Online: Master's in Applied Computer Science
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Online: Applied Computer Science Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree
Software Developers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual salary for software developers is $138,110.
Network and Computer Systems Administrators
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual salary for network and computer systems administrators is $95,360.
Database Administrators
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual salary for database administrators is $104,810.
With a Master’s degree in Applied Computer Science, you’ll be prepared to further your career in computers and information technology.
In addition to the criteria established for general admission to graduate studies, applicants must have the following:
- A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer information systems or related field
- An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- Six completed hours of science and six completed hours of mathematics in the undergraduate degree
Probationary Admission
Applicants who do not meet the general and/or program’s admission requirements may be considered for probationary admission upon approval by the graduate program coordinator. Students admitted on probation must complete nine credit hours that count towards the degree with a grade of “B” or better to continue in the program.
Core Requirements:
- CY501 Introduction to Cybersecurity (3)
- CS506 Distributed Cloud Computing (3)
- CS591 Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3)
- CS605 Research Methods (3)
- CS609 Advanced Programming Languages (3)
- CS630 Current Topics in Human Computer Interaction (3)
Choose one thesis option:
Thesis option -12 hours
- CS/CY5xx-6xx –choose 6 hours*
- CS697 Thesis Research I (3)
- CS698 Thesis Research II (3)
- GR699 Master's Oral Examination (0)
Non Thesis option -12 hours
- CS/CY5xx-6xx –choose 12 hours*
- CS690 Graduate Project (0)
- GR698 Master's Final Comprehensive Examination (0)
Electives may be chosen from the following with the advice of the advisor:*
- CS505 Data Mining (3)
- CS533 Mobile Computing (3)
- CS560 Computer Architecture (3)
- CS575 Advanced Web Development (3)
- CS580 Advanced Robotics (3)
- CS581 Advanced Network Programing (3)
- CS585 Formal Systems &Modeling (3)
- CS603 Introduction to Data Analytics (3)
- CS612 Simulation & Modeling for Computing (3)
- CS631 Advanced Software Engineering (3)
- CS632 Emerging & Converging Technologies & Computing (3)
- CS633 Digital Signal & Image Processing (3)
- CS634 Machine Learning (3)
- CS640 Advanced Database Systems (3)
- CS645 Internet of Things (3)
- CS650 Theory of Computation (3)
- CS653 Special Topics (3)
- CS693 Independent Study (3)
- CS699 Internship (3)
- CY510 Information Security & Assurance (3)
- CY520 Information Security in Systems Administration (3)
- CY610 Web Application Security (3)
- CY620 Computer Forensics (3)
- XX5xx/6xx Any relevant course from other departments and listed as electives – up to 6 hours
What will it cost?
Stamp Cyber Command Center
Get experience with real-world cyber-attack scenarios in the first Cyber Command Center west of the Mississippi. Through SEMO's collaboration with IBM, you’ll get experience with immersive simulations that replicate real-world cyber threats, equipping you with the skills and expertise needed to respond to the evolving cybercrime landscape.
Harrison College of Business & Computing
This program is housed in the Harrison College of Business and Computing. The College prepares students for the global marketplace. Alumni work for some of the world’s largest corporations to some of today’s most innovative startups. The focus is on creating and innovating, data and trends, supported by faculty mentors who themselves are leaders in business and computing.
“ My experience at Southeast and the classes that I have taken have prepared me to work in any field. I can be a software developer, database administrator, or teacher. There are so many opportunities. ”
Earn Your Degree on Your Schedule.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Mastering the Digital Frontier
Online Learning at Southeast
When it comes to your success, we do whatever it takes. Online learning at Southeast takes the same reputable college courses taught by Southeast faculty and makes them available anytime, anywhere.
Accreditations and Designations
Getting the Job
Your education is just one piece to launching an extraordinary career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to find the job you want, make the right connections, sell your knowledge and experience—and if all this is giving you anxiety, don’t panic. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need, so you’re landing your dream job in no time.
Additional Resources
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701