It’s the summer before your first semester at Southeast. Have more questions? Want to meet some of your classmates? Afraid of navigating campus? We’ve got a solution for you.
It’s called CampRedhawk.
What is CampRedhawk?
In fancy terms, CampRedhawk is a four-day residential leadership program. What does that mean? It means you spend four days living on campus with other incoming students learning what Southeast is all about. You’ll learn about campus traditions, student life, and tips for academic success. But there’s also a ropes course, a swim party, a scavenger hunt, and so much more.
Why Should I Go?
Why shouldn’t you go? You’ll have the opportunity to interact and connect with incredible people, from your fellow incoming classmates to CampRedhawk (and Southeast) faculty and staff. You’ll find your way around campus, challenge yourself with leadership activities, and gain an incredible support system, all before your first class even starts.
Need one more reason to go? It’s fun. We promise.
In Conclusion
You’re going to be in college for around four years. Why not take four days this summer and make your college experience the best it can be? Check out everything CampRedhawk here.