Southeast Missouri State University is responsible for investigating all crimes and incidents occurring on University property. The University strongly encourages victims to report all incidents to University Police immediately, regardless of their nature.

Crimes occurring on the campus may be reported in person at 1401 North Sprigg or by calling University Police at (573) 651-2215 at any time.

Emergencies requiring police, fire or medical aid may be reported by calling by 911 or by calling University Police at (573) 651-2911 or 911 from a University phone. If calling 911 from a cell phone you may reach The Cape Girardeau City Police or the Illinois State Police in Du Quoin, IL depending on your location in the City of Cape Girardeau.

Emergency Phones are located at strategic locations throughout campus and may be activated by simply pushing a button or picking up the receiver. This will connect you with University Police Communications who will provide assistance. University Police will respond in the event you are reporting a crime.
Non-emergency calls for service may be reported by dialing (573) 651-2215.

When to call

Crimes in progress and crimes which have just occurred should be reported immediately by University Police at (573) 651-2911 or 911 from a University phone.

Whenever possible, please have the actual victim or witness of the crime call directly. First-hand information is always more accurate and complete. Threatening behavior should be reported to University Police as soon as possible.

What to say when calling

The Communicator may ask a series of questions to share with the officers responding to the incident. Listen carefully to each question and try to answer it as best as you can. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so. Typical information the dispatcher may ask you for includes:
  • Where did the incident occur? Include building and room area.
  • How long ago did the incident occur?
  • Give a brief description of what occurred.
  • If people are involved, be prepared to give a description:
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Age
  • Height and Weight
  • Hair Color and Length
  • Clothing
  • Glasses/Facial Hair
  • Other identifiable characteristics or items?
  • Are any weapons involved?
  • If there was a perpetrator involved, where and when was that person last seen?
  • In which direction did the person travel?
  • Was the person travelling on foot or in a car?
  • If a vehicle was involved, be prepared to describe it:
  • Color
  • Year
  • Make
  • Body style
  • License number; License state

Campus Watch Line

A campus watch line is provided for anyone who may wish to report crime or suspicious activity anonymously or provide confidential information about crime (573) 651-2595.

Reporting Sexual Assault

The reporting of an incident of sexual assault is a difficult, yet important decision. The survivor's reporting of the assault may help recovery, provide support services, and prevent the offender from assaulting someone else. Call the Department of Public Safety at (573) 651-2215 or off campus, the Cape Girardeau Police Department at (573) 335-6621.

If the incident happened off-campus or the survivor wishes to report it to a local law enforcement agency, the University Police can help coordinate the effort. The reporting of the incident to the University Police is not the same as pressing charges against the offender. The University Police will discuss all options with the survivor, including what support is available. Both the University Police and Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility encourage third-party reporting. This means a friend of the survivor can contact these departments to discuss reporting options.

The Cape Girardeau County Prosecutor's Office has a sexual assault survivor advocate who will discuss the importance of preserving evidence, the legal process, and what support is available.

Support Services for Victims

Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility has trained professionals available to discuss, in a private setting, the incident, help the survivor decide which reporting options are best, and make referrals to the appropriate support services. Support is provided to facilitate reporting the assault. Assistance is available in contacting the appropriate offices regarding changes in academic and living situations. Faculty, staff, friends, and family are encouraged to contact the Center for Behavioral Health and Accessibility to report assaults, seek information and support, and express concerns. There is no charge for any of these services.

Confidential support is provided to inform students of their rights regarding reporting instances of violence and ensures access to counseling, victim advocacy, legal assistance, and supportive services available on campus and in the community. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or interpersonal violence, a confidential advocate is available 24/7 to assist with resources for support by contacting the Dean of Students.

Obtaining a Police Report

Southeast Missouri State University Police Department uses an electronic records management system, a database program written specifically for University Police. With our records management system, police staff is able to document crimes electronically, track crimes and determine crime patterns as well as provide daily and monthly statistics for the University Police website.

Requesting a Report

Individuals may request copies of reports by filling out a request form. The Police Department has three business days to either fulfill or deny the request.

You may also obtain a form at the police department located at 1401 N. Sprigg Cape Girardeau MO 63701. If you have any questions, please call us at (573) 651-2215.

Clery Act & Title IX Requirements

What can University Police do for me?

The University Police Department strives to provide the safest environment for students, employees and visitors. We want your environment to be conducive to having a great collegiate experience. We are participants in daily planning and operational decisions across campus. Much of our work is "behind the scenes" preventing incidents from occurring. If you become involved in an incident or feel uncomfortable about your safety in any situation, please let us help you. We would rather be involved in prevention than responding after an incident has occurred.

What are the basic safety rules on campus?

The University and City Of Cape Girardeau are safe communities. Even so, taking usual safety precautions can reduce your chance of being involved in dangerous situations. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, so please consider the following safety rules.

  • When on campus, always lock your office or residence or vehicle when leaving
  • Never leave computers or electronics unattended
  • Walk after dark in well-lit areas in groups or with another person

Federal Crime Reporting Requirements

Federal law known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires our university to disclose ""statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses reported to local law enforcement agencies or any official of the institution who is defined as a 'Campus Security Authority' (CSA). Examples of a CSA include:

  • A dean of students who oversees student housing, a student center or student extracurricular activities.
  • A director of athletics, a team coach or a faculty advisor to a student group.
  • A student resident advisor or assistant.
  • A coordinator of Greek affairs.
  • A physician in a campus health center or a counselor in a campus counseling center

University Police will send all Campus Security Authorities annual requests for information on crimes which were reported to the CSA for inclusion in yearly campus safety statistical reporting. CSA's who reported an incident to University Police when it occurred have met their reporting requirements for that incident.

2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Sex Offender Registry

Information regarding registered sex offenders in the State of Missouri under section 121 of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (42 U.S.C 16921) may be obtained by visiting the State of Missouri Sex Offender Database List. The revised Statutes of Missouri, Sections 589.400 to 589.425 and 43.650, RSMo., mandates that the Missouri State Highway Patrol shall maintain a sex offender database and a website on the Internet that is accessible to the public. The information on the website refers only to persons who have been convicted of, found guilty of, or plead guilty to committing or attempting to commit sexual offenses and may not reflect the entire criminal history of a particular individual.

Title IX Compliance at Southeast Missouri State University

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It reads: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX).
Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault.
While it is often thought of as a law that applies to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than athletics and applies to many programs at Southeast Missouri State University. While compliance with laws is everyone’s responsibility at Southeast, listed below are the staff members who have primary responsibility for Title IX compliance.

Title IX Coordinator

For complaints against faculty, staff, and visitors:

Trae Mitten
Dean of Students
Title IX Coordinator
Academic 010
(573) 651-2524

If you have a complaint against a Southeast faculty or staff member or visitor for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, you should contact the Dean of Students. The Dean is responsible for Title IX compliance in matters involving faculty and staff, including training, education, communication, investigation, and administration of the grievance procedure for all complaints against faculty, staff, and visitors, including complaints filed by students.

For complaints against students:

Dr. Randy Carter
Associate Dean of Students
UC422, MS1500
(573) 651-2264
If you have a complaint against a Southeast student for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, you should contact the Office of Student Conduct. The Associate Dean of Students is responsible for Title IX compliance in matters involving students, including training, education, communication, investigation, and administration of the grievance procedure for all complaints against Southeast students.

Gender Equity in Athletics:

If you have a complaint about gender equity in Southeast athletics programs, you should contact the Associate Director of Athletics/Senior Woman Administrator, who is responsible for Title IX compliance in matters related to gender equity in Southeast athletics programs.
Brady Barke
Director of Athletics
Department of Athletics – MS0200
(573) 651-2227

Additional Resources:

Sexual Assault

To file a complaint of sexual assault, you may contact one of the offices above, depending on who the complaint is against (faculty/staff, visitor, or student) and you may contact

Department of Public Safety (On-campus Reporting)
1401 N Sprigg Street
(573) 651-2215

Cape Girardeau Police Department (Off-campus Reporting)
40 S Sprigg Street
911 or (573) 335-6621.


Notice of Nondiscrimination
Office of Student Conduct
Violence Prevention Program
Sexual Assault Policy

(573) 651-2310
(573) 986-6187
Emergency Operations
(573) 651-2547
1401 N. Sprigg
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7275
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701