Online Bachelors of Science in Psychology
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Online: Psychology Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree
Outcomes & Careers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a psychologist is $92,740.
Clinical Psychologist
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a clinical and counseling psychologist is $106,600.
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for an industrial-organizational psychologist is $154,380.
The psychology degree requires a minimum of 120 credit hours to complete, including the general education requirements and at least 39 senior division hours. A minor is required.
Core Courses - 18 hours:
(A grade of 'C' or better is required for Required Core Courses)
- PY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
- PY103 Career Development in Psychology (3)
- PY230 Ethics and Diversity in Psychology (3)
- PY271 Introduction to Behavioral Statistics (3)
- PY370 Research Methods in Psychology (3)
- PY489 Advanced Topics in Psychology (3)
OR - PY497 Historical Development of Psychology (3)
Extended Core - 12 hours:
(Choose one course from each of the following four areas)
Basic/Cognitive Processes
- PY362 Learning and Memory (3)
- PY460 Cognitive Processes (3)
- PY466 Introduction to Physiological Psychology (3)
- PY432 Introduction to Personality (3)
- PY440 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Developmental Psychology
- PY120 The Child: Development from Conception to Adolescence (3)
- PY220 Psychological Development Across the Life Span (3)
- PY222 Development of the Adolescent (3)
Social/Applied Psychology
- PY250 Applied Psychology (3)
- PY358 Social Psychology (3)
Psychology Electives – 6 Hours
(Choose 6 hours from the list below)
- PY250 Applied Psychology (3)
- PY251 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3)
- PY301 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)
- PY325 Psychological Development of the Family (3)
- PY329/529 Psychology of Death and Dying (3)
- PY353 Social Cognition (3)
- PY358 Social Psychology (3)
- PY359 Psychology and the Law (3)
- PY362 Learning and Memory (3)
- PY366 Introduction to Sensation and Perception (3)
- PY432 Introduction to Personality (3)
- PY440 Abnormal Psychology (3)
- PY441 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)
- PY442 Psychotherapy (3)
- PY444 Childhood Psychopathology (3)
- PY460 Cognitive Processes (3)
- PY466 Introduction to Physiological Psychology (3)
- PY484 Advanced Research in Psychology (3)*
- PY495 Internship in Psychology (3)#
- PY525 Maturity and Aging (3)
- PY531 Psychological Testing (3)
- PY555 Health Psychology (3)
Optional Pre-Counseling track – no minor required if track is chosen:
- CF209 Introduction to Family Theories (3)
- CF402 Relationships of Commitment (3)
- CF430 Parent Child Interactions (3)
- CF520 Professional Ethics and Practice (3)
- ED535 The Trauma-Informed Professional (3)
- PY440 Abnormal Psychology (3)
- PY441 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)
- PY442 Psychotherapy (3)
- PY444 Childhood Psychopathology (3)
*Requires faculty mentor
#Requires consent of Internship Coordinator
Some requirements may be fulfilled by coursework in a major program.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences – 6 hours
- Constitution Requirement – 3 hours
- Written Communication – 6 hours
- Oral Communication – 3 hours
- Natural Sciences – 7 hours (from two disciplines, one to include a lab)
- Mathematics – 3 hours
- Humanities and Fine Arts – 9 hours (from at least two disciplines)
- Additional requirements – 5 hours (to include UI100 for native students)
- Civics examination
- Full Term: Aug. - Dec. (3 hours)
- Full Term: Aug. - Dec. (3 hours)
- Full Term: Aug. - Dec. (3 hours)
- 1st 8 Week: Aug. - Oct. (3 hours)
- 2nd 8 Week: Oct. - Dec. (3 hours)
- Total: 15 hours
- Wintersession: Dec. - Jan. (3 hours)
- Full Term: Jan. - May. (3 hours)
- Full Term: Jan. - May. (3 hours)
- 1st 8 Week: Jan. - Mar. (3 hours)
- 2nd 8 Week: Mar. - May. (3 hours)
- Total: 15 hours
- 1st 4 Week: June (3 hours)
- 8 Week: June-July (3 hours)
- 2nd 4 Week: July (3 hours)
- Total: 9 hours
Personalized Pathways
At Southeast, we offer online courses in a traditional 16-week fall and spring semester with eight-week sessions in the first and last half of both. In addition, we offer a wintersession between fall and spring and at least six different 4, 6, and 8 week sessions over summer. Talk with an advisor to see how you can utilize these different sessions to expedite your degree completion.
Degree requirements for all students
A minimum of 120 credit hours; completion of/transfer credit for General Education program courses; residency at Southeast - at least 30 hours from Southeast; 39 senior division hours required: current residency at Southeast - 12 of your final 18 hours must be taken with Southeast. Refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin or Degree Works for additional graduation requirements.
A minimum 2.0 GPA in the major and overall are required to graduate with a BS degree.
What will it cost?
College of Education, Health and Human Studies
This degree is housed within the College of Education, Health and Human Studies. The college boasts programs that train students in mind, body, and soul. So, whether you want to teach, to care, to support, or to fix, we have a program to get you there.
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Counselling
"My research program explores cognitive skill acquisition and automaticity. Specifically, I investigate factors that influence the gains made during practice of a cognitive skill and factors that influence the durability of practice gains across delays. "
Nic Wilkins

Online Learning at Southeast
When it comes to your success, we do whatever it takes. Online learning at Southeast takes the same reputable college courses taught by Southeast faculty and makes them available anytime, anywhere.
Earn Your Degree on Your Schedule.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Getting the Job
Your education is just one piece to launching an extraordinary career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to find the job you want, make the right connections, sell your knowledge and experience—and if all this is giving you anxiety, don’t panic. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need, so you’re landing your dream job in no time.
Additional Resources
98% of College of Education, Health and Human Studies graduates are employed or enrolled in grad school within a year.
Alumni are employed by
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701