Instructor — Elementary, Early & Special Education
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, Arkansas State University
M.A. in Elementary Educational Administration, Southeast Missouri State University
B.S. in Elementary Education, Southeast Missouri State University
A.A. in Education, Three Rivers College
1990, Elementary Education, Grades 1-8, Career CPC
2010, Principal, Elementary, Grades K-8, Initial Administration
2011, Gifted Education, Grades K-12
Courses Taught
Content Area Literacy
Content Field Experience
Introduction to Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health Techniques
Diversity in America’s Schools
Literacy Field Experience
Family/School collaboration in Early Childhood
Emergent and Early Literacy Instruction
Intermediate and Middle Scholl Literacy
Struggling Reader
Introduction to Education as a Profession
Advanced Field Experience
Early Childhood Student Teaching
Middle School Student Teaching
Elementary Student Teaching
Differentiated Instruction
Classroom Management, Climate, and Learning
Pedagogy: Elementary Instructional Models/Strategies
Introduction to Teaching
Techniques of Teaching Elementary Math
Techniques of Teaching Elementary Science
Techniques of Teaching Elementary Social Studies
Children and the Arts
Theory of Learning and Management
Elementary Field Block II
Elementary Field Block III
Foundations of Reading Techniques
Foundations of Language Arts Techniques
Recent Presentations
Women’s Aware Conference – Mentoring: The Power of Women Helping Women
“ Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth. ”