
Why was SEMO a smart choice for you?

SEMO was close to home and Cape Girardeau was a familiar location to me.

What is your major and how do you feel that program is preparing you for a successful career?

My major is Fine Arts with an emphasis in Sculpture. While this major has definitely taught me to be a better artist and how to be successful as a professional artist, I have also learned many useful skills such as welding and steel fabrication.

Do you have a scholarship?


If you have a scholarship, how will your scholarship from SEMO help you graduate with less debt and what will that mean for your life after graduation?

I have the Catapult Student Gallery Manager scholarship. The funds from this scholarship have helped me with paying my tuition so that after graduation I will not have to worry about paying back loans.

What is your favorite thing about SEMO?

My favorite thing about SEMO has often been the faculty. In my time at SEMO, I have had the opportunity to learn from and interact with many professors and mentors that are greatly helpful and knowledgeable in their fields.

What makes SEMO faculty great?

SEMO faculty are often hugely helpful with students and willing to work with students.

Describe life on campus?

My experiences living on campus were nearly only great experiences. My first year I lived in a learning community and my floor formed a very close-knit group of friends. I have never had a roommate that didn’t become a good friend of mine.