Tips and Tricks
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Take advantage of their wisdom with these great tips from Southeast’s upperclassmen!
They’ve been where you’re going, and they have learned some valuable lessons worth sharing!
"Take all the advice and tips you hear to heart. It can be hard to believe or something that makes you think, 'that couldn't happen to me,' but it wouldn't be something a person would bring up if they hadn't seen it."
“ Get out of your comfort zone and experience something new. ”
"Make a group of friends in your first semester that can be your college family here at Southeast. You need a support system here on campus with you just as much as you need your family back home."
"College is the best time to learn how to love yourself and forgive yourself because you’re the only one who will always be there for you."
"Explore. This is a time to find yourself and your future. You cannot do that doing the same, safe things you've done before."
“ Take advantage of all the things SEMO will offer you! Whether it be fun Opening Week events or small class sizes, all of these things will lead you to new friends, great memories, and a great college experience. Don't go home too much because you will definitely miss out on some once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. ”
- "Try to make a bunch of friends. It will make your time here a lot more fun."
- "If someone invites you to an event you aren't sure about, but you don't have any other plans, go!! Make friends and branch out going to new events!"
- "Treat college like a day job. Even though it's not always possible, if you can go to class and work on homework during the day, you can have evenings and weekends to see your friends and go on trips. Also, be sure to get involved!"
- "The first few days may seem like the hardest, but it gets better. I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone my freshman year because I have met many amazing people here at Southeast."
“ Don't let the stress and anxiety of your classes get the best of you. Have fun, relax when you need to, and take everything at your own pace. Everything will play out as normal, just go with the flow. ”
- "Put forth the effort for what brings you joy and fulfillment. If you want good grades or an awesome friend group, work hard and put yourself out there."
- "Don't stay up too late; your physical and mental abilities are highly affected by sleep deprivation."
- "Do not park where you aren’t supposed to. Tickets are real and expensive."
- "Get a planner. Use said planner."
- "Get involved. Even if you end up not liking a group, you’ll make new friends along the way."
- "Introduce yourself to your professors!"
- "Call home at least once a week."
- "Check portal announcements and the University calendar daily for cool events."
- "There is an 'any permit' lot located behind the football stadium that freshmen who live on South Campus can park in instead of parking all the way in 'Pig Lot.'"
- "If you need volunteer hours, visit SEMO Serve or call Campus Life at (573) 651-2280."
- "Don’t eat the same place for every meal. Switch it up or risk getting tired of Subway and Panda Express."
- "Be wary of 8 a.m. classes, but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself."
- "Pig Lot has air pumps if you need to fill your tires."
- "Take advantage of what Southeast has to offer: writing lab, tutoring, counseling services, leadership opportunities, etc. Everyone just wants to help you be successful."
- "Don’t go home every weekend. Some of my best memories are the random things people did in the dorms on the weekends."
- "You and your roommate won’t always get along, and that’s okay."
“ Even if you feel awkward or out of place, it’s okay. Everyone feels that way at some point. Don’t let it stop you from trying something new. ”
- "This is the most freedom you've probably ever had for the least responsibility... College is fun but remember you're here for a degree!"
- "Get to know the professors in your major. They're really cool, and they help you a lot more when you're proactive on your future goals."
- "Make your advising appointment as soon as humanly possible."
- "Enrollment starts at 7 a.m. Be on your computer with the CRNs of the classes you want ready on your day to enroll."
- "It's okay - normal even - to change your major. I changed mine 4 times, and I'm still graduating on time."
- "The best way to avoid Cardiac Hill is to walk by the practice field, and then take the elevator in Brandt!"
- "If you go to the welcome picnic, you will never have to buy cups again - they hand them out at almost every station."
- "Skipping class (3 credit hour MWF class) costs about $12.50 per day skipped... that's a pretty expensive nap."
- "Open your mind to other people's beliefs, and actively try to see their point of view."
- "ALWAYS ask for student discounts when buying food in Cape."
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