- Decorations. Hang some art or photos or whatever makes you feel happy! Use painters tape, tacks, or small finishing nails (unless you live in Group, Towers East, or Towers South. Ask your RA for the best thing to use!)
- Lamps. Lighting can make a huge difference in the atmosphere of a room. Buy a lamp, LED’s or even Christmas lights to add some unique and inviting lighting!
- Blankets and Pillows. Cozy up your room with a bunch of pillows to jump into after a long day of classes. Blankets will also keep you warm when that winter draft rolls around.
- Photos. Nothing feels more like home than having photos of friends and family that you had to leave behind. Add to your collection as the year progresses as you make new friends and experience new things!
- Things that make you happy. Use the handy “spark joy” method. If a certain object makes you happy, keep that thing in sight!
- Organize. It’s much easier to feel comfortable in your dorm room when everything has a place and can be put away.
- Tapestry or curtains. Having a hanging fabric can give you a change in wall texture and soften up a room.
- Designated study space. Make sure you have an area in your room just for studying and getting work done. It’s a lot easier to fall asleep studying if you’re doing homework in bed!
- Coordinate with your roommate. Do you both like video games? Put together a gaming corner you can share.
- Make friends with your neighbors! Make sure to get out of your dorm and get to know the people around you. Making close friends can give you a family away from home.
Check out our Residence Life website to discover the advantages of living on campus as well as how to trick out your room without breaking the rules!