Meal Plan Options
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To provide students with flexibility when dining on campus, we offer four different dining plans with varying amounts of meals and flex dollars. Additionally, we offer Redbucks that can be used in all our dining venues.
Meal Plan Options
Meal Plans have two very important parts: Meals for the semester and Flex dollars for the
semester. At the beginning of the semester, your total Meals and Flex dollars are loaded onto your
Southeast Student Account. Within dining locations, your Southeast Student ID acts as your debit
card to access your dining funds.
The Meals with your meal plan are for use within the three Meal locations: Towers Landing inside
Towers Residence Hall, St. Vincent’s Commons at the River Campus, and Copper Dome Cafe inside
they University Center.
To choose the best plan to fit your lifestyle, think about where on campus you will spend most of
your time and the locations you most enjoy eating at. For those who enjoy eating at meal locations,
a meal plan high in meals might be best – and those who enjoy dining at flex locations on
campus might enjoy a meal plan with a higher balance of Flex dollars.
Students not living on campus or living in Greek Village are welcome to purchase a meal plan!
Meal Plans (25/26)
Name of PLan | Meals per Semester | Flex Dollars Per Semester | Cost Per Semester | cost academic year |
Meal Plan 275 | 275 | 224 | $1950 | $3900 |
Meal Plan 180 | 180 | 421 | $1705 | $3410 |
Meal Plan 120 | 120 | 875 | $1780 | $3560 |
Meal Plan 75 | 75 | 1160 | $1910 | $3820 |
Flex Dollars
Flex Dollars accompany most meal plans in varying amounts and are used at any retail location (Subway, Starbucks, Panda Express, Rowdy’s, or Redhawks Market). Flex dollars can also be used at any meal plan location (Towers Landing, Copper Dome Cafe, and St. Vincent’s Commons). They are held in a “declining balance account” that works on the same principle as a debit card. Each time you make a purchase, the amount is subtracted from your Flex Dollar balance. You can use your flex to purchase beverages and snacks or to purchase a meal for yourself or for a guest.
Unused flex dollars from the fall semester carry over to the spring semester. Flex Dollars from the spring semester do not carry over to the summer semester or the following fall semester. Students who want to purchase more flex dollars can buy Redbucks that work the same way as flex dollars. If a student changes from a plan with flex to a plan without flex, they will lose the ability to use flex.
Redbucks are the declining dollar amounts that go right onto your student ID. They save you time, money, and the hassle of leaving campus to get something to eat.
Redbucks come in increments ranging from $50 to $800 and come with a 5% bonus.
For every Redbucks order over $100, you receive 5% back as Bonus Bucks to your account.
Bonus Bucks operates the same as Redbucks with two exceptions. You must use your Redbucks account before you can use Bonus Bucks as payment, and Bonus Bucks are only valid for the semester that you purchase them.
Redbucks can always be added to a meal plan and will carry over from semester to semester and from one year to the next.
How Do I Change My Meal Plan?
Meal plan changes can be made during the first eight weeks of classes. However, changing the meal plan does not start the new plan at the beginning balances. Once the semester starts,, the old and new plans will be prorated based on what was used and what would be left for the rest of the semester on the new plan.
Meals Only Contract
Greek Village residents, commuter students, and faculty/staff are eligible to complete a Meals Only contract. You may request a Meals Only Contract by filling out the Meals Only Contract on the Residence Life Housing Portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, students can change their meal plan within the first 8 weeks of the semester to any one of our other meal plans. Just submit a meal plan change request to the Office of Residence Life through the housing portal in your student portal.
Changing the meal plan does not start the new plan at the begining balance. Once the semester starts the old plan and new plan will be prorated by what was used and what would be left for the rest of the semester on the new plan.
- I have a 120 plan and change to a 75 plan half way through the semester.
- The meals/flex balance will be adjusted based on the amount of meals and flex I have already used and the difference between my old plans flex and my new plans flex.
- If I have used 600 of the 849 flex provided in the 120 plan, I will have 249 flex left. I used 45 meals
- When I change to the 75 plan and move up to 1126 in flex then I will be adding 277 more flex dollars to my account (1126-849=277). Since I am reducing my number of meals the used 45 meals will be taken out of the 75
- Making my new balances 526 flex (249+277=526) and 30 meals (75-45=30), because I am adding flex and reducing meals with the plan change.
the restaurant of your choosing. In addition to your main meal from the restaurant, you will also
get a 32oz drink, and access to the pantry station, dessert station, and freebie station which has
small side salads and fresh-cut fruit.