Southeast Missouri State is home to many spooky secrets. Here are some stories from around the Cape Girardeau community that you may not know.
Rose Theater

Cheney Hall
The spirit rumored to haunt the dorm tends to be tied to room 301. A student whose girlfriend lived in Cheney Hall, room 301 had a roommate he didn’t get along with. When she went away for the weekend he decided to stay with his girlfriend. In the middle of the night, a woman was seen sitting in the room, and the student assumed the roommate had come home early. He got up very quickly and left. The next morning, his girlfriend asked why he left in the middle of the night, and he said, "Your roommate got home, so I didn’t want to cause a big scene." She replied, "My roommate’s not coming home till Monday.”
Pi Kappa Alpha Lodge
Located on Sprigg Street, but has since been torn down, there was a fraternity house where there were reported pacing-like noises up in the attic. There was one room in the house known to make, muffled noises. People who kept their areas messy would have their stuff thrown to the floor or neatly stacked. There is also a part of the house where the windows would never stay shut. Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorriane Warren were giving a talk on campus when the fraternity members asked if Lorraine would walk through the house. She did and concluded that there was a spirit there which she called "The Judge."
Old Lorimier Cemetery
Many people have experienced sharp tugs on their hair or clothes at the cemetery or witnessed floating orbs of light at night. When Fountain Street was paved in the 1920s, it went right through the cemetery, building neighborhoods on top of unmarked graves. Causing many stories to stretch into the nearby neighborhoods.
Bloomfield Road
This road is said to be the road of the headless horseman. Those who drive down this road can hear screams and see steam coming off the road with no explanation.
Mississippi River / Riverfront
Several years ago, when a psychic was in the area and visited the banks of the Mississippi River, the psychic asked if anyone else could see the hundreds of people floating in the river, about chest deep, looking toward Cape Girardeau.
Glenn House
One night, when those inside the house were getting ready to leave and rearm the alarm on the house, they heard a loud crashing noise. They say it sounded like every door in the house had slammed at the same time causing the whole house to vibrate. After reviewing footage from inside the house it was concluded that there was not a single closed door in the entire house.
During an evening meeting, the doors to the Glenn House were locked after the last person arrived. Suddenly, all of the meeting attendees heard the front door of the Glenn House open and footsteps walk into the entryway, up the stairs, down the hallway, and into the children’s bedroom. A few members looked around the house to look for the uninvited guest but found no one. The front door of the house was still locked.
Port Cape
"Bell" is known as the ghost of Port Cape, who got her name from ringing the bell behind the bar to communicate.