Professor — Elementary, Early & Special Education
Bohannon, R.L. (2018) UI 100 Textbook (2nd Ed). How to read a chapter in any textbook. Contributed a chapter to this book by invitation. Southeast Missouri State University. This book is peer-reviewed. (Accepted)
Nguyen, N.V., Rogers-Adkinson, D., Bohannon, R. L., Fridley, D., Gunn, S., Smith. (2016), An alternative undergraduate teacher preparation program: A comprehensive one-to-one iPad initiative model, Journal of Education and Practice, 7(35), 149-160. This journal is peer-reviewed.
Bohannon, R.L. (2016) UI 100 Textbook. How to read a chapter in any textbook. Contributed a chapter to this book by invitation. Southeast Missouri State University. This book is peer-reviewed. (Accepted)
Nguyen, N.V., Bohannon, R.L., Gelfer, Gunn, S., Smith, S. (2016). Using evidence-based checklists to teach and evaluate reading comprehension: A guide for K-5 teachers and administrators. The Oklahoma Reader, xx (x), x-x. This journal is peer-reviewed. (Accepted)
Porter, D., Rush, D., Wood, J., & Bohannon, R.L. (2016). First do no harm: A title I natural quasiexperiment. The Journal of Education and Human Development, 5(2), 62-73. This journal is peer-reviewed.
Bohannon, R. L., & Porter, D. (2016). Effectiveness of computer technology strategies to improve comprehension. The Oklahoma Reader,52 (1), 6-13. This journal is peer-reviewed.
Bohannon, R. L., & Mader, C. L., (2015). Improving writing conventions of pre-service teachers. The Missouri Reader, 39(1), 43-51. This journal is peer-reviewed.
Bohannon, R. L., & Bohannon, S. (2015). Mentoring: A decade of effort and personal impact. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 81(2), 31-36. This journal is peer-reviewed.
Mader, C. L., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015) The echo smartpen: Integrating technology into the learning process. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. 2015 (1) 3338-3342. This proceeding is peer-reviewed.
“ Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic also need Relationship, Rigor and Relevance. ”
Ph.D. Southern Illinois University
Ed.S. Southeast Missouri State University
M.A. Southeast Missouri State University
B.S. Murray State University
K-8 Elementary Principal, Missouri Certification
7-9 Science Education, Missouri Certification
7-9 Mathematics Education, Missouri Certification
1-8 Elementary Education, Missouri Certification
Kindergarten Elementary Education, Missouri Certification
K-12 Emotionally Disturbed, Missouri Certification
1-8 Reading Education, Kentucky Certification
1-8 Elementary Education, Kentucky Certification
1-8 Behavior Disorders, Kentucky Certification
EL340 Classroom Management and Learning Climate
EL314 Elementary Literacy Block: Field Experiences
EL316 Early and Emergent Literacy
EL317 Intermediate and Middle School Literacy
EL315 Theories of Learning and Management: Elementary
EL629 Children’s Literature
1. Publications. (Include books, chapters, journal articles, etc. Standard bibliographical citation format should be used.) Indicate whether the publication is peer-reviewed or not and give acceptance rate if available.
Smith, R., Clapsaddle, S., Bratberg, W. & Bohannon, L. (2022). Edgy Educators Podcast: A Preservice Teacher and Faculty Collaboration. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1701-1703). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved January 28, 2023 from
© 2022 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Smith, R., Clapsaddle, S., Bratberg, W. & Bohannon, L. (2022). Edgy Educators Podcast: A Collaborative Pre-Service Teacher and Faculty Creative Effort. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1697-1700). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved January 28, 2023 from
© 2022 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Smith, R., Clapsaddle, S., Bratberg, W. & Bohannon, L. (2022). Edgy Educators Podcast: A Preservice Teacher and Faculty Collaboration. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1655-1658). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved January 28, 2023 from
© 2022 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
2. Presentations. (Provide conference acceptance rate, if available, and whether peer-reviewed or not. If co-presenter, describe your role.)
Smith, R., Clapsaddle, S., Bratberg, W., Bohannon, R.L. (2022). Edgy Educators Podcast. S.I.T.E, San Diego, CA, February 2022. I was the only one that could attend and do the presentation and poster board session.
Smith, R., Bohannon, R. L., Clapsaddle, S. (2023). Technology Sig Discussion Roundtable. Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Jacksonville, FL, March 24-29, 2023.
Smith, R. Bohannon, R.L., Clapsaddle, S. (2022). Edgy Educators Podcast. Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Nashville, TN, July 29-August 2, 2022. I contributed how the student organization I sponsor used the Edgy Educators Podcast.
Bohannon, R.L. (2022). Using a Pre/Post Assessment for Program Accountability. Association of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL, February 11-16, 2022.
Bohannon, R. L., (2021). Dispositions Sig Discussion. Association of Teacher Educators, On-line using Whova, July 29-August 3, 2021
Nguyen, N.V., Bohannon, R.L., Gelfer, Gunn, S., Smith, S. (2017, January). Using evidence-based checklists to teach and evaluate reading comprehension: A guide for K-5 teachers and administrators, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Bohannon, R. L. (2016, December). Benefits of KDP. Presentation to Kappa Delta Pi, Fall Reception, Southeast Missouri State University conducted in Cape Girardeau, MO.
Bohannon, R. L., Porter, D., & Clapsaddle, S . (2016, September). Membership in KDP: What does it mean to me? Presentation to Kappa Delta Pi, Initiation, Southeast Missouri State University conducted in Cape Girardeau, MO.
Copeland, S., & Bohannon, R. L. (2016, August). Mission RPDC. Regional Professional Development Council conducted in Cape Girardeau, MO.
Bohannon, R.L. & Gunn, S. (2016, July). Integrating technology in an undergraduate teacher preparation program: Tech for you, tech for us, tech for them. Association of Teacher Educators, Hyatt Regency, conducted in Louisville, KY.
Nguyen, N., Gunn, S., Bohannon, R. L., Smith, S. (2016, March). An alternative undergraduate teacher preparation program: A comprehensive one-to-one iPad initiative model. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference conducted in Savannah, GA.
Gunn, S., Sautter, A., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015, October). Making connections between literacy and writing. Kappa Delta Pi International 50th Biennial Convocation conducted in Orlando, FL.
Porter, D., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015, July). Teach a child to read and build a community. International Reading Association conducted in St. Louis, MO.
Bohannon, R. L. (2015, March). The need for professional organizations. Presentation to the Future Teachers of America conducted in Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO.
Mader, C., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015, March). The echo smartpen: Integrating technology into the learning process. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference conducted in Las Vegas, NV.
Gunn, S., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015, February). Can I teach writing?...Are you crazy? Association of Teacher Educators Conference conducted in Phoenix, AZ.
Sautter, A., Gunn, S., & Bohannon, R. L. (2015, February). Advocating literacy with your teacher candidates. Association of Teacher Educators Conference conducted in Phoenix, AZ.