Hospitality Management
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Hospitality Management Degree Map
Explore the courses you'll need to complete your degree
Outcomes & Careers
Food Service Manager
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a Food Service Manager is $69,580.
Event Coordinator
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for an Event Coordinator is $52,560.
Lodging Manager
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary for a Lodging Manager is approximately $76,790.
As a hospitality management major, you’ll learn how to provide customer service and the coordination of events. You’ll complete a minimum of 120 credit hours to complete this degree, including the general education requirements and at least 39 senior division hours.
45 hour major – No minor required
- HM150 Introduction to Hospitality Management (3)
- HM205 Introduction to Culinary Arts (3)
- HM250 Introduction to Beverage Management (3)
- HM260 Meeting and Event Management (3)
- HM270 Lodging Operations (3)
- HM304 Hospitality Cost Control (3)
- HM325 Hospitality Law (3)
- HM350 International Cuisine and Culture (3)
- HM370 Advanced Lodging Operations (3)
- HM390 Hospitality Sales and Marketing (3)
- HM406 Hospitality Strategic Management (3)
- HM416 Quantity Food Production, Processes, and Management (3)
- HM473 Internship in Hospitality Management (9)
Additional Requirements: 33 Hours
AC221 Principles of Accounting I (3)- BA400 Applied Ethical Leadership (3)
- EN140 Rhetoric and Critical Thinking (3)
- MG301 Principles of Management (3)
- MG356 Foundations of Human Resource Management (3)
- MI001 Microsoft Excel Certification (0)
- MI101 Introduction to Computer Applications (3)
- MK301 Principles of Marketing (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- EC101 Economic Problems and Policies (3)
- EC215 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- MA116 Precalculus A (3)
- MA123 Mathematical Reasoning (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- SC105 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (3)
- SC155 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Comm (3)
Choose 3 hours:
- BA560 Topics in International Business (3)
- DS410 Hospitality Design I (3)
- ER361 Principles of Entrepreneurship (3)
- HM493 Independent Study in Hospitality Management (3)
- MG354 Business Negotiation: Concepts and Practice (3)
- MG426 Managing and Developing Talent (3)
- MG470 Leadership in Management (3)
- MG550 Improving Team Performance (3)
- MK342 Professional Selling (3)
- MK343 Integrated Marketing Communications (3)
- MK344 Consumer Behavior (3)
- MK348 Brand Marketing (3)
Some requirements may be fulfilled by coursework in major program.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences – 6 hours
- Constitution Requirement – 3 hours
- Written Communication – 6 hours
- Oral Communication – 3 hours
- Natural Sciences – 7 hours (from two disciplines, one to include a lab)
- Mathematics – 3 hours
- Humanities & Fine Arts – 9 hours (from at least two disciplines)
- Additional requirements – 5 hours (to include UI100 for native students)
- Civics examination
First Year
Fall Semester (16 Hours)
- UI100 (1)
- EN100 (3)
- HM150 (3)
- MI001 (0)
- MI101 (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (15 Hours)
- EN140 (3)
- HM205 (3)
- HM270 (3)
- MA116 or MA123 (3)
- General Education (3)
Second Year
Fall Semester (15 Hours)
- AC221 (3)
- EC101 or EC215 (3)
- HM250 (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (15 Hours)
- HM260 (3)
- HM304 (3)
- SC105 or SC155 (3)
- General Education (3)
- Elective (3)
Third Year
Fall Semester (15 Hours)
- HM325 (3)
- HM350 (3)
- MK301 (3)
- General Education (3)
- General Education (3)
Spring Semester (15 Hours)
- HM416 (3)
- MG301 (3)
- General Education (3)
- Elective (3)
- Elective (3)
Milestone: Successful passing of the ServeSafe Exam.
Fourth Year
Fall Semester (15 Hours)
- BA400 (3)
- HM370 (3)
- HM390 (3)
- MG356 (3)
- Major elective choice (3)
Spring Semester (15 Hours)
- HM406 (9)
- HM473* (3)
- Elective (3)
Milestone: 2.5 overall and major GPA to enroll in internship.
*Students are encouraged to complete HM473-Hospitality Management Internship during the summer semester or during the final semester.
What will it cost?
Become a Redhawk.
Do more than dream about the future. Take the first steps to make it all happen.
Get Funding for Your Education
Missouri’s opened the door to a more educated workforce. We want to help you walk through it. If you’re an adult learner and a Missouri resident returning to college, learn about the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant. It’s a statewide financial aid program that can be used to pursue a certificate, degree or industry-recognized credential in a high need area in Missouri. This major is eligible for the Fast Track grant.
Getting the Job
Your education is just one piece to launching an extraordinary career. Once you’ve mastered the material, you still have to find the job you want, make the right connections, sell your knowledge and experience—and if all this is giving you anxiety, don’t panic. SEMO’s Career Services office is here to help you with the next step. They’ll provide the expertise and support you need, so you’re landing your dream job in no time.
Hospitality Management Program Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop future leaders for the hospitality industry through student-centered, technology-rich experiential learning, a comprehensive curriculum, and a commitment to exceptional teaching and student success that significantly contributes to development and lasting value in our region and beyond.
ACPHA Program Learning Outcomes
- Identify and apply the knowledge and skills necessary for hospitality and tourism operations.
- Develop and integrate a core set of business skills necessary to successfully operate a hospitality and tourism organization.
- Demonstrate competence in the communication skills necessary for hospitality and tourism management.
- Formulate business decisions in hospitality and tourism management.
- Evaluate leadership principles necessary in the diverse and global hospitality and tourism industry.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701