cybersecurity (3) CS155 with grade of C or better X X
CY310 Information Security and Assurance (3) CY201;CS265;MA464 all with grade of C or better X
CY320 Information Security in System Administration (3) CY201;IS299 all with grade of C or better X
CY410 Web Application Security (3) CY320;IS245 all with grade of C or better X
CY420 Computer Forensics (3) CY310;CS288 all with grade of C or better X
CY440 Cloud Computing (3) CY310;IS245 all with grade of C or better X
CY450 Introductions to Cyber Operations (3) CY310;CY320 all with grade of C or better X
IS145 Introduction to Web Development (3) None X X
IS175 Computer Information systems I  (3) None X X
IS245 Web Development and Security (3) CS101 or IS145 all with grade of C or better X X X
IS275 Computer Information systems II (3) IS175 with grade of C or better X X
IS299 Security in Data Protocols (3) IS245 with grade of C or better X
IS340 Information Technology (3) IS275 with grade of C or better X
IS360 Mobile Application Development (3) CS265 with grade of C or better X
IS420 Human computer interaction (3) IS245 with grade of C or better X
IS440 Web design for electronic commerce (3) IS245 with grade of C or better X
IS448 IS/IT Project Management (3) IS340 with grade of C or better X
IS465 Management support systems (3) CS440 with grade of C or better X
IS575 IS/IT Strategy and management (3) IS465 with grade of C or better X
IU315 Ethics in the Cyber World(3) None X X X

*Offered as needed

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Cape Girardeau, MO 63701