Chair / Professor - Health — Allied Health, Kinesiology, & Sport Sciences
I am entering my 14th year at Southeast Missouri State University, fifth year as Chairperson. My primary educational background is Exercise Physiology, with a line of research in body composition changes over time in Division I athletes. I am a Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP) and Fellow through the American College of Sports Medicine. I am very active in the Central States Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, currently serving as the Executive Director. I have 15 published peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, 75+ published conference proceedings, and several internal grants. I was recently selected as an American Kinesiology Leadership Institute Fellow. I currently serve as the Chairperson of the Board for the Prevention Resource Center, am a member of the Communication and Marketing Committee for the American Kinesiology Association, serve as an invited reviewer for multiple peer-reviewed professional journals, and sit on several external advisory boards.
Exercise Science, Health Sciences
Ph.D. Exercise Physiology 2009, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.S. Nutrition and Exercise Science 2002, Southeast Missouri State University
B.S. Health Management: Fitness & Sports Medicine 2000, Southeast Missouri State University
Students need to study in a manner that allows for re-teaching to another student. This requires diligent reading on a daily basis.