SEMO Opening Week marks a return to campus and friendly reunions for many, and for new students the start of the next chapter of life.
That was no different this year as new students moved their belongings into residence halls and said goodbyes to parents and loved ones.
Moving in is just the start of a new student’s Opening Week experience. The Convocation, Move-In Bash, Ice Cream Pigout and Welcome Back Picnic are just a few of the chances to get out and about on campus and get to know the SEMO community.
Nursing student from St. Louis
"This is going to be the first time I’m moving away from family and not gonna be able to have them right down the street from me. I’m more of a daddy’s girl so it’s kind of weird not being at arm’s reach, but I feel like it’s going to be a great experience for me and for them."
Erica Lockhart

Psychology Student from Palmyra, Illinois
"I’ve kind of heard before that every year that you’re in college you mature in a different way. And I think that that’s going to happen a lot my freshman year and I’m very excited for it. I hope to have grown in a way to where I can talk to all different kinds of people in a way that everyone feels safe and accepted. I would like to learn to be able to be in different cultures while also being able to keep my culture at the same time, but to accept others."
Katie Williams

Walking to Convocation 2021
Students taking a picture with President, Dr. Vargas, at the Ice Cream Pigout
Welcome Back picture photo booth!