Supported Programs
Continue to main contentUnited Way is a global organization, yet each United Way covers a specific area and operates independently. United Way of Southeast Missouri (UWSEMO) serves four counties: Cape Girardeau, Perry, Bollinger, and northern Scott.
Through Southeast Missouri State University, United Way funds The University Student Emergency Fund to assist students financially to complete their education. The United Way also helps to fund the A.P.P.L.E. Project, as well as the SEMO Center for Speech and Hearing.
The University Student Emergency Fund
The University Student Emergency Fund is a “just-in time” grant for Southeast students with financial need who are experiencing significant financial burdens that may prevent them from completing their education. Please know that 100% of your donation to this fund will be given to students as a grant paid directly to their student account.
Students can request consideration for assistance through this fund by contacting Student Financial Services. Additionally, others can recommend funding for students whom they have identified as having emergency need.
In addition to having need due to a financial emergency, the recipient must be enrolled full-time and be in good academic standing. Student emergency fund allocations will generally range from $200-$500 until the fund grows from additional contributions.
"It is truly inspiring to be part of a university community who truly cares about students and their well-being. I have the opportunity to manage this fund, and it has been incredible to see how it is able to provide financial assistance directly to our students. It is an honor to work with this program and be able to help students in need. I would like to see more faculty and staff become aware of this Student Emergency Fund and contribute to help make a difference in a student’s life… whether big or small, every dollar helps! I challenge you to give $5/month… WOW, imagine what we could do if everyone did this… I can’t wait to see what you will do this year!"
Matthew L. Kearney, Ed.D.

Cape Girardeau, MO 63701