SEMO is full of exciting events and traditions to enjoy year after year. As a proud SEMO alumna and now the Social Media Strategist for our University, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing these traditions from both sides. My name is Camryn Whitmore, and I’ve put together a list of the best events that you’ll want to mark on your calendar each year!
Finals are around the corner, and we know that means plenty of caffeine and late-night study sessions. Here are some tips to help you not just survive but thrive during finals week.
Stay in the know with all things SEMO! We've rounded up the best Instagram and TikTok accounts to keep you updated on campus news, trends, athletics, and more. Give them a follow to stay connected and make student life a little easier!
Asking for help is key to personal and academic growth. The people around you at SEMO genuinely want to help, because when you succeed, we all succeed!
Your student has been accepted to SEMO, congratulations! As you begin preparing for this exciting next step, you may be wondering about financial aid. One of the most important things you can do right now is ensure your student files the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
You hear it time and time again; "New year, new me." As cliche as it sounds, starting a new year can be SO refreshing. It's a chance to stop and reflect on who you were this past year and what you've accomplished. Big or small, we all accomplished a lot in 2024. From the eclipse to the Olympics, we've had quite a busy year!
Whether you're graduating from SEMO soon or still have a few years left, here are some things you may want to take advantage of before you leave the nest!
Now that it’s time to fill out your college applications, you might be wondering where to start. No need to stress, we have some helpful tips to guide you!
A successful semester is very important for academic achievement. It allows you to understand the course work, do well on exams, and achieve good grades as well as achieve reduce stress levels. Constantly staying on top of assignments, projects, and exams can help prevent last-minute cramming and the associated stress.
We live in an interconnected world and the path to higher education is always evolving. This is what led to the inspiring story of Dr. Purva Gupta, a recent graduate from Southeast Missouri State University. Dr. Gupta graduated with her master's in healthcare management. Her journey, started in Nagpur, India, and shows the power of online education and support provided by SEMO.
Southeast Missouri State is home to many spooky secrets. Here are some stories from around the Cape Girardeau community that you may not know.
Hey everyone it’s Kennedee. February was a crazy month.
College is a funny thing. You’re a ripe 18-year-old and someone tells you to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. Interesting... How are you supposed to know what you want to do when all you’ve ever known is high school, your small town, living at your parents' house, etc.? Great question! These were all the thoughts running through my head when my high school counselor was trying to help me find colleges for the career that I wanted to pursue.
It’s Space Week and we can’t wait to celebrate! We’ve come up with some of Cape Girardeau’s best spots for viewing the night sky. Don’t forget to bring your telescope, friends, and a warm blanket!
When I was considering grad school, applying for graduate assistantships was a no-brainer.
When you think about your personal safety, don't forget to consider your internet usage and social presence.
Ever since Thanksgiving was declared a holiday by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, there has been one single debate that occurs every year. What is the best Thanksgiving food?
Social media is a great way to interact with your friends and find daily inspiration but spending every day constantly scrolling and looking at other people’s “perfect” portrayal of their lives can take a toll on your mental state.
Oh Senioritis. A fate destined upon every senior who dares to enter their last semester of school. It’s easy to catch, and it’s hard to fight. But lucky for you, there does seem to be a cure.
There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the plants that you have been taking care of blossoming and thriving.
The internet is awesome. But there are some not-so-awesome people out there. So, here are some tips to help keep you safe online.
Online classes may seem like a breeze since you don't have to show up to a classroom each week, but take it from us, you'll want to have a plan to make sure you don't fall behind. Here are a few tips to help maximize your productivity in your online classes:
It's something we all deal with from time to time. It's never fun... but take it from us, you will get through it! We put together some advice for when things become a little overwhelming!
It's important to keep a balance in your life, and part of that is saying "no" sometimes! Here are some tips on how to deliver your message.
Before we talk about the benefits and perks of earning a master’s degree, let’s get real. If you’re worried about money, ask yourself one thing: Do I need this degree to get where I want to be professionally?
Finals are right around the corner! Preparing for finals can be stressful and exhausting, so it’s important to take a break, relax, or dance your stress away!
Desperate to avoid the Cardiac climb? Here are five tips on how to avoid Cardiac Hill on campus.
We're talking about organizational and productivity tools to keep you on track and on schedule! Some may prefer a physical planner, but, with a phone at your finger tips, why not use it?
What am I going to do for the rest of my life? That is one of the toughest questions we all must ask ourselves eventually.
A wise woman once said, there’s nothing lovelier than brunch, where you can sleep until noon and still get eggs anywhere. In Cape Girardeau, we’re fortunate there’s way more on the menu than eggs. Therefore, we humbly offer you the most Cape Girardeau places to get your brunch on.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Walking into the classroom scanning for someone who I thought was like me, anyone I could identify with, so I could sit next to and hopefully become lifelong BFFs … or at least just be awkwardly silent with.
Believe it or not, one of the easiest ways to succeed in college is to connect with your professors! Here are some things to keep in mind...
It's important to have goals while in college and there's no better way to display your aspirations than a vision board.
There’s no doubt Southeast is a great place to go to school. It’s also a great place to work and a lot of our alumni end up having careers on campus after earning their degrees! That’s just how Southeast is. It makes you feel like you belong. It makes you feel like you want to stick around awhile longer. Get to know some of the faculty and staff members who just couldn’t stay away!
The end of the semester is approaching, and we know you’ve been working hard. The homestretch of a semester can feel stressful but taking intermittent breaks to do something fun can make your workload feel a little lighter.
Midterms are over, and it’s likely the second half of the semester is filled with assignments, exams, and more. Powering through the last half of the semester is critical to finishing on a strong note. In case you need caffeine for your 8 a.m. class or an afternoon of tackling your to-do list, we’ve provided some ideal spots.
Introducing yourself to a potential employer at an event like SEMO’s Career Expo doesn’t have to be intimidating. Check out these tips for getting your elevator pitch ready ahead of time!