Use your talents to help pay for college: you'll do that here.

If you have applied for one of the BFA programs or Dance placement you are automatically  considered for a scholarship(s). If you have not applied and would like to be consided for scholarships follow the steps below.

The admittance application must be completed for BFA degrees. For the BA degree, only a declaration of major is required. An audition is required for the BFA degree.

Scholarship Application

Because of the risk of Covid-19, applicants are encouraged to complete their audition by video should they not be able to travel to campus or feel uncomfortable attending an in-person audition. Visit the Auditions page for more information about the audition process.

Scholarship Requirements

All Scholarship Applicants must have:

  • If you have applied for one of the BFA programs or Dance placement, you are automatically considered for a scholarship(s). If you have not applied and would like to be considered for scholarships, fill out the scholarship form.
  • Applied to Southeast Missouri State University as a major in the Jeanine Larson Dobbins Conservatory of Theatre and Dance. For the department to offer the student a scholarship, they must have been accepted to the University as a declared Theatre or Dance major
  • Achieved an Enhanced ACT composite score of at least 21 or SAT composite score of at least 1080
  • Earned a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale)
  • Registered for Southeast AcademicWorks

All Scholarship Recipients must:

  • Remain a major in the Jeanine Larson Dobbins Conservatory of Theatre and Dance
  • Maintain a 2.5 cumulative Southeast grade point average
  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative Theatre and Dance grade point average
  • Earn no lower than a “B” in all Rehearsal and Production classes
  • Complete 30 credit hours per academic year
  • Demonstrate, in the judgment of the Theatre and Dance faculty, acceptable artistic growth in their designated area of emphasis
  • Fulfill all duties to the best of their ability while maintaining a positive and professional attitude

Scholarship Amounts and Additional Scholarships

  • All Theatre and Dance Scholarships are renewable with acceptable progress (see above) and are valued at $500, $1,000, or $1,500
  • All additional Merit-based Academic Scholarships (e.g., President’s, Regents’, and Governor’s) and Leadership Award Scholarships are awarded automatically to qualified students as they are admitted into the university and may affect the award amount of Theatre and Dance Scholarships
  • Students whose financial aid is already at the highest level due to Regents’ or Governor’s Scholarships are encouraged to audition for a Theatre and Dance Scholarship, although they may not be eligible for additional money. However, those students, as long as they continue to meet Theatre and Dance Scholarship requirements, may be awarded a Theatre and Dance Scholarship their sophomore, junior, or senior year, should they not meet the renewal criteria of the academic scholarship, if funding is available.

How can I get Scholarships at SEMO?

Southeast awards more than $20 million in scholarships each year. Learn more about how we make education affordable.

How to Contribute

Support the students and mission of Southeast through your generous donations.

Office Location
River Campus Seminary, 454
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7850
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701