ID Services at Southeast offers students their official identification card. Student's ID card serves as a library card, facilities, and event access card, campus identification card, and campus dining card. As a Responsible Redhawk, it is important to carry your ID card at all times.

Why do you need a Redhawk ID? Your Redhawks ID card serves as identification that you are a Southeast student, faculty, or staff member. In addition, the card serves as:

  • Your meal plan card for Chartwells Dining Services (for both meal plan students and students that elect to 'deposit' Redbucks onto their account – be sure to ask Chartwells for more details!)
  • Your access card for textbook rental and library privileges
  • A way to charge bookstore purchases to your Southeast student account
  • Your membership card to access the Student Recreation Center
  • A way to get free or discounted tickets to many Southeast Athletics, Show Me Center, and River Campus events
  • Your access to the Campus Health Clinic, Counseling & Disability Services, and Testing Services

ID Services Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Semesters

  • Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Weekdays from 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., call (573) 450-4418 for assistance
  • Weekends from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., call (573) 450-4418 for assistance

*The weekend before the fall and spring semesters, ID Services will be open the same hours as Textbook Rental.

Getting a Redhawks ID

Come visit us at the ID Services Desk (located on the second floor of the University Center inside the Center for Student Involvement). Please bring the following items with you:

  • University ID number (S0-7 digits), as listed on your University Portal, or admitted student documents.
  • A valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc.). Photos of IDs or paper copies, unless issued by the DMV, are not accepted.
  • Note: to obtain a Redhawks ID card, you must be enrolled in at least one credit hour or be participating in a New Student Programs Transfer Orientation or First Step Orientation.
  • Your photo will be taken, and the ID will be issued in a matter of minutes!

If you are a new student or have never had a Redhawks ID, visit your campus’ main office for assistance in obtaining your first Redhawks ID!

Please bring the following documentation with you:

  1. University ID number (S0-7 digits), as listed on your University Portal or admitted student documents, and
  2. A valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc). Photos of IDs or paper copies, unless issued by the DMV, are not accepted.
  • Your picture will be taken and emailed to ID Services at the main campus.
  • Once the picture is received and the Redhawks ID is generated, it will be returned to your campus’s main office via campus mail for distribution.
  • Please allow 3-5 business days between having your picture taken and returning to pick up your new Redhawks ID.
  • If you have previously received a Redhawks ID and need a replacement due to damage, loss, name change, etc., please refer to the process above. Your campus’s main office will coordinate the process for a replacement Redhawks ID.

Notice for Online Requests

This process is designed for individuals who take classes online only or who live a significant distance from the Cape Girardeau campus and cannot request the ID/badge in person within our normal business hours (see above).  

Please do not use this process if you live on or close to the main campus, as it is quicker to request a card in person during our service hours.  In-person requests take priority over online requests during high-volume processing times. 

Online Student Request Process:

  • Log in to My.SEMO: using your SEKey and password.
  • In the search window at the top of the page, type Request a Redhawks ID (student) and press enter
  • From the list that populates, select the link with the same title Request a Redhawks ID (student)
  • A form will open in another tab.
  • Complete the form, upload the requested photos/documents, and submit.  Please be sure that your photo meets the University's criteria for ID photos.
  • Online requests are processed weekly and mailed out via the US Postal Service to the provided address, or individuals requesting in-person pick-up will receive an email with directions on where to pick up their IDs.  If picking it up in person, you will be required to show another form of photo ID to claim your Redhawks ID.

NOTE: New first-time and transfer students need to complete this request process during their in-person (or if offered, virtual) First STEP and Transfer Orientations. 

Online Requests for Mailing:

If you request your ID online, please allow 3 business days for processing and anticipate approximately one week for transit time via the US Postal Service. 

Online Requests for Pick-up:

Please allow 3 business days for processing and wait to pick up until you have received an email notification that your ID is ready. 

Pick-up IDs may be claimed in the Center for Student Involvement, located on the 2nd floor of the University Center.  You will be asked to present another form of photo ID to claim your Redhawks card. 

NOTE: If you need a Redhawks ID within 3 business days, it is always best to come in person and request your ID/badge. We have regular business hours (see above) and offer an after-hour service via telephone request when an individual is on-site at the main campus.

There are four methods that an early college high school student can follow to obtain an official Southeast Missouri State University Redhawks ID.

1. The Early College instructor or school district coordinator can submit the following information via email for a Redhawks ID(s):

  • Picture(s) of all individual(s)/student(s) needing a Redhawks ID.
    • NOTE: Photo files should be submitted in the .jpg format. Please use the student's ID number or last name as the file name if submitting multiple requests in the same email.
    • Student(s) should be posed in front of a solid wall or background (light to medium blue or white preferred).
    • Student(s) should hold in front of them a sheet of paper at chest level with the following information printed clearly on it:
    • Last Name
    • University ID # (S0-7 digits)
    • If you are only submitting one individual for an ID, you do not have to hold the sign and can instead put the information in the body of the email submission. 
    • Student(s) head and face should not be obscured by hats, scarves, glasses, etc. except if item(s) are worn for medical or religious purposes.
  • A photo log should either be attached, along with the photo files, or the following information should appear in the body of the email request:
    • Last Name of individual/student, University ID # (S0-7 digits), corresponding photo file name/#
    • Repeat until all individuals are listed.
  • A complete mailing address for where the completed Redhawks ID(s) should be mailed to
  • A contact name and number for the individual or school contact seeking the Redhawks ID(s) so that we may contact them with any questions.
  • Warning: You may need to break up your request into more than one email. File size restricts what can be successfully submitted in each email. We recommend batches of 10-12 photos per email. Email requests should be sent to
2. Class trip to the main campus

If you are planning a trip to the Cape Girardeau campus with your class, we would be happy to schedule a time for you to visit our Redhawks ID Services staff, so we could make the Redhawks ID(s) in person. We are located on the second floor of the University Center inside the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), Room 204.

3. Individual students visit main campus

If a student(s) would like to come in person, we would them to present the following documentation to issue a Redhawks ID:

  • Your Southeast Early College letter or course schedule
  • University ID number (S0-7 digits), as listed on your University Portal, or Early College student documents, and
  • A valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc.). Photos of IDs or paper copies, unless issued by the DMV, are not accepted.
4. Individual Students Submits Online following the process outlined above in SEMO Online and Web-Only Students

University faculty and staff will be supplied with an identification card upon employment with the University. There is no charge for the initial ID card. If you are a new employee and have completed your paperwork with the Human Resources office, you will need to bring the following documentation and proof of identity with you to ID Services, located on the 2nd floor of the University Center inside the Center for Student Involvement, room 204).

  • HR Employment Memo For ID Card or University-issued employment contract showing your University ID number (S0-7 digits).
  • Valid U.S. government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc.). Photos of IDs or paper copies, unless issued by the DMV, are not accepted.

ID Services has several standard badges on file that your department may choose from to identify your staff on campus. Additionally, we have worked with some departments to create badges specific to their needs, including Nursing. The standard charge for department badges is $10/badge and Nursing is $5/badge.

If your office requests to implement badges for personnel or students for field experiences, internships, etc., your department will need to supply a memo authorizing the creation of the badge, supply the information for the authorized person(s) receiving the badge(s) each semester, and if applicable an index to bill the badge(s) to.

Redhawks ID Services reserves the right to deny the creation of badges based on the intended use or limitations of our existing systems.

To create a department badge, please contact Gretchen Grojean, at (573) 651-2280 to discuss your timeline and specific needs.

Lost or Stolen Cards

If you lose your Redhawks ID, you should report the loss to the Information and ID Services Office immediately. The fee for the replacement of a lost Redhawks ID or for a card that is replaced due to a name or account number change is $15. Stolen cards will be replaced for free with a copy of a DPS or other police report.

Damaged Cards

Redhawks IDs that are bent, worn, or broken as a result of normal use will be replaced free of charge if presented and surrendered when requesting a new card. Intentionally misused or damaged IDs (holes punched in ID, burn marks, bend marks, etc.) will not be replaced for free. Whether or not damage is intentional is at the discretion of the ID Services staff and will be assessed during the time of replacement and again by the Campus Life & Event Services Professional Staff.

Replacing your Redhawks ID

If you are replacing a current Redhawks ID, you will need to bring another form of identification.

  • Your name and ID number must exactly match those of the University records.
  • Redhawks IDs damaged due to unintentional wear and tear are replaced at no charge if the damaged card is returned at the time of the card replacement.
  • A $15 replacement fee will apply if the card is misused or defaced intentionally or if the information on the card becomes incorrect due to a name or account number change.
  • Payment - all replacement or lost card charges will be applied to your Southeast account.


Redhawks IDs are the property of the University and are non-transferable. Students, faculty, staff and other University affiliates are responsible for the accuracy of the information on the Redhawks ID. Misuse of the Redhawks ID, falsification of information on the Redhawks ID, or failure to present your Redhawks Card upon request to any University official acting in his/her/their duties will result in confiscation and/or disciplinary action being taken against you.

To ensure campus safety you must present a couple of these forms of identification prior to receiving your Redhawks ID:


  • University ID number (S0-7 digits), as listed on your University Portal, billing state, First STEP or Transfer Orientation packet, or admitted student documents.
  • Valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc). Paper copies are not accepted.

Faculty/Staff/University Affiliates

  • HR Employment Memo for ID Card or University issued employment contract showing your University ID number (S0-7 digits).
  • Valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport, state ID, etc.). Paper copies are not accepted.

ID Preferred Name Guidelines

Southeast Missouri State University recognizes that individuals may prefer to identify themselves by a first name other than their legal name. ID Services supports the use of a preferred name that differs from a person’s legal name within the University community on their Redhawks ID cards and required identification badges. Individuals who wish to use a preferred name on their University identification card or badge must have previously either requested a preferred name at time of admission to the University or have completed the Preferred First Name Form by updating the personal information section found on the Southeast Portal.

  • Log into mySEMO, using your SEKey and password.
  • Search for "Personal Information" and select "Banner Personal Information".
  • Locate the information you wish to update.
  • Select, complete, and submit.

A legal name is the name that appears on an individual’s passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, or U.S. Social Security Card.

A preferred name is a name an individual wishes to be known by in the University community that is different from an individual’s legal name. Southeast Missouri State University’s preferred name guidelines only cover preferred first name. Surnames (last names) can be changed only with a legal name change.

Preferred names may not be used for purposes of fraud or misrepresentation. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language.

No. Use of a preferred name on a Redhawks ID Card is an option provided to any individual. Each individual will be asked to select between having a legal name or preferred name printed on their Redhawks ID Card at the time each card is produced; however, an individual is only allowed to have one Redhawks ID at any time.

No. Individuals who are issued ID cards with a preferred name that is different from the legal name should be aware that such cards are issued for University business only and that Redhawks ID cards may not be considered government issued identification for purposes of voting, air travel, etc. Individuals are encouraged to carry a government-issued form of ID (driver’s license, passport, military ID) in order to access non-University resources.

In order to receive a Redhawks ID Card or badge with your preferred name, follow these steps:

  • Verify that your preferred name appears in the personal information system (Portal). If you have not entered a preferred name in Banner via the Portal, please visit either the Student SS or Employee SS tab. Then under the Personal Information Section, please select Update Preferred First Name to check, change or add a preferred name to your University record.
  • Once that is completed, visit the ID Services desk, located on the 2nd floor of the University Center inside the Center for Student Involvement (room 204), to request a Redhawks ID with your Preferred Name. 
  • If you want to double check that your Preferred Name appears in the ID system prior to coming in person to request your card, please call the main ID Services number is (573) 651-2896. The secondary number is (573) 651-2280 for summer and break periods. Names cannot be edited in anyway by the ID Services staff.

All first time Redhawks or Cape College Center ID Cards are issued for free. Identification badges required as part of a program or as a condition of employment are billed at the rate established by ID Services and agreed to by the requiring department(s).

Any card/badge requested after the first card/badge which is not necessitated by a legal name change or that does not require replacement due to the card/badge no longer functioning properly through normal wear and tear will be assessed a $15 replacement fee.

If you have questions about changing a legal name in Missouri, more information may be found on the Missouri Courts website

If you have already legally changed your name and need to updated your official University record, complete the Name and Social Security Number Change form and submit along with required documentation to the Office of Registrar. 

Contact Us
University Center, Room 414
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 1200
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701