The Fault Line Film Festival has been showcasing student films since 2010. Award-winning films are listed by year below: 

First Annual Fault Line Film Festival

Best of Festival 
"Frank Live" 
Director: Cody Tucker 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"Clean Up" 
Director: Paul Edwards 

Audience Choice Award 
Director: Kurt Ehlmann 

Best Drama 
Director: Bryan Birks 

Judges' Award 
"Ecstasy of Tuco" 
Director: Hunter Hempen 

Honorable Mention 
"A Living Nightmare" 
Director: Osby Tomlin 

Best Comedy 
"We've Got a Problem" 
Director: Bryan Schilligo 

Best of 48-Hour Film Frenzy 
Director: Joe Groeller 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Whitney Buckner  

Second Annual Fault Line Film Festival

Best of Festival 
"Coming and Going" 
Directors: John Haas and Gloria Day 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"Lost and Found" 
Director: Kurt Ehlmann 

Audience Choice Award 
"Lies in the Night" 
Directors: Sam Pixley and Will Hughes 

Best Drama 
Director: Bryan Birks 

Best Animation 
Director: Kurt Dillow 

Honorable Mention 
"Not to Run" 
Director: Elena Brown 

Best Comedy 
"Terrible Tides" 
Director: Hunter Hempen 

Judges’ Award 
Director: Paul Stokes 

Honorable Mention 
"Lies in the Night" 
Directors: Sam Pixley and Will Hughes 


Third Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
Director: Josh Friedrich 

Best Animation 
"I'm Awake" 
Director: Jenny Martinez 

Best Drama 
Directors: Robert Foote and Hunter Hempen 

Best Comedy 
"Blind Date" 
Director: Amanda Sachtleben 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
Director:Paul Stokes

Judges' Award 
"The Wight King" 
Director: Robert Spurlock 

Audience Choice Award 
"Blind Date" 
Director:Amanda Sachtleben 

Honorable Mention 
"The Distance of the Heart" 
Director: Hailan Wang 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Bryan Birks 

Honorable Mention 
Directors: Gary P. Schmidt, Jr. and Adam Miller

Fourth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
"Putting Out the Fire with Gasoline" 
Director: Noah Canavan 

Best Invitational Film 
Director: Jenny Brinkman 

Best Drama 
"To Beat the Devil" 
Director: Bryan Birks 

Best Comedy 
Director: Jordan Tingle 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"Inside Oblivion" 
Director: Madison Friend 

Best Animation 
"Scaredy Kat" 
Director: Jonathan Piedimonte 

Judges' Award 
Director: Wes Lyons 

Audience Choice Award 
Director: Jordon Tingle 

Honorable Mention 
"The Jar" 
Director: Ashley Toombs 

Honorable Mention 
"A Mess" 
Director: Noah Canavan 

Fifth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
Director: Amanda Sachtleben 

Best Other 
"I Have Been Here Before" 
Director: Taylor Stuart 

Best Drama 
Director: Kyle Mitchell 

Best Comedy 
"All Sales Final" 
Director: Gregory Jackson 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"The Rosewood Music Box" 
Director: Andy Theis 

Best Animation 
"Molecular Virology" 
Director: Thomas Wack & Clinton Hughes 

Judges' Award 
"Ordinary Mary" 
Director: Jenny Brinkman 

Audience Choice Award 
Director: Amanda Sachtleben 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Livvy Runyon 

Honorable Mention 
"The Death of a Coke Dealer by a Cowardly Goon" 
Director: Ethan Myer and Gregory Jackson 

Honorable Mention 
"Eye of the Beholder" 
Director: Laura Liefer 

Sixth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
"Jack and Alice" 
Director: Madison Friend 

Best Other 
"Until Sunrise" 
Director: David Keninger 

Best Drama 
"When You Go" 
Director: Jon Dzuik

Best Comedy 
"Be Persistent" 
Director: Stephanie Salyer

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"The Break In" 
Director: Rhett Thompson

Best Animation 
"Sleep is Brainless" 
Director: Kestrel Erickson

Judges' Award 
"Tulley's Lift" 
Director: Jesse Bader 

Audience Choice Award 
"Be Persistent" 
Director: Stephanie Salyer 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Elizabeth Davis

Honorable Mention 
"The Menace(s)" 
Director: Greg Wolgast 

Honorable Mention 
"A Bone to Dig" 
Director: David Keninger

Gala Screening 
"Wait Here" 
Director: Ben Hendricks 

Gala Screening 
Director: Amber Langston

Gala Screening 
"After They Met" 
Director: Brandon Oatsvall and Akayi Win 

Seventh Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
Director: Kevin Brooks 

Best Other 
"Charlie's Matrix" 
Director: Larry Miller 

Best Drama 
Director: Aaron Berger 

Best Comedy 
"Over and Over" 
Director: Stephanie Salyer 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"Ladies' Night" 
Director: Johnnie Brannon 

Judges' Award 
Director: Valentin Merlet 

Audience Choice Award 
Director: Kevin Brooks 

Honorable Mention 
"Looking Back Merrifield" 
Director: Morgan Johnson 

Honorable Mention 
"The Date" 
Director: Zachary VanHoy 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Sydney White 

Gala Screening 
Director: Ethan Myer 

Gala Screening 
Director: Spencer Elmore 

Eighth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
Director: Sonia K. Hadad 

Best Other 
"Two Rails from Hell" 
Director: Russell Gummelt 

Best Drama 
"Frame of Mind" 
Director: Alexandria Ferguson 

Best Comedy 
"The Gift" 
Director: Tim Garrett

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"The Devil Made Me Do It" 
Director: Johnnie Brannon 

Best Animation 
Director: Jacob Hood 

Judges' Award 
Director: Candace Nelson 

Audience Choice Award 
"The Gift" 
Director: Tim Garrett

Best High School Film 
"The Yellow Wallpaper" 
Director: Noah Mooney 

Redhawk Award 
Director: Braydon Leadbetter 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Jared Dollins 

Honorable Mention 
"The Pitch" 
Director: Spencer McGruder 

Honorable Mention 
"Early Birds" 
Director: Jeffrey Mundinger

High School Runner-Up 
"Did Ya Get Em?" 
Director: Skylar Tarkington 

High School Honorable Mention 
Director: Jasmine Jones 

High School Honorable Mention 
"Chester Maxwell" 
Director: Bennett Turner 

High School Honorable Mention 
"A Ligneous Voice" 
Director: Ryan Fuemmeler 

Gala Screening 
Director: Jordynn Rascoe 

Gala Screening 
"A Date" 
Director: Olena Benko 

Ninth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
"Come Up For Air" 
Director: Tori Mills 

Best Other 
Director: Aurora Thomas-Hagerman

Best Drama 
Director: Brady McDowell, Anna Alexander and Branson Cusack 

Best Comedy 
"5 Year Plan" 
Director: Adler Davidson and Ridgley Harless 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
Director: Braydon Leadbetter 

Best Animation 
"The Window Vignette" 
Director: Bethany Draper 

Audience Choice Award 
"5 Year Plan" 
Director: Adler Davidson and Ridgley Harless

Best High School Film 
"Diluted Fear" 
Director: Jared Goudsmit 

Redhawk Award 
Director: Regan Ernst and Jodi Willenbrink 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Tyler Wikoff 

Honorable Mention 
"Lights at Night" 
Director: Joel Priegnitz 

Honorable Mention 
"Planet Iowa" 
Director: Landon Walsh 

High School Honorable Mention 
"The Piano" 
Director: Emma Weller-Stilson

High School Honorable Mention 
"Letters of Tomorrow: Foul Play" 
Director: Mason Pobst 

Gala Screening 
Director: Stephanie Salyer

Gala Screening 
"Johnny & the Apple" 
Director: Jacob Hood 

Gala Screening 
"The Eclipse" 
Director: Missouri Western State University

Judges' Award 
"93 Miles" 
Director: Noah Canavan 

Tenth Annual Fault Line Film Festival 

Best of Festival 
"Castle Hill" 
Director: Alexandria Ferguson 

Judges' Award 
Justin Alanach

Best Drama 
"Feel So Good" 
Director: Ben Tefera

Best Comedy 
"5 Year Plan" 
Director: Carson Rohlf 

Best Long Form 
Director: Braydon Leadbetter 

Best Mystery/Suspense 
"Deer in Headlights" 
Director: Austin McEuen 

Best Alternative 
"Suffering Addicts" 
Director: Luke Le 

Best Animation 
"Trash Panda" 
Director: Alex Kaelke 

Best High School Film 
Director: Jared Goudsmit 

Redhawk Award 
"The Alibi" 
Director: Randi Sargent 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Jaryd Smith 

Honorable Mention 
"Life of a Professional Rapper" 
Director: Bobby Kessler 

Honorable Mention 
"The Big Day" 
Director: Jake McGruder 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Marissa Sill 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Joseph Jourdan 

Honorable Mention 
"The Hero Within" 
Director: Daniel Truxel 

Honorable Mention 
"My Sappho" 
Director: Mahryn Rose 

Honorable Mention 
"Century Egg" 
Director: Christina Zhang

Honorable Mention 
"Distorted Image" 
Director: Rachel Utecht 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Stephen Brda 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Jasmine Jones 

Honorable Mention 
Director: Brendan Wade 

Best of Festival
"West Park"
Stuart Elmore

Judges' Award
"Another Life"
Kathryn Higginbotham

Best Drama 
“It’s Not You, It’s Me”
Hannah Lindvall

Best Comedy
“The Hash-Slinging Slasher”
Austin McEuen

Best Long Form 
"Underwater Infrastructure"
Jonathan Gautier

Best Mystery/Suspense
Paige Steelman

Best Alternative
“Tango de Imago”
Nick Sparger

Best Animation
Carolyn Calvert

Best High School Film
“Peanut and Carrot”
Francisco Jimenez

Redhawk Award
Jake McGruder

Honorable Mention
Abby Withe

Honorable Mention
“Hundred Short”
Jared Kunish

Honorable Mention
Curt Hardin

Honorable Mention
Thomas Eutzy and Carter Gentry

Honorable Mention
“internal Conflict”
Terrell Jackson II

Best of Festival
"El Camino Hacia la Nada"
Javier Lopez

Judges' Award
"The Glowing Man"
Nick Sparger

Best Drama 
Nicholas Grimaldi

Best Comedy
“Puppet Problem”
Tate Mohlenkamp

Best Long Form 
"Chained to a Cowboy"
Corey Holl

Best Mystery/Suspense
Juliana Swickard and Nicolette Santana

Best Alternative
Tabatha Jeaux and Nathaniel Henley

Best Animation
Mahryn Rose

Best High School Film
“A Home Like Mine”
Rachael Doel

Redhawk Award
“Untitled Self Portrait”
Jackson Bradshaw

Honorable Mention
“Filthy II”
Joseph Shin

Honorable Mention
“Tim Hawkins: Professional Moron”
Christina Russell

Honorable Mention
Blake Snowden Thorne

Honorable Mention
“Wild Flowers”
Onalivia Smith

Honorable Mention
“Calypso's Island”
Verve Reposar

Best of Festival
"Apart of Me"
Francisco Jimenez

Judges' Award
"Between the Black Keys"
Aaron Brewer

Best Drama 
“Flying Blind”
Dylan Boling

Best Comedy
“Happy Mombie's Day”
Jared Kunish

Best Long Form 
"Teacher of Patience"
Carmen Vincent

Best Mystery/Suspense
“Mr. Penemuel's Playpen”
Aaron Brewer

Best Alternative
“Winter's Bite”
Ben Herrell

Best Animation
“Batman: Identity Crisis”
Nathaniel Henley

Best Documentary
"Women in Sound"
Zoe Willott

Best High School Film
“The Forgotten Leftovers of Meaningful Things”
Elizabeth Esther

Redhawk Award
“La Luz”
Gabrielle Freitas

Honorable Mention
“The A.B.E.N. Case”
Joshua Woolcott

Honorable Mention
“White Rock”
Jaden Tadda

Honorable Mention
Nathan Blizzard

Honorable Mention
“Only Actors”
Cole Mandras

Honorable Mention
“Love's Beginning”
John Dawson Kinchen

Honorable Mention
"Two Americas"
Asher Anantham

Honorable Mention
"Christmas Dinner"
Chelsea Ryan

Best of Festival
"Fortune Favors the Dead"
Joshua Rodriguez

Judges' Award
Anna Bowald

Best Drama 
Aaron Davis

Best Comedy
Sofia Voss

Best Long Form 
Francisco Jimenez

Best Mystery/Suspense
“The Ritual”
Rachel Coomes

Best Alternative
“On the Wall”
Chelsea Ryan and Deanna Rubach

Best Animation
Rickey Berry

Best Documentary
"The Mystery of Picture Cave"
Alan Zhou

Best High School Film
“The Doll”
Gabe Elzein

Redhawk Award
“Dear Bridge”
James Hurt and Scott Bellovich

Honorable Mention
“Bus Stop”
Allegra Novikov and Drew Youngblood

Honorable Mention
Diana Dalton

Honorable Mention
“Goon Girl”
Nick Sparger

Honorable Mention
“Fifty-Fifty Clown”
Brynn Forhan

Honorable Mention
Joshua Stroups

Honorable Mention
"Mind Over Matter"
Elizabeth Sandahl

Honorable Mention
Seneca Whorton

Fault Line Film Festival
Contact Us
Fred Jones
(573) 651-2614
Grauel 016J
Mailing Address
Department of Mass Media
One University Plaza, MS2775
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701