Entry Procedures 

All currently enrolled university, college, or high school students are eligible to participate in the Fault Line Film Festival. Recent graduates are also eligible if their submission was produced while they were a student. 

Films must have been produced in 2022 or later to be eligible for the 2024 Fault Line Film Festival. No previous submissions will be accepted. 

Student films up to 15 minutes in length should be submitted in one of the following categories: drama, comedy, mystery/suspense, documentary, animation, high school or alternative. The alternative category encompasses narrative films that are difficult to categorize, such as music videos or experimental narratives. Films up to 30 minutes in length should be submitted in the long form category. Judges reserve the right to move a film to another category if it is to the benefit of the filmmaker. 

A $20 entry fee is required with all entries. 

Films must be submitted online. Films must be high resolution and uploaded to an HD website (such as Vimeo). URL information should be included with your submission. Make sure the URL is accessible to the judging committee. 

The entry deadline for this year's festival is Wednesday, January 31st, 2024. 

Finalists will be notified via email and presented with an invitation to attend the awards ceremony and gala screening on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University. 

Submit Your Film
Fault Line Film Festival
Contact Us
Fred Jones
(573) 651-2614
Grauel 016J
Mailing Address
Department of Mass Media
One University Plaza, MS2775
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701